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Sri Bhagavatpaadaachaaryaa-s contribution to Stotra literature is immense.

The below hymn titled 'namaratna navaratnamaalikaa' is a lilting one.

Acharya skillfully coins words to make an adorable gem studded garland.


.. navaratnamaalikaa ..



kaaraNeshavaramaulikoTiparikalpyamaanapadapiiThikaam .


phaalabhuutilakalochanaa.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..1..



sandhyaraagamadhuraadhaaraabharaNasundaraananashuchismitaam .


indiraaramaNasodarii.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..2..


smerachaarumukhamaNDalaa.m vimalagaNDalambimaNimaNDalaa.m

haaradaamaparishobhamaanakuchabhaarabhiirutanumadhyamaa.m .

viiragarvaharanuupuraa.m vividhakaaraNeshavarapiiThikaa.m

maaravairisahachaariNii.m masasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..3..



vaariraashimaNimekhalaavalayavahnimaNDalashariiriNiim .

vaarisaaravahakuNDalaa.m gaganashekharii.m cha paramaatmikaa.m

chaaruchandravilochanaa.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..4..



tpuNDariikamukhabhedinii.m cha prachaNDabhaanusamujjvalaam .


maNDalaantamaNidiipikaa.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..5..



chaaraNaadisurasundariichikurashekariikR^itapadaambujaam .


vaaraNaantamukhapaaraNaa.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..6..



padmaraagamaNimekhalaavalayaniivishobhitanitambiniim .


padminii.m praNavaruuNii.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..7..



aagamaavayavashobhiniimakhilavedasaarakR^itashekhariim .

muulamantramukhamaNDalaa.m muditanaadabindunavayauvanaa.m

maatR^ikaa.m tripurasundarii.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataa.m ..8..



chuulikaashikharamaalikaavalayamaallikaasurabhisaurabhaam .


kaalikaamakhilanaayikaa.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..9..


nityameva niyamena jalpataa.m

bhuktimuktiphaladaamabhiishhTadaam .

sha.mkareNa rachitaa.m sadaa jape-

nnaamaratnanavaratnamaalikaam ..10..


iti shrimatparamaha.msaparivrajakaachaaryasya

shrigovindabhagavatpuujyapaadashishhyasya .

shrimachchha.mkarabhagavataH kR^itau navaratnamaalikaa sa.mpuurNam ..





Please indicate mistakes in coding.




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I have tried to re-write the shloka in Itrans [and with split

sandhis]; needs to be proof-read and compared with the the original.


>Ravi <msr



>Re: navaratnamaalikaa

>Fri, 12 May 2000 10:38:37 -0500


>Aravind Krishna wrote:


> > Sri Bhagavatpaadaachaaryaa-s contribution to Stotra literature is


> > The below hymn titled 'namaratna navaratnamaalikaa' is a lilting one.

> > Acharya skillfully coins words to make an adorable gem studded garland.





.. navaratnamaalikaa ..




kaaraN-eshavara-mauli-koTi-parikalpyamaana-pada-piiThikaam.h .




phaala-bhuu-tilaka-lochanaaM manasi bhaavayaami para-devataam.h ..1..









> I may be wrong here. From the previous versions of ITRANS based software

>I have used "m" coming before | or || to be a proper halant one has to


>"m.h" , like paradevataam.h other wise it will consider it equivalent to

>paradevataama. The same principle applies to other halants coming in the


>of the word. Like yaavat should be "yaavat.h" otherwise it will take it as



>Please do correct me.


>Aravind thanks for coding this beautiful work. I hope you or some one will

>find time to translate it.










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Ravi wrote,


> I may be wrong here. From the previous versions of ITRANS based software

>I have used "m" coming before | or || to be a proper halant one has to


>"m.h" , like paradevataam.h other wise it will consider it equivalent to

>paradevataama. The same principle applies to other halants coming in the


>of the word. Like yaavat should be "yaavat.h" otherwise it will take it as




I am using ITRANS 5.1 and coding with the help of Omkarashram editor. I

gives me the same result for



(anusvara: .n / M / .m (dot on top of previous consonant/vowel))

Let me know if I have to follow m.h for a halt. I have little knowledge

about ITRANS.


The first line of Navaratnamala should be




instead of 'hara'












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Aravind Krishna wrote:

> Sri Bhagavatpaadaachaaryaa-s contribution to Stotra literature is immense.

> The below hymn titled 'namaratna navaratnamaalikaa' is a lilting one.

