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|| AUM namo namaH sha.nkaraparvatiibhyAm.h ||





Recently completed two years. On behalf of the list moderators

I thank all of you for your participation and contribution. Now we have

around 150 members by the grace of jaganmAtA and we are growing. I

thank you all for that. Let us all pray to shiva-dampati to help us to

bring their devotess together and teach us all to worship them together

with love on this forum.


We all differ on many counts like nationality, language, etc., but our

strength and union is our LOVE towards to THEM. May we all celebrate

our diversity in worshipping them in various tongues and rejoice. In

this world of suffering and misery, we are left with only one source of

joy, our only ambrosia, our only refuge, and it is our devotion towards

THEM. I pray that THEY out of their boundless grace teach us to hold on

to this and be happy amidst the suffering in the world of duality.



Thank you all again for your help and support.


AUM shivAbhyAnnamaH







Last year we conducted a poll on opening up our list for discussing

devotional articles on Lord shiva. Only 13 participated and all of them

agreed. Officially we never made an announcement. Here it comes.

Ambaa-L is now open for discussion of devotional works on Lord shiva.

Together let us all sing the glories of shiva-shakti who are

inseparable like word and its meaning.


vAgarthAviva sampR^iktau vAgarthapratipattaye |

jagataH pitarau vande pArvatIparameshvarau ||








Ambaa-L is a devotional forum. When the members open their mail box

every morning rest of their day should be filled with the JOY of

reading the devotional works on the divine couple on this list. Please

understand this requirement. May your posts, questions, comments,

reflect a devotional attitude towards them. This is our humble request.




Thank you.


List Moderators


mAtA cha pArvatI devI pitA devo maheshvaraH

bhAndhava shiva bhaktaashcha svadesho bhuvanatrayam.h






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