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a~NgayaRkaNNi anthaathi - 5

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uNTu e^nbavarkku uNTu, ilai e^nbavarkkum uRuthitharum

viNTu uNTiTa aTa~NgaathavaLaagi viya^n ulagum

aNTa~NgaL aththa^naiyum puranthu aaLki^nRa a~NkayaRkaN

paNtha~Nku me^nmozip paavaiyaip paaTumi^n paavalarE .. 5 ..


Ye poets! sings the glories of mInAxI, whose words are soft and

melodious; who is ever there for those who trust in HER and even

for those who do not believe, who is indeed their support; who

bears and rules the universe and SHE who does not subside after

their dissolution.


paN tha~Nku men mozhip pAvai -


paN - ragA, melody

men - menmai - soft

pAvai - lady

mozhi - language or words


lady whose words are soft, sweet and melodious


unTiTa - to eat

viNDu - to break (especially before eating)

aTa~NgAtavaL - one who does not come under control


This term is complex. It literally means SHE who will not come

under control when one tries to break and eat (HER). This is a

metaphor. So one has to interpret it. It can mean:


a) When shiva literally breaks up this universe and eats it up

in destruction (yuga praLayam), SHE still remains. That is,

nothing happens to HER. Rest all (brahma viShNu etc) disappear.

This is the interpretation assumed in the above translation.


It can also mean :


b) SHE is who cannot be exhausted (by both enemies and seekers).


1. Enemies because SHE is mighty. Recall that as queen of the

pANDya kingdom, SHE could not be vanquished or defeated by enemies.


2. Seekers because, SHE is deeper than the deepest, and inexhaustible

bliss. One cannot dive deep and understand HER fully. SHE is never

ending and inexhaustible in HER bliss and also variety (in HER mAyA).


I think, the author in the verse, has given priority to poetic

structure over devotion itself. I would feel, it is better to

compromise on poetry and retain the devotion.



(*) The above translation and notes are due to Shri Ravi Mayavaram

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