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Sri Lalita Trishati (55. IshatANDavasAkShiNI)

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|| AUM mahAgaNapataye namaH ||

|| AUM shrI sha.karAchAryavaryAya namaH ||

|| AUM shrImAtre namaH ||


55. IshatANDavasAkShiNI

She who witnesses the the dance of Ishvara.


Here Isha means tat in tattvam. That is the brahman. tANdava is like a

effortless play-like dance. The term "IshatANDava" signifies acts like

creation etc., as the term tANDava implies movement. SHE is a witness

of these acts. SHE is the uninvolved illumation of these acts. "asa~Ngo

nahi sajjate" [bR^ihadAraNyaka upanishad 6-6-15] - Uninvolved, HE has no



This name can also mean that SHE witnesses the 64 arts implied by the

term "IshatANDava". These are acts like dance and acting of parameshvara.

nartAnadi pareShasya chatuH ShaShTi kalAjaniH. The 64 arts emanated

from the dance of parameshvara. This IshatANDava nartana is clearly

explained in the pradoShastotra.


AUM IshatANDavasAkShiNyai namaH

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