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Ankayarkanni anthati V.19 and V.20

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Verse 20:

niRpavar ni^n tiruc cannitik kaNNE ni^naittozutu

taRparamaRRavar tA^navar viNNavar tamvi^nai tIrttu

aRputa vITu aLittu ALpavaLE! ni^n aruLvalattAl

aRpa^n e^n pu^nkavi ni^n^naTip pOti^nukku Akki^na^nE




Devas, asuras and destitutes

Stand praying to you

In front of your sanctum;

You release them from their karma and

grant them Deliverance!

Only with your Grace,even this

insignificant me,dedicated these

silly verses to your feet!


Verse 21:

Akkum tozilukku aya^nai vitittAy arita^nakkuk

kAkkumpaTi nI karuNai purinta^nai kaNNutaRkup

pOkkum tozilaip purivittu evarkkum pukala oNNA

vAkkum ma^namum kaTanta^nai! Etu u^nRa^n vallapamE




You ordained:

Brahma for creation or srishti

Vishnu for protection

Siva,the Three eyed,for destruction.

Thence you indescribably ,

transcended Word and Thought,

How can I praise your splendour!!

(since you are beyond words and thinking)




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