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self and non-self

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Gopal G wrote:


> (please relate to lunar side-right hemisphere-of the brain). And Shri Matha

> is the one half of Ardhanarreswara occupying the right side of Shiva;


ambaaL is on the left side of the Lord and not on the right side. There are

many, many references to it.





As an aside you must also consider well documented research with experimental

evidence that left half the brain controls the right side of the body and the

right half controls the left side. It is very interesting to not the different

functions of left and right half of the brain.







shrIvidye shiva vAma bhAga nilaye shrIrAjarAjArchite

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Namasthe Scientists say that when sound waves @less than 8 cycles per second

reach the brain

There is a transformation in the individual. Does it not indicate the

interconnection, there is nothing in the world or universe which is not divine.

It is awareness of that

Divinity at all times without break showers happiness thus releasing from the


World. Any correction is welcome krishnamoorthy

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Every aspirant in the spiritual field does some sort of meditation, yoga, japa

etc.... This is primarily to contol the mind and get jnanam.

The understanding that parameshwari is the universe, manifesting herself in

every object and being on earth.


A supplementary grantha to Advaitha siddhi says..


Vaakyardhena pravakshyami Yad uktham grantha kotibihi

Jaganmithyam brahmasatyam jivoobrahmaiva naa paraha.


"I shall tell in halfa sentence what has been told in crores of books, the world

is a myth and god alone is the truth, and this soul is nothing but a part of

that god."


This knowledge being the essence of all sadhana, is attained in a painfully slow



The metabolic rate of a yogi is different because of yoga, which is termed by

patanjali as




Yoga is cessation of the activities of the mind.


Praanayama, regulates breathing processes and sets in a rhythm in the body which

is higher than the natural rhythm of the body.

A rhythm which creates a suitable environment and condition for the brain to

achieve and think laterally.


Japa and mantras , in turn are but sound forms which are termed in sanskrit as

madhyama , vaikhari etc..

Corresponding with physics it is vibrated and unvibrated forms of sound waves.


Sound waves, in turn generate a vibration, affecting certain naadis (each mantra

is hence designed for a particular task) and producing chemical reaction after

affecting the pitutary glands of the body.

At a given point of time, we have to make decisions in life, sometimes maybe one

out of two or may be more options. These chemicals in the body trigger

particular spots in the cerebrum, cerebellum or the medulla oblongata (the 3

parts of the brain) corresponding to that decision process and influences our

judgements. This action inturn by our body is the direct outcome of the mantra

shastra as per the vedas.


Note that even mantras and bijaksharas are classified into male, female and

neuter gender, thus acting strongly on the centres of the brains (which are

regarded as male female and neuter for example).


Putting it illustratively, when we do, say swarnakarshana bhairava manta, which

is for securing wealth, the kuhu naadi is activated in the body , giving one a

more calculated approach in life and thus increasing chances of securing wealth.

It may be by acting individually at a particular moment or through the discharge

of certain subtle vibrations which attracts people mentally, thus getting wealth

or money.


Furthering this, the maha ganapathi mantra, which is used for Vighna nasha or

removing obstacles produces certain subtle vibrations (para) which attracts the

source of the obstacle and removes the obstacle. For example, i need clearance

from an officer regarding some matter, if the mantra is recited in the way it

has to be, the officer will act favourably towards me and not detrimental to me.

(personal experience : I procured a tourist visa to Australia after it ws

rejected because of my age on an appeal and with help from maha ganapathi,

despite the fact that there was a law enacted to that effect, barring certain

age groups from getting a TOURIST VISA)


This is the subtle effect of mantras.


Coming to the gross changes in the body...

Chemical reactions in the body creates certain behaviour in people.

There is a discharge from plavini, hastijihva and granthi moola at the brain,

which effects the harmone producing glands in the body.


A direct reaction of hastijihva is cessation of hunger, kuhu is cessation of

sexual energy, and granthi moola is cessation of thought processes in



Some other naadis like payasvini, produce the moolarasa, this putting it in

medical terms is the conversion of seminal fluids into ojas or protein strings.

