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Re umasahasram

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vidya jayaram wrote:

> Umasahasram is a work on ambal by the great scholar ganapati shastri.


> I need some help in the translation of this work.

> ie other than the straightforward meaning with regard to any other

meanings,significance of the work in general etc etc

> The first sthabaka is in AryA meter.


> akhilajaganmAtomA tamasA tApenacAkulAnasmAn

> anugR^ihNAtvanukampA sudhArdrayA hasita candhrikayA


> vidya



namaste Vidyaji


If you search the archives, you will find some information on umA sahasram, I

remember posting few verses with meaning


Thank you very much for bringing up this series.


I request other members to come forward and contribute how they understand the

meaning. Some of the members are very well

versed in Sanskrit, I know quite of few of them. I request you to spend little

time and help us in worshipping

shiva-shakti, please do not say you do not have time, I have seen your

contributions in other forums on a regular basis.


I have *no* knowledge of sa.mskR^ita.m. Superficially I understand the verse,

but that is not enough. Also what I have

posted below may not be fully correct.


akhila jagan.h mAtA umA tamasA tApena cha akulAn.h asmAn.h |

anughR^ihNAtva anukampA sudhA ardrayA hasita chandrikAyA ||


This split may be wrong.


O mother of this entire Universe! umA! Whose lotus face is like a blemishless

full moon and whose smile is overflowing

with nectar of compassion, I am full of ignorance and afflicted by it. Be

gracious and show mercy towards me.


- moon and nectar are related. Often is moon is said to be wet with nectar.

Wetness of moon is often referred through the

chandrakAnta stone also.


- Moon here can be thought of as chandra kalA kANDam, that is in sahasrAra.

Normally, we have three kANDas agni, soma, and

sUrya. Different texts give different locations for them. agni is in the

maNipUraka region, sUrya is in anAhata region and

soma is in A~jnA region, and chandra kala is in sahasrara. (Again, I put a

disclaimer, different texts say different

things. And I know nothing about these things) amR^ita in the sahasrAra is

sudhA. When by the grace of ambaaL when this

flows through all nAdi-s, the jIva will be awakened and his samSara taapam will

go away. This flow happens when kuNDalini

penetrates through all chakra-s and reaches the sahasrAra, for that to happen

safely, ambaaL's grace is required. This is

also why ambaaL is called amR^iteshvarI, sudha mayI, etc. ambaaL as mInAxI is in

dvAdashanta puri (which is sahasrAra), and

hence her smile is dripping with nectar.



You will find a fantastic and detailed description of these ideas in thethiyur

subrahmaNya shasrigaL's commentary on

saundaryalahari. Incidentally, shAstrigaL has got sAxAtkAram of ambaaL in the

form of mInAxI during his life time.





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