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LT 2: kalyaaNii

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I am forwarding what I posted to Sanskrit-List for help few days back.

Your corrections are welcome.





Please correct and help me improve this text. I thank members of

Sanskrit-List for helping me out on some of the issues. As it stands

now, it is not perfect. But I have a sense of satisfaction, atleast, I

understand this text to much better extent than I did three weeks



lalitaa trishatii bhaashhya of bhagavAn shrii shankara


2. kalyaaNii



Original Text:



kalyaaNaani sukhaani | yuva saarva bhaumaananda aadaarabhya

brahmaananda paryantaM taittiriiyakaadau pratipaaditaani | tat.h

tat.h upAdhi bhedeshhu avachchhinna svaruupa tayaa taani kalyaaNa

shabda vaachyaani, "etasyaivaanandasya anyaani bhuutaani maatraa

upajivanti" iti shruteH | samashhTi vyashhTivattvaM upahita

svaruupeNa sambhaviti iti matup.h samAsa upapattiH | tathaa cha

raahoH shira itivat.h samaasa antargata shhashhThii artha

bhedasya avivaxita tayaa aanaandaika vighravatii iti arthaH "vij~naanaM


aanandaM brahma" iti shruti yukta brahma svaruupa laxaNavatii iti

arthaH ||




Translation: (free style)




kalyaaNaani sukhaani |


kalyaaNa-s means happiness. In this sentence the words kalyaaNa and

sukha are used in plural. The reason for that will become obvious from

the following sentence.


yuva saarva bhaumaananda aadaarabhya brahmaananda paryantaM

taittiriiyakaadau pratipaaditaani |


Starting from the scale of one human bliss and ending in the bliss of

brahman is explained in detail in the taittiriiyaupanishhad [1].


Unit if human bliss is indicated by the bliss of a model youth (yuva),

who is good (saadhu), who is versed in veda-s (adhyAyakaH), who is

prompt in action, who is steady, who is strong, and who (supposing) has

all the wealth (sarva vittasya puurNasyaat) in the world (prithvii).

This is idea from the upanishhad is indicated by the term "yuva saarva

bhaumaananda" [1]


tat.h tat.h upaadhi bhedheshhu avachchinna svaruupa tayaa taani

kalyaaNa shabdha vaachyaani "etasyaivaandandasya anyaani bhuutaani

maatraaM upajivantii" iti shruteH |


shruti (bR^ihadAraNyaka 4.iii.32 [2]) states that depending on a speck

of HER bliss all other beings live. It is SHE who as the indwelling

principle in all living beings experience various degrees of bliss when

particularized by the corresponding limitation or upaadhi. Hence by the

word kalyaaNii all created beings are indicated.


samashhTi vyashhTiivattvam upahita svaruupeNa sambhavati iti matup.h

samaasa upapattiH


(see note 3)


Through the corresponding limitations SHE manifests as the iishvara and

jiva-s. When SHE is reflected in mAyA, it corresponds to HER samashhTi

or integral form, i.e., iishvara. And when reflected or limited by

avidya SHE takes on the individual form of jiiva. This nature of

possesorship arises through the upAdhi-s, and corresponds to various

degrees of bliss. SHE as brahman itself does not have these gradations,

but only the limited forms that have this sense of possesorship. Hence,

this does not affect the nirguNa brahman.



tatha cha rahoH shira iti vat samaasa antargata shashhTii artha

bhedhasyaat avivaxitatayaa, aanandaikavighrahavatii iti arthaH,

"vij~naanam aanandam brahmaa" iti shruti yukta svaruupa laxaNavatii iti




By using compound of sixth case (genitive) indicating possessorship,

one might say "kalyaaNah asyaaH astiiti kalyaaNii"[5] that is SHE

possesses kalyaaNa hence SHE is kalyaaNii. But this cannot be explained

like this, why? When one says, raahu's head, it means raahu only. For

raahu does not have anything significant but head. So SHE is kalyaaNa

only. HER form is Solid bliss and as explained by shruti SHE is brahman

who is pure consciousness and bliss [4, bR^ihadAraNyaka 3.ix.28 -7]



In essence, this naama celebrates HER as brahman who is Bliss.




