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# naerpimcagaa raadaTae ?# -- How about teaching ?

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naerpimcagaaraadaTae !






nilucunnaavani needukootu gRhamun nimDaara taejammutoe

koluvan jaerucu poolu pamDla niDucun ,kurceeni coopimcinaa

teliyan jaalaka prastutimcu vidhamun ,deenammugaa jooDagaa

palikimcaeviTa vaegavaega tanayan bhaavammu pomgimcucun..




ennaDu naervalaedanucu aevidhamainavi keertanambulan

kannula neeru nimpi,ninugaamceDi suprabha jooci navvucun

cinnaga caerci hastamunu, Seershamu painanu numca noekshaNam

vinnadanambu jaarukona , vaegame pomgenu palkulaagakan..




caduvaka poeyinan dharanu samskRtamaemiyu caeya stoetramul

caduvula talli deevananu saagenu padyamu stoetra paaThamai

hRdayamu numDi velvaDucu ennaDu talvani reetiloeniTan

padamule poolugaa niDucu bhaashala talliki pooja jaeyagan


Saardoola vikreeDitamu


ennoe reetula poolatoe tagu vidhin ee biDDa poojimpagaa

ennoe reetula saagajaesi palukun aevaevo vRttammulan

kanneeTin tuDicaesi ceera ceragun, kaidamDagaa nilvagaa

ninnae naamadi nilpukomcu niratam neepoojalae jaesedan




upacaarammulu caalaboevu anucun uTTuTTi koepammutoe

apuroopammagu kaalamamta niTulan vyarthammu gaavimcucun

aparaadhammula naevo caesinaTulan aaTaaDakan biDDatoe

nipuNatvambuna samskRtambu nadiyun naerpimcagaa raadaTae!


kRpajoopimpucu naerpinan vaDiga aa geervaaNamun Saaradaa

upayoegimcucu neevu naerpu padamae okkokkaTae mellagaa

apuroommagu stoetramaala laviyun amdimtu nOnaaTikin (nO janmaloe )

apuroopammagu stoetramaalikalatoe harshimpa geervaaNiyun..



suprabha #



Rough translation


1. As you were standing there in your daughter's home shining

brilliantly, she approached you with flowers and fruits and showed

you a chair ,yet knot knowing how to praise you, as she stood there

looking helpless , you helped her speak by making her heart swell

with the feelings


2. Feeling bad that she never learnt any hymns to praise , as she

stood there teary eyed looking at you , smiling at suprabha you put

your hand on her head for a moment, all her sorrow disappeared and

words flowed with out ever stopping .


3. Even though she didn't study sanskrit to learn praises , with the

grace of you ,Goddess of learning herself , poems started from her

heart to laud ,the way she never imagined , so that she can offer

the words as the flowers to you , the Goddess of languages..


4.So that she can pray with different kinds of flowers, in

appropriate ways, you made the words flow in in many metres .And as

you wiped the tears away with the hem of the saree,and stood by her

to give support, she keeps you in her heart and worships you always.




5. Instead of wasting this precious time like this,pretending to be

angry with me, saying my services are not adequate, and playing with

me,your daughter (as if I did some thing wrong,) why don't you teach

me sanskrit using all your skills ? :-)


6. with grace,if you can teach me sanskrit (geervaaNamu) ,learning

the words you teach me, one by one slowly ,one day or in one life I

will deinitely compose some rare hymns,so that even you, geervaaNi (

Saarada ) would be pleased with them ..




Today as I was coming home from work , I said to her in the car" for

the last four ,five days you have been giving me only songs, I think

I need some change ")-: . Right away she gave me four poems . As I

opened the computer,getting ready to type them ,I happened to see

Sree Ravi'e post and a word caught my eye (as well as Her's :-)) .

That's all she needed as an excuse to give me some more poems... Of

course in her usual way.. as if I am speaking to her..in four

different meters..in simple words

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