This opens the mooladhara and loosensthe three granthis in the body, feciliating

kundalini to rise above.This clearly explains the reason for Brahmacharya in

spiritual processes.


The imbalance of praanayama, wrong udatta or anudatta (intonations in the

mantras), improper uchharana or utterings, causes a few other naadis like asura

shoolini, agnijihva etc to be activated producing mental imbalance, stress,

physical problems and mainly lack of concentration. This may also lead to

schizophrenic situations and may cause a sober person to become sexually



Understanding that there are more than 72000 naadis or nerve centres in the body

will be of somehelp in getting a grasp of howmuch energy is affected or

effected.This necessiates a proper guru well versed in antaryaga and kundalini

yoga, not just the chakras but the whole horde of other things associated with



Students of medicine will be aware that a childs skull closes itself completely

at around 7-8 years. For information to others, the skull of a child is open

partly and closes itself over years with growth.

Sharada tilaka and othr tantra books, explain this process of jiva entering a

body in the womb and leaving it too. Note that the praana escapes thro the

brahmarandhra or the back of the skull in case of advanced aspirants .( on death

a sanyais skull is broken with a coconut and jaggery to signify the assent of

praana thro brahmarandhra, indicating his state of advancement. The lamas to go

through a small surgical experience after being made a lama - guhya samaja

tantra.) This indicates that science is a part of spirituality.



I have written a few details of what i know and practice, if i am wrong

somewhere please correct me.







Gopal G

Friday, January 19, 2001 11:26 AM

Self and non-self



To all the learned members of the list:


I write this mail with lots of apprehension.If this turn out to to out of

place or sorts, kindly chide me gently...

Our shasthras say left part of our brain is 'solar',masculine and rational;

right side is lunar, feminine and irrational or intuitive. Correspondingly

right eye is the seat of 'sun' while left is considered to be that of

'moon' as the naadis or nerves cross at the forehead or biologically, optic



This week, top journal of scientific research called 'Naure' has published a

paper-report of peer reviewed, authentic, original scientific work- in which

a group in US has found that sense of I or self is located in humans ON THE

RIGHT SIDE OF THE BRAIN or " it is conceivable that a right-hemisphere

network gives rise to self-awareness which may be a hallmark of higher-order

consciousness" ( with in quotes their exact wordings). If any body wants i

can post the actual commentary on this work (more in lay man's terms) or

people can go to www.nature.com to read this commentary (detailed report

needs access to the website). They have found acute activity in the right

side of the brain alone when the subjects tried to identify their selves

(pictures, facial 'cuts' etc)in different ways,test. They have found

similar activities only in higher apes - chimps, orangutans other than

humans (irrespective of sex).


My poor background -incomplete, impractical, random and non-streamlined- in

shastras has given me an impression that when a sadhak does japa like

gayathri, his left side of the brain is activated and if he or she follows

the path of shri vidya and other sadhanas, right side. And, adding to that

Shri Maatha isdescribed to present Herself in the form of vision of Moon

(please relate to lunar side-right hemisphere-of the brain). And Shri Matha

is the one half of Ardhanarreswara occupying the right side of Shiva; Chara

shastra differentiates the exhaling breath's quality based on the left and

right nostrils.

And list goes on and on.


My stupid set of questions is: is the recent observation (there are

preceding reports for many decades) in biology any way relatable to what our

shastras(of different schools) say?self-awareness based on a biological

organ and in spiritual dimension : how are they interconnected? sadhaks of

different facets- have they felt changes or extreme sensations, differences

in their perceptions or localised brain activities when they are intensely

into sadhana? how did this divine coincidence took place centuries back-

right side of hte brain and Shri Matha's features etc.?are theremore truths

that could be revealed by tapasvins, yogis and Blessed children of the

Mother belonging to the list so that novices and illiterates like me can

benefit and enthused?


Sorry to have made this long. I request again your kind opinions on this






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