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Her eyes

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What is the significance of Mother being named as Meena-akshi, Kama-akshi,

vishala-akshi etc.?

i understand aksha = eye. But why different types of eyes? While She graces Her

devotees with Her eyes, what is the significance of the different types of eyes?


I request the learned in the list to explain this.








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, "Ganeshprasad" <bjganeshprasad> wrote:

> Hariom


> I had a similar doubt, which was solved later with Paninis



> Kamakshi - kataksha veekshana maatrena kaankshitartha pradayini.





What is shrii muttusvAmi dIxitar's take on this subject. Often shrI

dIxitar packs his kRti-s with so much valuable knowledge, his works

are a very good source. In his kRti (my WWW search) the kRti nIrajAxi

kAmAxi has the line. "shArAdA ramA nayane" [ one who has shAradA and

ramA as HER eyes].


Please comment.

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, "Gopal Gopinath Rao" <gopalg@u...> wrote:

> What is the significance of Mother being named as Meena-akshi, Kama-

akshi, vishala-akshi etc.?



Another question comes up. While Meenaakshi is in standing posture,

Kamaakshi and Vishaalaakshi are in sitting postures.


While I sometimes wonder if She will ever get tired of standing, is

there any significance of the above ?




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, raghavakaluri wrote:

> , "Gopal Gopinath Rao" <gopalg@u...> wrote:

> > What is the significance of Mother being named as Meena-akshi,


> akshi, vishala-akshi etc.?


> Namaste.

> Another question comes up. While Meenaakshi is in standing posture,

> Kamaakshi and Vishaalaakshi are in sitting postures.


> While I sometimes wonder if She will ever get tired of standing, is

> there any significance of the above ?


> Love,

> Raghava



# madhura meenaakshi kamci kaamaakshi

paeru aedainaa ooru aedainaa

roopamaemainaa coopu lokaTaelae

biDDalevarainaa praemajoopaelae

praemajoopaelae ... kshaemamemcaelae..


guDini nilucunnaa edanu koorcunnaa

aDugu varamaedoe amdajaesaelae

amdajaesaelae .. alarajaesaelae


vaeyi naamamula vaeyiroopamula

velugu daevatanai velasinaanayyaa

velasinaanayyaa ilanu raamayyaa !

enni yugamulugaa icaTa nilicitinoe

nannu aDiginacoe vinnavimcanokoe !


nilici yumTinani kalatanomditivaa !

pilici praemamutoe peeTa vaesedavaa !!

Silanu gaakunnaa alupe raadannaa

telisikoerannaa telugu raamannaa !!


"lalita" padamulugaa lalita svaramulatoe

teliya jaeyudu nee telugu padamulanae

telisikoerannaa telugu raamannaaa !

alupe laedannaa amba eTulunnaa !! #





madhura meenaakshi ,kamci kaamaakshi

what ever the name is

what ever the place is

what ever the form is

looks are same

No matter which child it is

I give my love and look after their welfare


whether I stand in the temple

or sit in the heart

I give you the boon you ask

and I make you happy.


with thousand names and thousand forms

I have come to the earth

Wouldn't I tell you if you ask

for how many eons I have stood ?

you got upset because I am standing !

Inviting me with love

would you offer me a seat ?


know this ..

my dear telugu raamannaa !

Though I am not a stone

I never get tired..


with these words (of lalita,)

in your own telugu

in easily understandable way

I am letting you know..

know it my dear ..

No matter how she appears (sitting or standing )

amba never gets tired..

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, saarada wrote:

> with these words (of lalita,)

> in your own telugu

> in easily understandable way

> I am letting you know..

> know it my dear ..

> No matter how she appears (sitting or standing )

> amba never gets tired..




Not only just standing, but standing on one leg actually.


If ever She appeared to me, this would have been my first question.

Seems I do not need to ask that question anymore.

Thanks for the clarification and for the beautiful poetry.


With Love,


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