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Cordial Relationship

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Dear Members,


I intend to bring to light the Cordial Relationship that have

subsisted and do exist between the Maths for a long time... (so that,

in future, no member will discuss about any controversy relating to

these Maths in ).



Sri Shankarabhagatpadacharya was the earliest to aim at national

integration and to attain success thereof.He was a pioneer in

establishing mathas at important centres of our country for the

safeguarding of our Sanatana dharmam and the propagation of vedanta

philosophy. All the mathas function with common ideals, though based

on different systems and different philosophical disciplines.



Sri Saccidananda Sivabhinava Narasimha Bharati, 33rd pontifical head

of Sringeri math, (1879-1912), constructed a temple at Kaladi,in

Kerala, the place of Shankaracharya's birth and installed(on

21.02.1910 AD) the image of the Acharya in the temple.


A special invitation for this occasion was extended to the Kanchi

kamakoti Acharya.


The scholars who attended the function, as representatives of the

Kamakoti Peetham were honoured with shawls and gifts by the Sringrei



Similarly during the kumbabhishekam of Kachi Kamakshi Ambal, on

22.01.1840, Scholars from the Sringeri math had participated in the

vidvat sadas. One Kunigal Rama Sastri,father of Sri Saccidananda

Sivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Swamiji was one among them.


During 1942, when Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati was the pontifical head

of the Sringeri Math,a sanyasi, by name Visudhananda Bharati, who was

residing at the buiding owned by the Sringeri Math,at kanchipuram,

wrote a letter to the authorities of the Sringeri math,suggesting the

installation of Acharya Padukas and performance of daily worship



He got a reply from the Officer in charge of the Sringeri Math, that

there was no intention of converting the said building at

Kanchipuram -


"especially because it is the seat of the Kamakoti Math and it is

not proper to get involved into any of the controversy with that

great math."


(Letter from the Office of the Sri Sringeri Math and its Properties,

dated 14.10.1942-Facsimile of the letter published in the Pamphlet "

Information Regarding Cordial Relations Of Some Maths with Sri

Sankaracharya Math of Sri Kachi Kamakoti Peetham".)


The two Acharyas of the kanchi Math visited the Sringeri Math at

Rameswaram on 28.04.1963.


During the course of a North Indian tour (1967) the Sringeri Acharya

visited the local Math of kanchi kamkoti Peetham, at Hanuman Ghat, in







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Sadly a strong wave of fanaticism is seen everywhere on the web in

general and discussion groups in particular.It is like losing the

essence and getting stuck with the rind.


It is soothing to hear the sane voice of shri.Gurumoorthy.


Ambaa-l groups has been an exception in this and I sincerely apppeal

that it should stay the same way.There is neither any objectivity nor

objective in such discussions.






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vidyasj wrote:



> Ambaa-l groups has been an exception in this and I sincerely apppeal

> that it should stay the same way.There is neither any objectivity nor

> objective in such discussions.



AUM kalidoshhaharaayai namaH


I agree with you Vidyaji.


Our main (if not the only) goal here is to discuss devotional works on

ambaaL. Every message that is sent to the list should have some element of

devotion towards ambaaL. May be one should ask this question before he/she

posts: Does my message contain material which will enhance the devotion of

those who read it (directly or indirectly)? If yes, then one can post? else

not. Of course this has to be a voluntary step taken by members.


In this regard, shankara's commentary on the trishati namaa kalidoshhaharaa

is worth reading again.



15. kalidoShaharA


SHE destroys the evils of kali age. To be born in the discreditable

kali age is itself a sin for anyone; If one however, sees HER (image),

hears or sings HER glory, praises HER, worships and meditates on HER,

SHE destroys that sin.


kali indicates quarrels between different schools of thought about

the Ultimate and the consequent sins these quarrels may engender. To

establish the respective positions, such as existence or non-existence

of God, HER separateness from body, Whether SHE is a part or whole,

whether SHE has attributes, people distort arguments, and

consequently falsify conclusions by misinterpreting shrutis, and

mislead others. These lead to cupidity, anger and acrimony, under

whose influence, people abuse and hate one another. These acts are

sins of kali. SHE by conferring on devotees the realization of the

advaita-jnana leading to mokSha, destroys the sins of kali age.


AUM kalidoShaharAyai namaH



Hence we are all safe if we decide to say nothing but words that praise HER.

And to praise HER and sing HER glories is the MAIN goal of .




AUM kalyaaNaguNashaalinyai namaH

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