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shrImUkapa~nchashatI (2.41 - 2.42)

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I have decided to resume posting, even though i cannot

completely verify the transliteration (I now use the jtrans

link to "partially" verify this.. some things like ~n and

kSha don't seem to work on the jtrans link). Please point

out any errors in transliteration.





... shrIkAraNaparachidrUpAyai namaH ..


prachaNDArtikShobhapramathanakR^ite prAtibhasari\-

tpravAhaproddaNDIkaraNajaladAya praNamatAm .

pradIpAya prauDhe bhavatamasi kAmAkShi charaNa\-

prasAdaunmukhyAya spR^ihayati jano.aya.n janani te .. 41 ..


marudbhiH sa.nsevyA satatamapi chA~nchalyarahitA

sadAruNya.n yAntI pariNatidaridrANasuShamA .


pravAla.n kAmAkShyAH parihasati pAdAbjayugalI .. 42 ..

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