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Thanks for the run down on the Shivaratri's, can anyone explain how Prodosha

fits in twice a month. I believe 13 days after both poornami and amavasya?

Can anyone speak on the significance of this day and any relation it may

have to Sivaratri?





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Dear Colin,

Saw your questions and the nice explanations given by Muruganandam.

To add a few notes, Pradhosham and Shiva ratri do not have direct

link. though they occur on consequent moon days. Shiva ratri is one

of the ashTa mahA vratas prescribed by skandha mahA purANam.

pradhosham is the vrata when the merciful Lord forgave the ignorance

of devas and we pray to forgive our mistakes of non sincerity. Shiva

ratri is the night (here it means the state of nothing existant than

physical darkness, if such thing exists) where only shiva and shakti

are present (before creation), and shakti worships shiva. This

worship we observe as shivarAtri and specifically on the chaturdashi

(14 th moon day) of the month mAsi (mid Feb - mid Mar).


You could find more details on aShTa mahA vratas and pradhosham at



namaH shivAya






, "Colin" <colin@s...> wrote:

> Thanks for the run down on the Shivaratri's, can anyone explain how


> fits in twice a month. I believe 13 days after both poornami and


> Can anyone speak on the significance of this day and any relation

it may

> have to Sivaratri?



> Thanks,

> Colin

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, "sgesh" <sgesh> wrote:

> Dear Colin,

> Saw your questions and the nice explanations given by


> To add a few notes, Pradhosham and Shiva ratri do not have direct

> link. though they occur on consequent moon days. Shiva ratri is one

> of the ashTa mahA vratas prescribed by skandha mahA purANam.

> pradhosham is the vrata when the merciful Lord forgave the


> of devas and we pray to forgive our mistakes of non sincerity.


> ratri is the night (here it means the state of nothing existant


> physical darkness, if such thing exists) where only shiva and


> are present (before creation), and shakti worships shiva. This

> worship we observe as shivarAtri and specifically on the


> (14 th moon day) of the month mAsi (mid Feb - mid Mar).


Actual determination of shiva rAtri (i think) is based on chandramAna

system - that is - mAgha mAsa kR^iShNa paxa chaturdashi. Mostly

this should coincide with the tamil month mAsi (skt kumbha). Also,

chaturdashi should prevail at midnight. If two consecutive days has

chaturdashi at mid-night, the one on which the evening (pradoshha

kaala) is also chaturdashi should be taken as mahAshivaraatri.


The condensed text of vaidyanAtha dIxitiyam I have (it is called

samxepa dharma shAstram) has a section called tithi nirNaya

prakaraNam. It discusses how mahA shivarAtri is determined. Besides

skanda puraaNa, it also quotes few other sources.





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