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shakti peeThams

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namaste ,

i am sending a list of shakti peetams as described in the

Devi giita.

any corrections and clarifications are welcome.




In the Devi giita .

while mentioning the qualities of her devotees Devi speaks to himaavaan as



"matsthaana darshane shraddhaa madbhakta darshane tathaa

macchaastra shravane shraddhaa mantratantradishhu prabho "


shlokaa 19 in 6 th chapter

a rough translation goes like this

Taking delight or showing interest in having darshan of Devi at various

shakti peethaas, being interested in hearing various literature related to

shrii maata, and showing interest in various mantras and tantras related to

ambaal are also described as some qualities of devi bhaktaas along with many

other qualities which were described in preceding and succeeding shlokaas.


In next chapter SHE gives the details of her various places of

manifestation as given below


1) Kolhapuri - lakshmi sthaanaM

2) maatru puram -- where the presiding deity is renuka sakti

3) tulijaapuram -- which is the place of hingulaa devi

4) sapta sR^i~Nga mahaa kshetram -- jvaalaamukhii devi

5) shaakambarii devi sthaanam

6) bhraamarii devi sthaanam --- may be shriishailam

7) raktadantikaa devi sthaanam

8) durgaamabaa devi sthaanam

9) vindhyaachala sthaanam ---this sthaanam is described as

sarvottamottamam(best of the best)

10) annapuurNaa mahaa sthaanam --- kaanchipuram

11) bhiimaa devi sthaanam

12) vimalaadevi sthaanam

13) shrii chandralaa devi mahaa kshetram ---- karnataka

14) koushikii devi sthaanam

15) niilaambaa sthaanam -- on the top of niila parvata

16) jambhuunadesvarii sthaanam -- shrii nagaram

17) guhyakaali devi sthaanam -- nepal

18) miinaakshhii devi sthaanam (or ) haalaasya kshetram -- chidambaram kshetram

19) vedaaraNyam -- where sundari devi resides

20) ekaambara sthaanam ( it is near a place called purushhottama kshetra with

deity as shrii bhuvaneshvari) also (it means that paraashakti bhuvaneshvari

herself did the pratishhTa and she herself resides there)

21) mahaalasaa devi sthaanam --- a place called mallaari sthaanam in south

22) yogiishvarii sthaanam -- in p(v)araaTa desa

23) niila sarasvati sthaanam -- in chiina desa (may be china)

24) bagaala devi sthaanam --in vaidyannath

25) maNi dviipam -- as bhuvaneshvari sthaanam

26) tripura bhairavii sthaanam -- in kaamaakhyaa

it is said that that the whole land in this place itself is devi svaroopam.

she also says that there is no greater place than this.also shreshhTa(uttama)

devataas live around the sorrounding mountains .

27) gaayatrii sthaanam -- pushkara kshetram

28) chanDikaa devi --- in amaresha kshetram

29) pushhkarekshaNii devi -- in prabhhasa kshetram

30) lingadhaariNii -- in naimishaaraNyaa

31) puruhuutaa devi -- in pushhkaraaksha kshetram ----another version says

"piiThikaayaam puruhuutikaa " which means she is puruhuutikaa in piiThikaapuram

(may be present day piThaapuram 15 km from kakinada(A.P)

