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Sri Lalita Trishati Bhashyam

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I recently came to know that Sri Ravi Mayavaram has posted the

entire Lalita Trishati with Sri Adi Sankara's Bhashyam on the

advaita mailing list (starting April 98) My sincere thanks to

him for this immense contribution. With his permission, I would

like to fwd those messages to the ambal list. The "Sanskrit texts

with Translations and Commentaries" section on the ambal page has

the first name with the Sankara Bhashyam, and i would like to start

with 're-posting' it (in my next email)


I am fwding portions of Sri Gummuluru Murthy's post on the advaita

list re. the Trishati.



" In my view, ShrI LalitA trishatI is one of the greatest stotrAs.

While every line in the stotrA is full of deep insight, there are a

few which always are on my tongue. They are


.... LalitA preritenaiva mayoktam stotramuttamam


It is only at Shri LalitA's command and grace that I chant this

superior stotrA


.... bhave chittasya paryAptirnUna manyAnapekshiNI


(by chanting this stotrA), the heart would be peaceful and would

not desire anything else.


.... asyA nAmnAm trishatyAstu mahimA kena varNyate


how can anyone describe the greatness of this trishatI nAma ?

(only Shri Shankara was able to do it through His bhAshhya)"





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--- Sridhar - Seshagiri <seshagir wrote:

> Namaskarams,


> I recently came to know that Sri Ravi Mayavaram has posted the

> entire Lalita Trishati with Sri Adi Sankara's Bhashyam on the

> advaita mailing list (starting April 98)


I posted only 170 names (130 more or remaining). After finishing 160 or

so I managed to buy the 5th volume of shankara's collected works which

had the original in Sanskrit. So I have began the whole thing again

with Sanskrit and my translation based on that. What I posted on

Advaita-L greatly relied on C. Suryanaryana Murthy' book. Even though I

am referring it now. I am trying to use it to the minimum. This way I

get to almost (locally) memorize the sanskrit text. It is so beautiful

doing that.


I did post the first name here




And from last weekend I am working on kalyaaNii, the 2nd name. Another

thing is what I posted in Advaita-L may not stand stringent test of

copyright. But what I am posting here is different and it will.


Sridhar, you can go ahead and post what I posted in Advaita-L, as I am

going to focus more on Ananda saagara stavaH now and I will be very

slow in posting the names of trishati with Sanskrit original. In fact

it is good to read certain things over and over again. By that we all

stand to gain.





ambaaL daasan


sharaNaagata raxakii nivEyani

sadaa ninnu nammiti miinaaxii





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