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Tantra has been desrcibed as a part of shruthi and its efficacy cannot be

doubted at all. however the fact remains that vedic rituals are easier.


The bhagavatha puraanam, says that


Shruthir dwividou prokthaha

taantriki vaidiki chaethi....


Tantra is defined as tam trayate ysmaath tantrethi prakeerthithaha.


When people define shatrus as being external and internal i am in conformity

with them, as the parashurama kalpla sutras say


antarbahicha ari prayanthe

vidwatjannaha antarari nirmoolayanthe etc.....





miinaaxii tanaya


Friday, August 04, 2000 3:16 AM




In the context of mahAkALi vairi naashana kavacha, Ganesh remarked that

it is a xudra prayoga. I have not read that text, in general, I am

wary of tantric works. But in a general context, the prayoga can be

kshudra or uttama depending on the devotee's attitude.


Take mahAlaxmi ashhTakam for instance, below I quote the relevant

verses from the Jaguar site. This is a text I had committed to memory

long ago.

But I never paid that much importance to phala shruti. But once in

while I used wonder why,



ekakAle paThennityaM mahApApavinAshanam.h .

dvikAla.n yaH paThennitya.n dhanadhAnyasamanvitaH ..



trikAlaM yaH paThennityaM mahAshatruvinAshanam.h .

mahAlakshmiirbhavennityaM prasanna varadA shubhA ..


after reading thrice all that happens is destruction of one's enemies

(mahaa shatru vinaashanam). Is it not mean? Prof. Murthy wrote his

insight on this few years back in Advaita-L. Which makes it wonderfully

uttama. The enemies mentioned here are the kAma, krodha, lobha, moha,

mada, and mAtsarya. The six deadly ones. One can say kAma is worst of

all, as krodha is a reaction to unfulfilled kAma. They torment us even

after we say


kAmonakArshin namo namaH | kamonakarishit kamaH karoti nAham karomi

kamaH karta naaham karta kaamaH kaarayita naaham kaarayita eshha te

kaama kaamaaya svaaha ||


and so on. Here (in the ashhTakam) the devotee is praying to God to

destroy the six deadly enemies who spring from the dark avidya and

torments the devotees.


With this reading of mahAshatru vinaashanam, whole things become

supremely beautiful prayer (Thanks to Murthy_garu for his wonderful



I guess there must be some scope in the mahAkALi vairi nashana kavacha

for a postive interpretation as well. However, till one develops

enormous purity and knowledge, it is safe to stay away from tantra.

That is my feeling.



Ganesh, a very knowledgeable person like you should write more often to

the list. We all will be benefited.





ambaaL daasan


sharaNaagata raxakii nivEyani

sadaa ninnu nammiti miinaaxii



Kick off your party with Invites.








AUM shrImAtre namaH

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shrii lalitaaparameshvarii tiruvaDigale sharanam.



>The bhagavatha puraanam, says that


>Shruthir dwividou prokthaha

>taantriki vaidiki chaethi....



Ganesh ji , i like to know whether this this statement is from the devi

bhaagavatam or the vaishnava bhaagavatam. does any other purana has any

statements like this , especially in the so called vaishnava puraanaas.

>Tantra is defined as tam trayate ysmaath tantrethi prakeerthithaha.


thank you very much for the defnition.


shrii baalaaparameshvarii tiruvaDigale sharanam.


with regards and namaste to all





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The Vaishnava Bhagavatham, says this.


kumar anand

Friday, August 04, 2000 10:24 PM






shrii lalitaaparameshvarii tiruvaDigale sharanam.



>The bhagavatha puraanam, says that


>Shruthir dwividou prokthaha

>taantriki vaidiki chaethi....



Ganesh ji , i like to know whether this this statement is from the devi

bhaagavatam or the vaishnava bhaagavatam. does any other purana has any

statements like this , especially in the so called vaishnava puraanaas.

>Tantra is defined as tam trayate ysmaath tantrethi prakeerthithaha.


thank you very much for the defnition.


shrii baalaaparameshvarii tiruvaDigale sharanam.


with regards and namaste to all





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AUM shrImAtre namaH

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kumar anand

Friday, August 04, 2000 10:24 PM






shrii lalitaaparameshvarii tiruvaDigale sharanam.



>The bhagavatha puraanam, says that


>Shruthir dwividou prokthaha

>taantriki vaidiki chaethi....



