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sarasvatii navaratna maalikaa..(2.2)

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sarasvatii navaratna maalikaa..(2.2)



namo namaste gIrvANI nAdabindu kalA shreNI


naada bindu kalaa shreNI - She is the source of all multitude manifestations

(naada, bindu and kalaa).


The triode 'naada bindu kalaa' denotes creation in Tantric terms. It is

impossible to define what existed before creation; there was neither

existence nor non-existence. By its own will it became self manifested. For

the question 'why should it manifest?’ the answer is 'that is it's very

nature or prakr^iti'.


nAsadAsIn no sadAsIt tadAnIM nAsId rajo no vyomAparo yat .

kimAvarIvaH kuha kasya sharmannambhaH kimAsId gahanaM gabhIram ..


na mR^ityurAsIdamR^itaM na tarhi na rAtryA ahna AsItpraketaH .

AnIdavAtaM svadhayA tadekaM tasmAddhAnyan na paraH kiM chanAsa..


Tantras like kaamakalaa vilaasa further explains the phrase

'svadhayA tadekaM' mentioned in the Rig Veda mantra. The impulse of desire

that was responsible for creation is denoted as kaamakalaa in Tantra.


An elementary throb occurs that produces naada or the primordial sound. The

locus of this sound is traced to bindu or the center from which naada

manifested. This seed of the creational sound is termed as paraa bindu.

paraa bindu is the indivisible combination of shiva and shakti or prakR^iti

and purusha. Paraa bindu divides itself into kaarya bindu and kaaraNa bindu

(biija). kaarya and biija represent Shiva and Shakti in potential and

kinetic forms. paraa, karya and kaaraNa bindu-s form the central triangle

'muula trikoNa' or kaamakalaa. This process of polarization expands further

and further until it results in the entire creation. shriiyantra is a

diagrammatic representation of this creational phenomenon.


Dikshitar traces the multitude 'shreNI' of creation to the central triangle

'kaama kalaa'. kalaa is traced back to bindu; the base point from which

'kama kalaa' manifested. bindu is traced back to naada or the primordial

vibration that was the elementary cause of creation.


Goddess Sarasvati is naada rUpiNI. She is the first vibration (naada) that

resulted in bindu and hence she is bindu rUpiNI there by kaama kalaa rUpiNI

and then shreNI (the multitude).


Dikshitar salutes Goddess Sarasvati in her different levels of manifestation

as naada, bindu and kalaa rUpiNI or in simple terms the cause of creation.




...shrii maatre namaH..







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