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LS - 53 shivaa

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reodreams wrote:

> Hi,


> Shiva and Parvati are extremely evolved cosmic beings.




Thanks for your thoughts.


There is a possible mis-interpretation when you say evolved. Evolved from

what? That is not acceptable (atleast to me) because they do not suffer from

such defects (shhaDbhaava vikaara) like modification, growth etc. Hence, I

would not use the word evolved.


In this context, please refer to trishatii nama layavarjitaa and shankara's

commentary on that name:



80. layavarjitaa


SHE who is devoid of dissolution. laya means destruction. SHE transcends

it. "avinAshi vAreyamAtama anuchChitti dharmA" - Atman is indestructible,

it cannot be cut. [bR^ihadAraNyakopaniShad]. Hence, SHE is indestructible.

In this context the term laya stands for ShaDbhAva vikAra. These six

changes are birth (jananam), existence (astitva), vR^iddhi (growth),

vipariNAma (change), apakShaya (decay) and nAsha (death or destruction).

smr^itis also indicate that SHE is beyond all these changes. SHE is satyam

j~nAnam anantam brahma as stated by taittirIyopaniShad.


AUM layavarjitAyai namaH



AUM shivaabhyaannamaH



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