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--- Nasre94678 wrote:

> Nasre94678

> Mon, 22 Oct 2001 20:15:28 EDT

> Navarathri Prayer for Peace

> miinalochanii


> Dear Ravisankar,

> I hope this is okay with you, but i would like encourage all of us

> here who

> are celebrating the glory of BagavathyAmman on this sacred season of

> Navarathri, that we pray for peace, and for the welfare of all those

> people,

> in all places, who are suffering the ravages of war, poverty, illness

> and

> marginalization.


> For myself, this is the only prayer i ask of AmbikaDevi; she has

> given me a

> good life, but others are suffering horribly... in addition to those

> whose

> lives were so terribly ended in New York on Sept 11, and their

> families who

> suffer such pain and anguish, and their neighboors who are now

> homeless and

> forgotten, we should also remember how truely precious are the

> forgotten,

> anguished, painfull and impoverished lives in Afganistan, Pakistan,

> India,

> Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Indonesia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador,

> Bolivia,

> Angola, Israel, Brazil, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, Algiers,

> Sudan,

> Northern Ireland, the Pacific Islands, Kenya, Tanzania, Mexico, The

> West

> Indies, South Africa, on the streets of the ghettos in the "First

> World", and

> all other places where people are suffering horribly, and for whom

> the

> aggression of powerfull forces seem never to stop... those, at home

> and

> abroad, who can never wake up to more peacefull days.


> I pray to the Divine Mother MahaKaali DeviMata, the Awesome and

> Terrific

> Mother, whose luxurient dark form radiates with the majesty and

> beauty of the

> cloudless night sky, and the wide-spanning mystery of the deepest

> oceans. She

> Whose praises are sung among the trees within the distant wombs of

> the

> forests, and by the cloud-covered lips of the highests mountains.


> May that awe-inspiring ViraBadraKaaliAmman, beloved of Sarabeshwara,

> route

> the fierce demons of bigotry, hate, greed, deceit, lack of compassion

> and

> selfishness. Even as She brought down the pride of the irresistable

> Darika,

> may She unburden the Earth of the woes and weepings created by the

> vanity of

> powerfull men, which has made the lives of the innocent a

> battle-ground.


> I pray to the Divine Mother MahaLaxmi DeviMata, the Sweet and

> Enrapturing

> Goddess, Whose glorious coral presence fans the flames of the heart

> with the

> ever-moving ecstasy of divine breath, and thrills the limbs with the

> unending

> fullness of being. Whose grace dwells in the heart of the flower, and


> languishes in the pollen-crested bloom.


> May that sweet Padmavathi Ammavaru, whose features are framed in cool


> freshness, fill the bellies of the hungry, wet the tongues of the

> thirsty,

> bring warmth to them who are cold and refresh those who suffer from

> the

> dreadfull heat and awefull anger of the battle-landscape. May she who


> radiates in the heart of the paddy, who laughs in the fragerance of

> fruiting

> trees, rush forth from the murky milky ocean, and ease the hearts of

> them

> that suffer.


> I pray to the Miraculous MahaSaraswathi DeviMata, the Most

> Auspicious, Most

> Gracefull and Most Wise, whose flowing Beneficence cascades in the

> ebbing of

> the foam crested rapids, in the resonance of the full-fingered lute,

> and is

> glorious in the chattering of the bird, the siren-song of the cicada,

> the

> lapping of the waves, the majesty of the clouds and the ever-present

> wanderings of celestial orchestras: the turning of the Earth.


> May that Ever-Enchanting SaradaDevi SringeriAmman open our minds to

> the noble

> truth of Shared-Humanity, even as She opens our hearts to the

> splendorous

> radience of those most rare and precious gems: Understanding and

> Compassion.

> May that inspiring muse of a Devi enlighten our thoughts with the

> kinship we

> all share with all beings around us, and loosen our tongues that we

> may

> breath upon one another those sweetened words of compassion which

> share

> essence to essence, heart to heart.


> May the Divine KalaPidariAmman, the Supreme Shakthi Sivadutti

> KausikiAmman,

> who spans the Lowest and the Highest, the Brightest and the Darkest,

> the

> Widest and the Thinnest, The Smallest and the Largest, be pleased to

> aid us

> not in power, not in wealth, not even in release, but in Peace on

> Earth. For

> this do i adore the Divine and Gracious MantaiAmman, Goddess Who is

> the

> Common-Ground of all Being, may Her grace be known and felt.


> Holy MangalaDevi, Auspicious AngalAmman, Eternal Mother MariAmman,

> Who in the

> maginficent form of VramaraAmbika dimmed the heat and ferocity of

> Arunasura,

> Who as Sadakshi beheld the trembling world and showered tears of

> Compassion

> which saturated the brittle dry ground with moisented relief, and

> who as

> Shakambari soothed the burning hunger and thirst of the living and

> resurrected the dry tree with verdure, for this only do i pray, may

> the

> invincible BimaDevi be pleased and make herself known in the heart of

> human

> compassion.

> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti Aum!





ambaaL daasan




sharaNAgata raxakI nivEyani sadA ninnu nammiti mInAxI


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