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As Rajani said the is a city called "Padavedu" near Arni near Vellor. This

is the Place where Sage Jamadagni lived with his family after he came out from

north. Sage Jamadagni and Sage Vishwamitra grew together. Jamadagni was an

incarnation of lord shiva. He along with his wife Renuka and sons Parasurama and

two/three others came to "Padavedu". Renuka, is an Incarnation of Shiva's

consort the Mighty Shakti.


Sage used to perform Yagna daily to which mother Renuka used to bring water

out of pot just made that day. One day Mother will see a Gandharva flying. She

will loose her mind on that due to the maya or the play of the great shakti.

Sage due to his powers will come to know of this things. Mother too will feel

shameful because she is late for the yagna by mere maya. SO the sage will ask

his sons to chop monther head out of her body. Only parasurama will come forward

to do it. A Dobi (Cloth washers) will come to save the mother. Parasurama will

kill all of them. Parasurama, then will come back to sage. The sage thus pleased

will ask parasurama what he wanted now. Prasurama, will ask for his mother back.


Sage will give water out of his kamandala and ask parasurama to join the

head and the body and sprinkle water over them. Parasurama did so. his mother

come to life and also the dobi's who died in the fight.


But alas, what a work of maya. His mother head will get attacehd with one of

teh dobi's women body and vice versa. But then Universal mother wants it this

way. She will then make that dobi woman her close maiden. She is also

worshipped, But I forgot by what name.


This all happened in Padavedu. there is a river near by where dobi's washed

the clothes. The Holy ash given in the temple is the one from the sages

Jamadagni's yaga gonda and that still exists.


The presiding goddess is Renuka parameshwari or othwerwise called



Subramaniam Sankaran

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> Sage used to perform Yagna daily to which mother Renuka used

>to bring water out of pot just made that day. One day Mother will

>see a Gandharva flying. She will loose her mind on that due to the

>maya or the play of the great shakti. Sage due to his powers will

>come to know of this things. Mother too will feel shameful because

>she is late for the yagna by mere maya. SO the sage will ask his

>sons to chop monther head out of her body. Only parasurama will come

>forward to do it. A Dobi (Cloth washers) will come to save the

>mother. Parasurama will kill all of them. Parasurama, then will come

>back to sage. The sage thus pleased will ask parasurama what he

>wanted now. Prasurama, will ask for his mother back.


Shri Ganapati Muni gives the following opinion on this story in his

work, Uma Sahasram. Shri Ganapati Muni is widely known as a great

upasaka of Renuka.


ambaiva sA surabhirarjunabhUpatiryAM

vIryAjjahAra sa ca bhArgava AjahAra

tasyA hateH paragR^ihasthitireva hetuH

gandharva darshanakathA ripukalpitaiva


A rough translation is as follows: "That cow(Surabhi) is Amba

herself. When Kartavirya carried it away by force, Parashurama

brought it back. The reason for her punishment is her stay in

Kartavirya's house. The story of seeing gandharva is made up by

inimical people."


Shri Muni also says that the power(Tejas) of the Devi, Chinna

Masta entered the body of Renuka Devi after Parashurama seperated the

head from her body.




> This all happened in Padavedu. there is a river near by where

>dobi's washed the clothes. The Holy ash given in the temple is the

>one from the sages Jamadagni's yaga gonda and that still exists.


> The presiding goddess is Renuka parameshwari or othwerwise

>called "Padavettamman".

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Dear Sri Subramaniam Sankaran,

Nice article on paDavETTamman. But please note that our scriptures

tell us a fact that Lord Shiva does not have any incarnations. For

example refer to the Thevaram "piRappilliyaip pinyagap piththanai".

There are many such references to this concept in ThirumuRai. This is

not only held by devotees of Lord Shiva. You can also find the same

reflected in saint aruNagirinAthar's anubhUdhi as"udhiyA mariyA uNarA

maRavA vidhi mAl aRiyA vimalan". It is even held at the Jain

literature silappahikAram as "piRavA yAkkaip periyOn".

Unfortunately we Hindus want to associate anybody who did great

things / lived a great life to be an incarnation of divines. This

will lead us two problems

1. The real incarnations loose their glory !

2. It will start to mean that only the incarnations can do great

things and so we could derive an excuse for not doing anything great.


Please don't mistake me. I have seen many such statements offlate,

including from many respectable people. Just I used this forum to

clarify on this point.


Thanks for your understanding.


namaH shivAbhyAm


with love,



Visit Shaivism Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org



, "Subramaniam Sankaran" <subbu0306@r...> wrote:


> As Rajani said the is a city called "Padavedu" near Arni near

Vellor. This is the Place where Sage Jamadagni lived with his family

after he came out from north. Sage Jamadagni and Sage Vishwamitra

grew together. Jamadagni was an incarnation of lord shiva. He along

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, "sgesh" <sgesh> wrote:

> Dear Sri Subramaniam Sankaran,

> Nice article on paDavETTamman. But please note that our


> tell us a fact that Lord Shiva does not have any incarnations. For

> example refer to the Thevaram "piRappilliyaip pinyagap piththanai".

> There are many such references to this concept in ThirumuRai. This


> not only held by devotees of Lord Shiva. You can also find the same

> reflected in saint aruNagirinAthar's anubhUdhi as"udhiyA mariyA


> maRavA vidhi mAl aRiyA vimalan". It is even held at the Jain

> literature silappahikAram as "piRavA yAkkaip periyOn".



namaste Ganesh


I welcome you to . I am great fan of your website on shaivam.


I understand and empathize with your view point. According to Saiva

sidhhanta Lord does not incarnate or take birth through the womb of

any being. In the entire thiruviLaiyaaDal puraaNa, Lord takes form

that is necessary at will and vanishes at will. As the birth through

the womb of a being is considered inferior. Even Sri Meenaxi does not

take birth through the womb of kaanchana maala, but appears as a

three-year old girl from the sacrifical fire (so it is with umA).

That is why SHE is called ayonijA.


I should add, however, smArta sampradAya and advaita-vedAnta does no

think that way. For instance, bhagavaan shankaraacharya (in all dig-

vijaya-s) is considered as an amsham of Lord. And His ashhTottaram

hails him as saaxaat shankara ruupa bhR^it (I have the entire

ashhTottaram with meaning on



Why I say he is an amsham because, he goes to kailaasha and meets the



kAnchi paramaacharya as gives a reference in shrii rudram which

points to sankaraacharya and it could not be explained otherwise.


This matter of difference in opinion could be clearly settled only if

an authorative proof from shruti is given that Lord does not

incarnate through womb of a being.


Having said all this, for many many years, I was holding/believing in

the view what you said. That is Lord Shiva does not take birth

through womb of a being. To be honest, I like that view, however,

the opinion of kAnchi paramAcharya certainly made me reverse that to

accept shankara as incarnation of Lord shiva.



Please do correct me.


AUM shivaabhyaannamaH




shivanODu okkum deivam theDinum illai

avanODu oppar ingu yaavarum illai



(there is no deity that is comparable to Lord shiva even if you

search every where, there is none who is equal to him)

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