> Acharya skillfully coins words to make an adorable gem studded garland.


> . navaratnamaalikaa ..


> haranuupurakiriiTakuNDalavibhuushhitaavayavashobhinii.m

> kaaraNeshavaramaulikoTiparikalpyamaanapadapiiThikaam .

> kaalakaalaphaNipaashabaaNadhanuraN^kushaamaruNamekhalaa.m

> phaalabhuutilakalochanaa.m manasi bhaavayaami paradevataam ..1..






I may be wrong here. From the previous versions of ITRANS based software

I have used "m" coming before | or || to be a proper halant one has to use

"m.h" , like paradevataam.h other wise it will consider it equivalent to

paradevataama. The same principle applies to other halants coming in the end

of the word. Like yaavat should be "yaavat.h" otherwise it will take it as



Please do correct me.


Aravind thanks for coding this beautiful work. I hope you or some one will

find time to translate it.





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My dear brothers,


I have been a member of this list for sometime now,

and have never (other than to introduce myself in the

beginning) posted anything to the list. Please do not

construe that I have no interest since I have not

actively participated.


Being a western born (american/gypsy/irish) convert to

hinduism (since 1984), my knowledge of sanskritam is

far too poor for me to comment on the postings here.

But I want to assure you all that all the lovely

postings here are very much appreciated by me. As my

private study of sanskrit progresses slowly, I find

the material presented here a virtual goldmine of

opportunities to study more - and in the bargain to

study something REALLY worth reading.


I must admit that my sankrit skills are far too poor

to be able to easily translate most of the postings

here with any accuracy, but when translations are made

available, I am rewarded again and again with the most

beautiful and awe-inspiring devotional literature I

have yet to read in my 42 years, whether in my years

as a christian priest (up till 1984) or in my years

since then as a sanathanist.


Also of great inspiration to me is the dedication the

members of this list have shown in going to great

lengths to post (and sometimes translate) the

materials presented in this list.


My special talent as a professional writer (in the

english, spanish, italian and portuguese languages)

has always been to present literature from other

languages in a paraphrased version, rather than

literal translations, which often more accurately

transmit the original MEANING and FEELING of the

translated work. Having recently revisited the

archives, I plan to begin paraphrasing in

english some of the works archived there. I began

just such a project on Saundarya Laharii sometime

back, and hope to take up that project again.


I would like to thank you all for your wonderful

contributions to this list, and ask your forgiveness

for not having participated more actively in the past.

I would also like to invite all of you to visit my

website SIVALOKA (http://www.cul.com/sivaloka) and

would be most pleased to receive your comments and

suggestions, especially in my paraphrases which can be

found in the Shastra section of SIVALOKA.


Once again, my heartfelt regards to all of you.


Dhanyavaad and Nandri!


Hariharan Sivadasa

(formerly Antonino Raul Giuseppe Guagliardo)



--- Ravi <msr wrote:

> Aravind Krishna wrote:


> > Sri Bhagavatpaadaachaaryaa-s contribution to

> Stotra literature is immense.

> > The below hymn titled 'namaratna

> navaratnamaalikaa' is a lilting one.

> > Acharya skillfully coins words to make an adorable

> gem studded garland.

> >

> > . navaratnamaalikaa ..

> >

> >



> >

> kaaraNeshavaramaulikoTiparikalpyamaanapadapiiThikaam

> .

> >



> > phaalabhuutilakalochanaa.m manasi bhaavayaami

> paradevataam ..1..

> >

> >


> namaste


> I may be wrong here. From the previous versions of

> ITRANS based software

> I have used "m" coming before | or || to be a

> proper halant one has to use

> "m.h" , like paradevataam.h other wise it will

> consider it equivalent to

> paradevataama. The same principle applies to other

> halants coming in the end

> of the word. Like yaavat should be "yaavat.h"

> otherwise it will take it as

> yaavata.


> Please do correct me.


> Aravind thanks for coding this beautiful work. I

> hope you or some one will

> find time to translate it.


> Regards,


> Ravi









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Aravind wrote:

> I am using ITRANS 5.1 and coding with the help of Omkarashram editor. I

> gives me the same result for

> paradevataam.h

> paradevataam


Yes, it indeed gives the same result. Still the standard is to write .h for

halant. If you use ITRANS software you can opt whether a consonant ending

without .h becomes a full consonant or gets a halant. That is because in

Hindi short a-s at the end of a word are not pronounced, still the consonant

is written full.


Om Om Om


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