Ganesh ji , i like to know whether this this statement is from the devi

bhaagavatam or the vaishnava bhaagavatam. does any other purana has any

statements like this , especially in the so called vaishnava puraanaas.







>Tantra is defined as tam trayate ysmaath tantrethi prakeerthithaha.


thank you very much for the defnition.


shrii baalaaparameshvarii tiruvaDigale sharanam.


with regards and namaste to all





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AUM shrImAtre namaH

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I am not going to debate whether it is Himsa or Ahimsa here, but I know they

are there --- proyogas are very much possible.


I see a historical point of view for these proyogas. In the earlier days

where monarchies are in place, we used to be ruled by good kings and bad

kings. Though the good kings are peace lovers, they used to get disturbed

by the invasion of bad kings. They had to fight otherwise the peaceful

citizens get disturbed by the war! So they identified a psychological

warfare, which is tantra. Using which one can cause enormous pain to the

people who are with bad intents.


"yOsmAndvEshTi taMvO jaMbhE dadhAmi" (Sri rudra namakam) means: "I offer the

people, who hate me, unto your mighty jaws (so that you can eat them!)."


Prayogas are of two types Agneya vidyas, and maraka vidyas. Through agni

you can initiate them and through other means also you can initiate them.

But they are supposed to be used by only PurascaraNa siddha. (who has

practiced enough). While I was writing my commentary book on Satarudriyam

(published by chinmaya mission), I came across many books which talk about

prayogabhaga (tantric application part) of Srirudra. The puscaraNa siddha

is supposed to use them ONLY, strictly on only for peaceful purposes. If

you feel that the society is genuinely threatened, then you have an

obligatory responsibility to protect the society in which ever way is

possible to you. Vishwamitra did this and many other great seers have done



I have written a separate book which describes how to become purascaraNa

siddha for each prayOga, but then I choose to withhold from publishing such

a book, because I am afraid it may be used for wrong means... I drew my

ideas mainly from Acharya Bhatta Bhaskara and Sayana. Also the following

book is very important in terms of AgneyaprayOgas (through fire):


Vidyarnava tantram

Prachya Prakashan

PostBox No: 203

Varanasi 53252


With the permission of our my teacher, we have conducted certain prayogas

such as "varunasthambhana" (atharvanaveda) in order to stop the unnecessary

rain, which is causing severe floods.


At one point of time, one of our ashrams were targetted very much by the

decoits, inmates were being beaten up very badly.. Because these attacks

were repeatedly happening, my teacher (H.H. Swamini Saradapriyananda, who

attained mahasamadhi on April 17th of this year) called me from Bombay (I

was working in Bombay those days). She told me that some thing needs to be

done and she wanted me to stop them so that people who are coming to the

ashram will not get terrified. Then, with the help of other brahmacharis,

(now Swamy Jnanananda) I have performed a tantra prayoga called "cOra

Stambhana", the tantric part is conducted using the 3rd anuvaka mantras of



The very same day --- One of the thiefs who stole the valuables from the

inmates of the ashram, turned up at the ashram while I was offering the

Purnahuti (finishing part of the yagna). He confessed the crime and

voluntarily offered himself to the police, but he was pardoned by my

teacher. A week after the yagna is performed, allt the other decoits who

caused pain to the ashramites, related to another decoity, started

surrendering to the police.


The validation of the proyoga is done from those decoit's experiences. Some

of them complained that they are getting nightmares, a very tall black man

with blood stained mouth is trying to punish them, he is asking them to

surrender to the authorities (I know him as Sri Mahakala Rudra). They can't

eat and what ever they eat it gets thrown out. They vomit becuase of the

rudras who go in to the stomach in the form of food and turn poisionous, "yO

rudrou yEshAM annam ishavaH"... I bow to the rudras who use the food as the

arrow in order to inflict enormous pain!.


Some of those decoits were from the boarders of the state. They planned to

attack the ashram, because it is in a remote area, they came in a car and

beaten badly most of the brahmacharis. But they could not get much to their

loot because there are no valuables in the ashram. By the way, all most 8

years passed by after performing the prayoga, there was never again such

theft incidents took place in the ashram. I mentioned this incident to let

you know that these things are still existing but can be used effectively,

that too *only* for peaceful purposes. You know there is a prayoga --- if

performed before commensing the construction of a new home, then that home

will never face any fire accident!...




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