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vedas and tantra shAstra (Bhadra Kaalii)

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This message came to my mailbox and I think was intended for the whole

list. Hence, I am forwarding it.







"Ganeshprasad" <bjganeshprasad




Ravi's praise is utpreksha of a person, bathed in ignorance, seeking

knowledge , the final knowledge or Brahma vidya. well!! that apart


I wuld say a few things on what others have been discussing from the

past few days.


Mudra : Mudra is defined in paramananda tantra as


Modanaat dravanaat yasya saha mudreti prakeertitaha


That which brings harsha or happiness to a person, by actions of the



A simple example wuld be doing namaskara a a welcome gesture of

friendliness, which brings happiness to the beholder.


In tantra the dasha mudras, are potrayed as dieties with a particular

mudra formation, facing parameshwari as it brings happiness to her.

It also is a vast field of sadhana in it, as onserved by others thro

kechari mudra and others (Vidya shankara temple in sringeri is

dedicated to a great sanyasi of the parampara who was an expert in



Secondly, Tantra means " that which protects" or trayathe iti

tantraha. Even the vedic yagnas are divided into shroutha tantra and

grihya tantra. Tantra is used to denote strategy also, in the vedic



Atharvana veda, contains many tantra portions.. Atharvana veda itself

is so vast that many tantras in solitary existence today, might have

been a part of a bigger whole LOST DUE TO TIME. However the bhagvatha

purana and kumarila bhattas karika speaks that Shruthi consists, both

tantra and veda. So any tantra which is isolated without atharvana

vedic association, is equally potent and recognised, prominent are

Maharnava, Kularnava, Parananda etc..


The term Kali occurs in the Narada samhitha of atharvana veda. Kali

also means one of the seven tongues of agni in rig veda.


Any corrections are more than welcome, Sridhar , a speacial mention for

ur keen eye .




Ravisankar S. Mayavaram

Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:22 AM

vedas and tantra shAstra (Re: Bhadra Kaalii)



In our list, Sri Ganesh Prasad is very knowledgeable on tantra

shastra and has also mastered large portions of rig and atharva

vedas. Probably, he can shed more light on this matter.






, sunderh@h... wrote:

> Namaste,


> I found these references only. Wondered if other members

> have

> come across more details.




> http://pears2.lib.ohio-state.edu/FULLTEXT/JR-ENG/chak.htm


> Antiquity of Tantricism

> By Chintaharan Chakravarti

> The Indian Historical Quarterly

> Vol. VI, No.1 March, 1930 pp. 114-126


> The general view is that the Tantras originated from the

> Saubhagya-kanda of the Atharva-Veda. Some of the Tantra works are

> found to record this in definite terms. The Kalikularnava Tantra


> got two lines in the beginning stating "Now Devi says in the


> Samhita."(4) This in fact identifies this work as an

> Atharvana-samhita, thus clearly hinting at the close connection of

> the Atharvaveda with this Tantra.






ambaaL daasan




sharaNAgata raxakI nivEyani sadA ninnu nammiti mInAxI


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