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muuka pa~nchashati

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> shiva shiva pashyanti sama.n shrIkAmAkshIkaTAkshitAH.apuruShAH .

^^^ ^^^

> vipina.n bhavanamamitra.n mitra.n loShTa.n cha yuvatibimboShTham .. 48 ..


Is it ksh or kSh? These days I prefer a faster "x". Also is there

".a" in kaTaxitaaH puruShaH ? ( I will check this at home). One

thing that will be very conveninient for those who read in

English is mitra.m instead of mitra.n, where we have ".m" sound

if that is used it is easier to read, like mitra.m, vipina.m,



I remember this verse, as Acharya refers to this in the

SrImukha.m. It says that those who have the kaTaaxa.m of

kaamaaxi, look at forest and home as same; friend and enemy in

the same way; and does not get attracted by the beautiful lips of

women, and look at it as if they will look at a shell, what a



Here the poet uses "shiva shiva" like Tamil "enna aacharyam"

(what a wonder). This a surprising nice usage. Contrary to that

the current usage is in an apologetic note, such as, if someone

says something bad, people may shut the ears and say shiva shiva

(especially in Tamil Nadu), as if calling out God for help or

forgivance. If you are native Tamil speaker you will understand

what I am trying to say.


Sridhar, Thank you very much for posting this series. Dont worry

about the typographical errors. I make them hundred times more

frequently than you.






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, "Ravisankar S. Mayavaram" <msr@c...>


> >

> > shiva shiva pashyanti sama.n shrIkAmAkshIkaTAkshitAH.apuruShAH .

> ^^^ ^^^

> > vipina.n bhavanamamitra.n mitra.n loShTa.n cha yuvatibimboShTham

... 48 ..


> Is it ksh or kSh? These days I prefer a faster "x". Also is there

> ".a" in kaTaxitaaH puruShaH ? ( I will check this at home). One




Dear Ravi,


Thanks for pointing out the error. I have been using "ksh" all

along and it works fine when I view the postscript output, but

i just verified that the ITRANS scheme uses "kSh" or "x". I

have made this correction. I will 'repost' the corrected verses

shortly. Also, there is no ".a" in the verse, it should be

just kaTAkShitAH (not ksh :-) puruShAH. I am very thankful

to you for catching these errors. I also realize that though

the text that i have sent says "shrImat chandrashekharendra

sarasvatI shrIpAdAnA.n shrImukhena samadbhAsitA", I am yet

to send the shrImukham, I will post this as soon as I can.

Thanks also for posting the translations for verses from the

abhiraami andaadhi. Many thanks also to Sri Aravind Krishna

for his note on the nArAyaNistuti. I tried reading this and

the first thing I noticed was that the sole verse that my

mother taught me (whose meaning i had requested the group

members to help me with earlier) is part of this stuti. Best

wishes to everyone for a blessed Navaratri..




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Om Shridharji,


In ITRANS you can actually type in diverse ways. Correctly, yes, since kSha

is always with a Sha and cannot be with sha, it should be kSha. But ITRANs

also accepts ksha with the proper result. In total you have 6 possibilities:

xa, kshha, kSa, kSha, ksha and kZa :-) all of them produce the same result.





> Sridhar Seshagiri [seshagir]

> woensdag, 4 oktober 2000 04:46


> Re: muuka pa~nchashati



> , "Ravisankar S. Mayavaram" <msr@c...>

> wrote:


> > >

> > > shiva shiva pashyanti sama.n shrIkAmAkshIkaTAkshitAH.apuruShAH .

> > ^^^ ^^^

> > > vipina.n bhavanamamitra.n mitra.n loShTa.n cha yuvatibimboShTham

> .. 48 ..

> >

> > Is it ksh or kSh? These days I prefer a faster "x". Also is there

> > ".a" in kaTaxitaaH puruShaH ? ( I will check this at home). One




> Dear Ravi,


> Thanks for pointing out the error. I have been using "ksh" all

> along and it works fine when I view the postscript output, but

> i just verified that the ITRANS scheme uses "kSh" or "x". I

> have made this correction. I will 'repost' the corrected verses

> shortly. Also, there is no ".a" in the verse, it should be

> just kaTAkShitAH (not ksh :-) puruShAH. I am very thankful

> to you for catching these errors. I also realize that though

> the text that i have sent says "shrImat chandrashekharendra

> sarasvatI shrIpAdAnA.n shrImukhena samadbhAsitA", I am yet

> to send the shrImukham, I will post this as soon as I can.

> Thanks also for posting the translations for verses from the

> abhiraami andaadhi. Many thanks also to Sri Aravind Krishna

> for his note on the nArAyaNistuti. I tried reading this and

> the first thing I noticed was that the sole verse that my

> mother taught me (whose meaning i had requested the group

> members to help me with earlier) is part of this stuti. Best

> wishes to everyone for a blessed Navaratri..


> Regards,

> Sridhar.



> AUM shrImAtre namaH


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