Note 1:


(Text taken from sanskrit site)


yuvaa syaatsaadhuyuvaa.adhyaayakaH .

aashishhTho dR^iDhishhTho balishhThaH .

tasyeyaM pR^ithivii sarvaa vittasya puurNaa syaat.h .

sa eko maanushha aanandaH . te ye shataM maanushhaa aanandaaH .. 1..



sa eko manushhyagandharvaaNaamaanandaH . shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya


te ye shataM manushhyagandharvaaNaamaanandaaH .



sa eko devagandharvaaNaamaanandaH . shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .

te ye shataM devagandharvaaNaamaanandaaH .

sa ekaH pitR^iNaaM chiralokalokaanaamaanandaH .

shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .

te ye shataM pitR^iNaaM chiralokalokaanaamaanandaaH .



sa eka aajaanajaanaaM devaanaamaanandaH .. 2..



shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .

te ye shataM aajaanajaanaaM devaanaamaanandaaH .

sa ekaH karmadevaanaaM devaanaamaanandaH .

ye karmaNaa devaanapiyanti . shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .

te ye shataM karmadevaanaaM devaanaamaanandaaH .

sa eko devaanaamaanandaH . shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .

te ye shataM devaanaamaanandaaH . sa eka indrasyaa.a.anandaH .. 3..



shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya . te ye shatamindrasyaa.a.anandaaH .

sa eko bR^ihaspateraanandaH . shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .

te ye shataM bR^ihaspateraanandaaH . sa ekaH prajaapateraanandaH .

shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .



te ye shataM prajaapateraanandaaH .

sa eko brahmaNa aanandaH . shrotriyasya chaakaamahatasya .. 4..


See the following page for a translation of these verses.






Note 2


mantra 32 ##[iV.iii.32]## (from sanskrit site)


salila eko drashhTAdvaito bhavaty

eshha brahmalokaH


iti hainamanushashAsa yAGYavalkya. eshhAsya

paramA gatir

eshhAsya paramA saMpad

eshho.asya paramo loka

eshho.asya parama Ananda

etasyaivA.a.anandasyAnyAni bhUtAni mAtrAmupajIvanti || 32 ||



see http://sanskrit.gde.to/doc_upanishhat/brinew-proofed.itx


- On understanding bhedheshhu avachchinna many helped me, and thank to

Charles for pointing to the right shruti reference



Note 3



shrI Vidynatha Rao and shrii Peekayar of sanskrit list helped me

understand this sentence and especially the term "matup.h samasa",

following is the quote from shrii Peekayar's mail

>From Peekayar:

> I feel that the line describes the meaning of

> another word in which

> suffix 'matup' meaning '(one) has it' [by rules like

> tad asya sti asmin

> iti matup etc.] etc. e.g, gomaan, asvavaan etc.


> There are many other suffixes meaning the above like

> 'ini' also as in

> sragvin etc.


> So, if a word like let's say, 'maayin' occurs as in

> 'asmaat maayii

> srjate visvam etat' etc, and 'maayaam tu prakrtim

> vidyaat maayinam tu

> mahesvaram' , then the mahesvara happens to be the

> one with 'maayaa' in

> his control or generally 'his' [see bhagavad gita

> "daivii hyeSaa

> guNamayii mama maayaa duratyayaa"].


> This situation can't be explained in Shankara's

> nirvisesha advaita as

> brahman is devoid of any attributes. So, possibly

> when countered such,

> an advaitin of the Shankara school can say teh

> quoted sentence -



> > samashhTi-vyashhTiv{shd be m?}attvam

> upahita-svaruupeNa sambhavi{shd

> > be a?}ti iti matupsamaasopapattiH ?

> >


> > the split is -

> >

> >> samashhTi-vyashhTivattvam means the quality of

> possessing samaSTi

> >> and vyaSTi srSTis, i.e, gross and subtle

> creations.

> >

> One who/which has samaSTi and vyaSTi srSTis is

> samaSTi-vyaSTimaan/mat.

> tasya bhaavah = samashhTi-vyashhTivattvam.


> > upahita svaruupeNa sambhaviti iti matup.h samaasa

> upapattiH ?


> > This denotes that the limited essence [svaruupa

> limited by 'upaadhi']

> > of (i.e, illusory/transitory) the brahman has this

> quality is not

> > repugnant to our doctrine. the compounding with

> 'matup' etc. as said

> > above necessarily describe an entity with

> attribute and hence can't

> > denote a nirguna entity is the objection sought to

> be refuted in this

> > sentence.


> >

> > what is matup.h samaasa?


> It is a compound word with suffixes like 'matup'

> denoting a dravya with

> substantive/adjective attributes.


>From Vidyanatha Rao:

> what is matup.h samaasa?


I am not sure why it is called a samaasa. Otherwise, matup is the

grammatical term for the suffix -mat/vat used to indicate possesion.

[The u is there for ease of pronunciation. p indicates that the

position of udaata does not change. -vat is used instead of -vat if the

final or penultimate sound in the original stem is 'a', or if the final

sound is k-gh, c-jh, T-Dh, t-dh or p-bh.]





Note 4


>From bR^ihadAraNyaka 3.ix.28


jAta eva na jAyate

ko nvenaM janayetpunaH

viGYAnamAnandaM brahma



tishhThamAnasya tadvida iti || 7 || || 28 ||




Note 5


>From Chaganti Suryanarayanamurthy's book







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