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sarasvatii navaratna maalikaa..(3.1)

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, "miinalochanii" wrote:

>This is my understanding and I may be wrong. The root for vidhi

>should be "vidh" and not "vid". The word vidhi means rule or

>injunction, besides it also means creator brahma. In this context,

>latter seems appropriate - that is - brahma's lady or beloved.


>Of course, you can connect vidhi and veda-s as the vidhi-s for

>vaidiika karma is found in veda-s (in samhita-s and brahmaNa-s)


>My 2c.






To my knowledge Ravi is correct. I wrongly mentioned the root as ‘vid’

instead of vidh’ and I also should have mentioned vidhi-yuvati means



vid – GYAne, sattaaya.m, labhe, vichaaraNe, chetanaakhyaananivaaseshhu

- to know, to happen, to get, to discuss, to feel.

vidh - vidhaane - vidhaati - vedhishhyati – vedhayati

- to pierce.


vidhi would mean injunction or to command and hence shaastra. vidhi –yuvati

would mean shaastra svaruupiNi. vidhi also means brahma and vidhiyuvati

would mean the beloved of brahma.


Mostly I try to follow Shankaracharya’s methodology for interpretations (to

the extent I have understood).


· When ever more than one naamavali occurs with the same meaning, but with

different words (it’s not a dosha.m) varied interpretations are attempted

and the unique one is given prominence.


· When the same naamavali occurs more than once, each one is given an

individual interpretation.


· When ever a centralized theme is possible all naamavali-s are interpreted

inline with the theme, even if there is a direct interpretation that is not

in conjunction.


With this methodology vidhi-yuvati is interpreted as shastra svaruupiNi and

brahma patni. As brahmaaNi also means brahma-patni, the former

interpretation is given prominence. The central theme that is projected in

this case is sarasvati – veda maataa.

(murali and vINaa are interpreted in conjunction with saama gaana and so



I am just in the process of learning and hence any corrections suggested

help me to think in the right direction.I am grateful to Ravi that way.






Some one enquired as to how to find the previous posts, please search the

archives with the keyword ‘sarasvatii navaratna maalikaa’. I am sorry about

the public address (I lost the personal email sent).



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