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ikShu danDa

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, "Ramesh" <maakash@m...> wrote:

> Dear Satish

> Parasurama kalpa sutra says " Lalithopasako na iskshu khandam


> ie the upasaka should not eat the sugar cane is cleary saild, it


> define or prohibit in any way eating of sugar or jaggery which are


> from the sugarcane.

> If it were that this is beacuse that Lalitha holds it in her hands,

then we

> sholud not touch or use rope( pasa ) . Any elephant caretaker can;t

become a

> uapasaka since he will use the goad(ankusa)- this is discriminatory


> all are her children and nobody is turned away from her door.

> The secret code lies in Lalitha sahasranama which says

> "MANORUPEKSHUKODANDA"- the mind is the sugarcane bow. hence meaning


> eating or bitibg the sugar cane means the mind sholud not be

pressed into

> difficulties or stress be given to it in lalitha uapasana. this is


> vidya, all comforts in this world sholud be seen as manifestations


> lalitha and her supreme beauty and accepted not the ashtanga yoga

which says

> of withdrawal from the world and rejecting it ,causing the mind to


> uncomfortable, this is for the persons of this line.

> The next sutra of lalithopasaka dharma says"DIVA Na SMARET

VARTALIM"- donot

> remember VArahi(her commander in chief) during the day. this too

has an

> inner meaning which i may post in due course

> urs in Lalitha

> Aum Sri MAtre Namah

> K Ramesh



mano rupa ixu kodaNDa means the kodaNDa SHE has signifies mind. SHE

is indeed the indwelling power which powers the mind. That is SHE is



The english word mind and sanskrit word manas, is often used

interchangeably to denote one of the four components of the inner

organ or antaH karaNa - manas, chitta, buddhi and aha.nkaara. manas

is the one which receives the sensory data. chitta is one which

stores these impressions. buddhi is the intellect and aha.nkaara is

ego (which in Latin literally means I-sense).


a) If Mind/manas taken as manas then, not to eat manas implies, not

to dwell too much in sensory data. Which means Dont be sense

inclined, and withdraw yourself inside.


b) If mind or manas is take an chitta then eating the mind can be

interpreted in another way also. Often, we live world of fantasy,

either brooding over the past or dreaming about the future. By not

asking to eat it, one is asked to live in the present and be aware of

it. We all miss the present. Whatever little we look at, we see with

the biases of past or the anticipation of future.


One of the greatest thing about small babies, they live from moment

to moment. Because of this they are so innocent and so beautiful.

That is why christ said that gates of heaven are open only unto babes.


c) If mind/manas is taken as buddhi then it means go beyond logic

and rationalization. Do not get caught in the web of logic.


d) If mind/manas is taken as ahamkAra. Then it means give up ahaMkAra.


I would not take this injunction literally and not eat sugarcane. In

any case, no human eats sugarcane, we chew and take the juice and

spit the fiber out. On the lighter vein, if you follow the Zone diet,

then you may really like and take this injunction literally.

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Ramesh wrote:

> Parasurama kalpa sutra says " Lalithopasako na iskshu khandam bhakshayet".

> ie the upasaka should not eat the sugar cane is cleary saild, it doesnot

> define or prohibit in any way eating of sugar or jaggery which are extracted

> from the sugarcane.

> The secret code lies in Lalitha sahasranama which says

> "MANORUPEKSHUKODANDA"- the mind is the sugarcane bow. hence meaning of

> eating or biting the sugar cane means

the mind sholud not be pressed into


> difficulties or stress be given to it in lalitha uapasana.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is raja

> vidya, all comforts in this world sholud be seen as manifestations of

> lalitha and her supreme beauty and accepted not the ashtanga yoga which says

> of withdrawal from the world and rejecting it ,causing the mind to be

> uncomfortable, this is for the persons of this line.


Ravi wrote:


a) If Mind/manas taken as manas then, not to eat manas implies, not

to dwell too much in sensory data. Which means Dont be sense


inclined, and withdraw yourself inside.


I would not take this injunction literally and not eat sugarcane. In

any case, no human eats sugarcane, we chew and take the juice and

spit the fiber out. On the lighter vein, if you follow the Zone diet,

then you may really like and take this injunction literally.



It is now clear that, the kalpa sutras saying about sugar cane has a deeper

meaning than just literal. my doubt is: is it sufficient if we follow the inner

implications of this sutra. Or do we need to follow this sutra both in literal

and philosophical sense.


There seems to be differnce of opinion here(see highlighted portions above).I

heard that in Lalithopaasana everything should be seen as manifestation of

Lalitha Parameshvari.(as Ramesh mentioned)

I take the above as differing from "withdrawing inside".

What does withdawing ourselves inside mean? Does it mean shutting off the mind

from external objects.If so, that is not the attitude a Lalitopaasaka should

have.(I may be wrong here.Somebody please correct me).


To put it other words:

Withdrawing inside (vs) Seeing everything as manifestation as LalitAmbika. Are

these contardictary.


Aslo Ravi i think it is enough to take manas as manas in sanskrit, without

need of interpretation as chitta, buddhi etc.


Thanks Ramesh & Ravi for your thoughts on this.





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I am writing what i heard from an elder in the

Shrividya sampradaya.

The injunction regarding ikShu danDa:

This rule must be taken literally.There is no choice


If we observe the context in which this rule appears

in the

sutras ,we see that it is mentioned in achara(i.e, the


where how a shri vidya upaasaka should behave, is


This rule is mentioned along with rules like- women

should be

given utmost respect, one should never frown upon


dravyas like Kumkuma,chandana etc.. Hence the rule is


to be taken literally.(along with others)

Regarding the next rule saying "Varahi should not be


during day time"

i like to draw your attention to the varahi

devasthaanam in kashi.

This temple in kashi opens at 7 PM( after it is dark).

and closes long

before sunrise.The morning puja is completed before

4.30 AM, after

which the temple is closed for the day.This temple is

not open during

day time.

That gives an idea of the importance given to the

literal meaning

of the sutras in discussion.

Corrections are welcome as there is a possibility of

me not stating clearly

what i heard.




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