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Sri Lalita Trishati (33. ekarasA)

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|| AUM mahAgaNapataye namaH ||

|| AUM shrI sha.karAchAryavaryAya namaH ||

|| AUM shrImAtre namaH ||


33. ekarasA

She who is bliss.


"eka" means undifferentiated and "rasa" means bliss. SHE is the

undifferentiated bliss. "rasaM hyevAyaM labdhvAna.ndI bhavatI"

[taittirIyopaniShad 2-7-1]- "having possessesed bliss alone, HE



Among the navarasa, shR^ingAra (love) is the most important.

SHE is that.


"eka" means parameshvara. SHE is the object of intense love of

parameshvara. Or SHE loves HIM intensely, as HE is HER husband.


"rasa" means sweetness which is agreeable to sAttvIkAH. As SHE

is Awareness limited by mAyA and primarily sAttvic, SHE likes

sweetness. "rasyAH snigdhA sthirAhR^idyA AhAraH sAttvikAH priyAH"

- 'sweet, oily and delicious foods are agreeable to sAttvikas".


AUM ekarasAyai namaH

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