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shrii shiva mangalaaShTkaM

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> shrii caamunDaa preritena racitaM ma~NgaalaaspadaM .

> tasyaabhiiShTa pradaM shaMbhoH ya paTenma~NgalaaShTakaM ..9..


> regarding last two shlokas i put the same number because two

> different books gave two different last shlokas.

> author - not mentioned. corrections are welcome



Thank you Satish.


Probably this should be the correct one. Because:


a)It gives an hint about authorship. This verse says that this stotram was

created under the direction of chAmuNDA (shrii chaamuNDaa preritena

rachitam). When something is done under the order or direction of ambaaL then

one can attribute it to ambaaL HERSELF. A


b) It says that work is a ashhTakam, that is it contains 8 verses.


c) It gives the phala.



mangalaH padam - These verses of auspiciousness

racitam - was created

preritena - under the direction of

shrii chaamuNDa - Divine Mother, and

yaH - to one who

paThen - reads

shambhoH mangaaLaashhTakam - these eight verses of mangaLa of shambu

tasya - it

pradam - bestows

abhiishhTa - all desired things


(there may be errors in case/tense structure of my translation, but it will

give some idea of the meaning of the verse, any corrections will be accepted

with gratitude)


Thanks again for posting this beautiful work.




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