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Dear devotees of the devine mother,


I like to know the meaning of haraharikuchabhoga name of Her that

comes in Lalita trishati.


And in phalsruti of the same,

Lord Hayagriva tells one should know that

the words beginning Shiva aksharas are told by Devi.

words beginning with devyaksharas by Shiva.

words with ubhaya aksharas by ubhayau/both.


(because of antarmukha samArAdhya)

If I look inwardly as Shiva as static consciousness -jIva/purusha

and Devi as maya/ Body /prakriti.


What is the meaning&significance of prakriti telling words starting

with ha and ka, jIva telling remaining words.And both united telling

words starting with hrIm.?


And why one should know this fact inorder to get get phala of




Om Iym hrIm ShrIm Kamakshyai Namaha.


Prasada Reddy.

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, "Prasada Reddy" <prasad@i...> wrote:

> Dear devotees of the devine mother,


> I like to know the meaning of haraharikuchabhoga name of Her that

> comes in Lalita trishati.


shankara gives two interpretations of this nama in the trishati

bhaashhyam. Probably one could come up with a third one, consistent

with vedAnta. I would like to know what you think of this name

before I post shankara's commentary.


> And in phalsruti of the same,

> Lord Hayagriva tells one should know that

> the words beginning Shiva aksharas are told by Devi.

> words beginning with devyaksharas by Shiva.

> words with ubhaya aksharas by ubhayau/both.


> (because of antarmukha samArAdhya)

> If I look inwardly as Shiva as static consciousness -jIva/purusha

> and Devi as maya/ Body /prakriti.


> What is the meaning&significance of prakriti telling words starting

> with ha and ka, jIva telling remaining words.And both united


> words starting with hrIm.?





I do not want to get into the 2nd part. Besides you have mixed up (I

will verify tonite) shivAxara-s and shakti-axaras. If my memory is

correct, 2 ha-s (ha dvayam), 3 ka-s (ka trayam) are shivaaxaras, the

three hrim-s are ubhayaaxaras, remaining are shaktyaxara-s ( 3 la-s,

2 sa-s, e, ii).


But I would like to note that (also in the context of the other

thread) purushha and prakR^iti is basically a saankhya terminology.

Mixing and matching that with vedAnta's brahman, mAyA and avidya is

source of confusion. Many of the words jIva, purushha, mAyA,

prakR^iti are very technical. Since I am learning them, I would not

dwelve deep into that matter. The way these terms are interpreted

varies according to the sampradAya one comes from. Also one should

note that according advaita-vedAnta, brahman is both the efficient

(nimitta) and material (upadAna) cause of the universe (see the

commentary of iixaNasR^ishhTaaNDakoTii). This is not the same in

saankhya were (numerous, not just one) purushha-s and prakrRti-s are

distinct and independent realites which coexists eternally. svAmi

hariharAnanda AraNya's translation of vyAsa bhAshya of yoga sutra-s

clearly states what a saankhya universe is.


Also ambaaL as described in trishati and sahasranAma should be

thought of only in the context of saguNa/nirguNa brahman. Same is

true with respect to shiva. Refer to the kalyaaNi commentary I posted

with the original text. It talks about brahman with mAyA and avidya

as upAdhi. And ambaaL is equated to the nirguNa and saguNa brahman.


My 2c.



AUM shivaabhyaannamaH

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, "Ravisankar S. Mayavaram" <miinalochanii>


> , "Prasada Reddy" <prasad@i...> wrote:


> > And in phalsruti of the same,

> > Lord Hayagriva tells one should know that

> > the words beginning Shiva aksharas are told by Devi.

> > words beginning with devyaksharas by Shiva.

> > words with ubhaya aksharas by ubhayau/both.

> >


> I do not want to get into the 2nd part. Besides you have mixed up


> will verify tonite) shivAxara-s and shakti-axaras. If my memory is

> correct, 2 ha-s (ha dvayam), 3 ka-s (ka trayam) are shivaaxaras,


> three hrim-s are ubhayaaxaras, remaining are shaktyaxara-s ( 3 la-


> 2 sa-s, e, ii).






I apologize for not reading your mail carefully. You are correct and

you did not mix up shivAxara-s and shaktyaxara-s. I mis-read your

mail. What I stated above is correct and what you have stated is

also correct.



To summarize


shivaxara-s are ka & ha, and names in trishati with these axara-s are

by ambaaL and so on. As mentioned in the uttara piiThikaa,


shiva varNaani naamaani shriidevii kathitaani vai

shaktyaxaraNi naamaani kameshakathitaani hi

ubhayAxaranaamaani hyubhaabhyaam kathitaani vai


and later


katrayam hadvayam chaiva shaivo bhaagaH prakiirtitaH

shaktyaxaraaNi sheshhaani hrii.nkaara ubhyaatamakaH



I again apologize for mis-reading you.




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  • 4 weeks later...



I searched thru messages in our group, for all trishati meanings.

I was unable to find meanings for some words in Shakti Kuta.

Anyway, After the meaning you gave me for this word, I understood this



I wish I had better Sanskrit knowledge to write perfect

Anustup for her.My sanskrit knowledge is not better than 'butler'


But here is my rude version of Anustup, must be with lot of errors,

please correct this - anyone who knows Sanskrit more.Thanks.


shivA shivasya shiveti, keshavasya tu vaishnavI

'shaivaishNavyau' mAtArUpaM, JnAnaM dadati dwau kuchau.


As She(Shivaa) is essence(shivam) of Shiva/Hara, and for Vishnu/Hari

too, she is Vaishnavi.

So for Shaiva(Haara)s and Vaishnava(Haari)s , She gives

knowledge(and other delightments sought of?) thru her both breasts in

mother form.


This is what I understood about hArihArikuchAbhOga.




Om ShriMathre Namaha


Prasada Reddy.



, "Ravisankar S. Mayavaram" <miinalochanii>


> , "Prasada Reddy" <prasad@i...> wrote:

> > Dear devotees of the devine mother,

> >

> > I like to know the meaning of haraharikuchabhoga name of Her that

> > comes in Lalita trishati.


> shankara gives two interpretations of this nama in the trishati

> bhaashhyam. Probably one could come up with a third one, consistent

> with vedAnta. I would like to know what you think of this name

> before I post shankara's commentary...

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