32) ratii devi -- in aashhaDa kshetram

33) danDiNii parameshvarii devi --in chanDamunDii mahaasthaanam

34) bhuuti devi --in bhaavabhuuti kshetram

35) nakuleshvarii -- in naakula kshetram

36) chandrikaa devi -- harishchandra kshetram

37) shaankarii devi -- in shrii giri kshetram

38) trishuulaa devi ---in japyeshvara kshetram

39) suukshmaa devi --in aamraatakeshvara sthaanam

40) shaankarii -- in ujjainii some versions read mahakaali instead

41) sharvaaNii -- in madhyameshvara sthaanam

42) maarga daayinii -- in kedaareshvara mahaa kshetram

43) bhairavii -- in bhairava sthaanam

44) mangalaa devi -- in gayaa

45) sthaaNupriyaa--in kurukshetram

46) svaayambhuvii -- in nakula kshetram

47) ugraa devi -- in kanakhala kshetram

48) vishveshaa devi -- in vimaleshvara kshetram

49) mahaanandaa devi -- in aTTahaasa kshetram

50) mahaantakaa devi -- in mahendra parvatam

51) bhiimeshvarii -- in bhiimasthaanam

52) bhavaani shaankari devi -- in vastraapada kshetram

53) rudraaNi -- in arthakoTi sthaanam

54) vishaalaakshi --in kaashii

55) mahaabhaagaa -- in mahaalaya tiirtham

56) bhadra karNii -- in gokarNa kshetram

57) bhadraa devi -- in bhadrakarNa sthaanam

58) utpalaakshi--in suvarNaakhyaa sthaanam

59) sthaaNviishaa devi --in sthaaNu tiirtham

60) kamalaa devi -- in kamalaalaya sthaanam

61) prachanDaa devi -- in chhalaganDa sthaanam(it is somewhere on the sea coast

in south india)

62) trisandhyaa devi --in kuranDala kshetram

63) makuTeshvarii devi --in maakoTa sthaanam

64) shaanDakii devii --- in manDalesha sthaanam

65) kaali devi -- in kaalanjara kshetram

66) dhvani devi -- in shanku karNa tiirtham

67) sthuulaa devi --- in stuulakeshvara sthaanam

the final and intersting sthaanam is


" praaNa shakti devi with the

naama hR^illekhaa devi --in the

lotus hearts(hR^idayaabhoje) of GYaaniis"


The above was just a translation of the meaning given in my text(telugu) .

But i see a little confusion in the description of devataas and locations.


in the yaamala tantra in bhuvaneshvarii rahasyaa the meaning of

hR^illekha is given as follows.


"hR^idilekheva jaagarti praaNashaktiriyam paraa

hR^illekhaakathyate tasmaat.h"


I request some learned member of our group to explain its meaning.

I also want to know if these places are held by shaaktaas in

the same position

as sri vaishnavaas do their divya desams





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Harih Om,


I'm sorry for this extemely delayed reference. I had this posting lying with

me and overseen it. It has finally found its way to the Ambaal site now, and

I have an answer to a question by Satish here. He wanted to know the meaning

of this:


"hR^idilekheva jaagarti praaNashaktiriyam paraa hR^illekhaakathyate



hR^illekhaa refers to the biija mantra hriim. The above is an explanation,

saying, since She is the praaNashati that rises in a line from the heart

Paraa, the Supreme, is called hR^illekhaa.

the final piiTham on the list of Devi Gita is thus the heart lotus of the

Gyani, in which She resides as praaNashakti, which is hriim.

In fact She resides in all hearts as the Life of our life.


Om Om Om



Ps: Satish, I have added your posting on Saptashati to the page on answers

to common questions. Kindly have a look whether the presentation suits you.

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shrii vishvaruupaa ji namaste ,


thank you very much about the explanation of hrilleka and clarifying my



the presentation of the question and answers is very nice. thank you for

making it into webpage for the benefit of all.


with regards


please dont worry about the delay.




On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:55:57

Lotus wrote:

>Harih Om,


>I'm sorry for this extemely delayed reference. I had this posting lying with

>me and overseen it. It has finally found its way to the Ambaal site now, and

>I have an answer to a question by Satish here. He wanted to know the meaning

>of this:


>"hR^idilekheva jaagarti praaNashaktiriyam paraa hR^illekhaakathyate



>hR^illekhaa refers to the biija mantra hriim. The above is an explanation,

>saying, since She is the praaNashati that rises in a line from the heart

>Paraa, the Supreme, is called hR^illekhaa.

>the final piiTham on the list of Devi Gita is thus the heart lotus of the

>Gyani, in which She resides as praaNashakti, which is hriim.

>In fact She resides in all hearts as the Life of our life.


>Om Om Om



>Ps: Satish, I have added your posting on Saptashati to the page on answers

>to common questions. Kindly have a look whether the presentation suits you.





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