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sarasvatI navaratnamaalikaa - 1.6

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...OM shrI mAtre namaH..


This is the concluding part of the first krithi on sarasvatI.

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ratiramA girijArchitayA ratnAbharaNAlaN^kR^itayA .

mati majjihvAgra sthitayA maN^gaLapradayA sadayayA..


‘rati ramA girijArchitayA, shrI sarasvatyA sa.mraxitoham’


ShrI sarasvati devi, worshipped by rati, ramaa and girijaa has sheltered me.


manmatha who kindles passion (prabodhyate supta ivaadya manmathaH) is

assisted by other indriya and mana abhimaani devat-s in his effort.

Accompanying manmatha, vasanta R^itu provides the conducive environment when

chandara acting as his shade makes the mind lose its discrimination.

indriyas are controlled by rati devi who evokes passion and the mind acts in

accordance. Hence rati symbolizes ichha shakti or the desiring power of the



Though reclining on a coiled serpent, shrIman nArAyaNa is tirelessly engaged

in the act of preserving the universe. When he is inseparably perceived as

both the materialistic and the intelligent cause of the universe, his

consort ‘ramaa’ pervades the universe as the very nature (prakR^iti) that

serves as the rational for its functionality. Hence ramaa or mahaalaxmi

symbolizes the power of action or ‘kriya shakti’ of viShNu.


Seated under the shade of a green banyan tree, parameshvara is seen with his

index curved towards his thumb symbolizing jIveshvaraikyam or the supreme

state of eternal non-duality. His silence preaches the supreme wisdom that

negates all dualities and bestows the ability to abide in one’s own self.

girijA or the daughter of the mountains symbolizes this knowledge or GYAna

of parameshvara. She is reverently referred as umA or praNavasvarUpiNi

adjoined by haimavati in the famous kenopaniShad. Dikshitar prefers to refer

GYAna shakti as girijA in conjunction with the Upanishad address haimavati.


rati, rama and girijA represent ichhA, kriyA and GYAna shakti-s. Dikshitar

salutes Sarasvati as parabrahma svarUpiNi being worshipped by ichhA, kriyA

and GYAna shakti-s. She is the turIya shakti who shines as para-advayaa or

parabrahma-mahiShI as well manifests as rati, ramaa and girijA, enveloping

the respective guNa for functioning the universe. In this context Rig Veda

mandala 2.41.17 celebrates her as the very rationale for the functionality

of the universe.


tve vishvA sarasvati shritAyUMSi devyAm .

shunahotreSu matsva prajAM devi didiDDhi naH .. 2.41.17


In you the divine sarasvatI all creations abide. Rejoice and grant us

progeny among the shunahotra-s.


Viewed from another perspective this salutation has an interesting import.

sarasvatI having rati under her command provides manonirodhana.m that

results in yoga (yogaashchitavrittinirodhaH). As ramaa, she blesses the

devotee with the strength that is needed for saadhanaa. When saadanaa

fructifies, she dawns as girijA or GYAna that removes the bondage of

samsaara by the destruction of avidhyA. Having surrendered to the supreme

goddess who could bless the devotee with the strength that is needed in all

the three stages towards realization, Dikshitar claims that he is totally

free of fear under her sheltering grace.


‘ratnAbharaNa alaN^kR^itayA shrI sarasvatyA sa.mraxitoham’


ShrI sarasvatI decked with gem-studded ornaments has sheltered me.


Glittering ornaments made of nine celestial gems ‘nava-ratna’ worn by

sarasvatI on her white garments radiate her effulgent complexion.


Pearl, ruby, topaz, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli, coral, sapphire and

gomedaka constitute nava-ratna. These ratnAbharaNa add luster to Sarasvati’s

self-radiance. Rig-Veda celebrates this radiance in a beautiful mantra.


sarasvatImin mahayAsuvR^iktibhiH stomairvasiSTha rodasI .

ubhe yat te mahinA shubhre andhasI adhikSiyanti pUravaH ..


With your greatness O! Radiant sarasvatI, friend of maruts, mighty men

obtain the nourishment for both mundane and celestial existence from you.


sarasvatI being sUrya maNaDala antargatA (one who resides in the sUrya

maNDala) lights the whole universe with her effulgence. The following

Rig-Veda mantra gives a pictures description.


aSTauvy akhyat kakubhaH pR^ithivyAs trI dhanva yojanA sapta sindhUn .

hiraNyAkSaH savitA deva AgAd dadhad ratnA dAshuSe vAryANi ..


savitA has lighted up the eight points of the horizon, the three regions of

living beings, the seven rivers. May the golden-eyed savitA come hither and

bestowing upon the devotee the riches sought in the oblation!









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