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ambikAtrishatI : 19

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janatAchirataravirachitasucharitaparipAkarUpamamareDyam .

kusumasharavairibhAgya.n lasatu kalikShobhahAnaye manasi .. 19 ..


In order to destroy the tremors/effects of kaliyuga, Let the form that is

the personification of the good deeds performed for a long time by people,

the form that is worthy of being praised by the devas and That which is the

fortune of Siva - the enemy of manmatha, shine in my mind.

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> janatAchirataravirachitasucharitaparipAkarUpamamareDyam .

> kusumasharavairibhAgya.n lasatu kalikShobhahAnaye manasi .. 19 ..



Respected Aarathiji,


Thanks a million for posting this series. Since you spend your time

and effort to translate it, can you also include an easy to read form.

Stringing words together by Sanskrit poets indeed gives a tough time

to ignorant readers like me.


janatA chiratara virachita sucharita paripAka rUpam amareDyam



This line echoes with the verse 3 of 1st hundred in muuka

panchashati - chiratara sucharita sulabhaa.





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