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A request to all ambal members please read and help!

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My mother was presented the pantanjali sutra by maha avatar babaji. I still

think i am not worthy of using it. There is another way dear friend. You see the

strongest shiva siddhi is the rudre path. if one does japam of the rudra

prasanna 99 times while giving ahoti on the 99 japam being over their inside

starts burning but instead of the organs it is the five demons. I intend to do

this on shiva ratri. I most powerful of siddhis I have been initiated in but the

problem is I cant sit in a padmasna that long.


By the way this email has a jpeg attachement for the gallery at ambaa.org





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Dear Sir,


I am exaulted as to how you have complimented me, you see I am not as pious as

my mother. This is what I mean. The real patanjali sutras give one the power

like that of the devas since it has the secrets of the pranayama. We all fear

that if these powers are attianed some how if it were to be misused by us then

it would lead to your distruction. As for the maha rishis they are all

enlightened beings and are like actors in the lord's leela. Obviously they are

so close to God it is immpossible for them to be influenced by such things. As a

chakra opens so does a new form of conciousness via which one can set

parameters. This is the physics in meditation and so they could have set

parameters and probably did but had to do so because of God's will.


As a child I was fascinated by Lord Shiva and the Divine Mother and so I have

directed my self towards them. I have met many avataric saints like Sri Sathya

Sai Baba and Maha Avatar Babaji who is mentioned by Yogananda and have also met

the ressurected Yoganandaji himself. Due to their influence I have indulged

myself in the tantric worship of Lord Shiva. Although Maha Avatar Babaji is not

fond of tantra he has given me inintiation in the rudra kavacha and the path



This is when I started really believing you see when I made the yantra of lord

rudra on a piece of wood and started doing the japa the yantram turned black.

This is the power of lord Rudra to burn all sins and bad karmas. I also noticed

when ever I did the mantra and offered balck sesame on the aadi rudra shiva

linga then my kama and krodha disapered. So I have been cured by the Lord. I

feel unworthy of such expirences but have made the most of it. There are a few

rules that I have come across in this sadhana and it is advisory for a shiva

bhakta to follow:


Fast on Ekadasi (the Lord Vishnu who is also Shiva but with another name is in

one atom and thus his power is most reactive to fasting and japa.)


Do tryambaka mantra japa.




On shanthi





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pardon my ignorance, please tell me more about the 'rudre path' and the

rudre prasanna [done 99 times] . Would I be able to do this on Shivaratri??

Thank you.




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miinalochanii [miinalochanii]

February 21, 2002 11:20 AM

Re: A request to all ambal members please read and




, Kalika Putra <dakinic_monk> wrote:


> My mother was presented the pantanjali sutra by maha avatar babaji.

I still think i am not worthy of using it. There is another way dear

friend. You see the strongest shiva siddhi is the rudre path. if one

does japam of the rudra prasanna 99 times while giving ahoti on the

99 japam being over their inside starts burning but instead of the

organs it is the five demons. I intend to do this on shiva ratri. I

most powerful of siddhis I have been initiated in but the problem is

I cant sit in a padmasna that long.





puraNaa-s are filled with information of RShi-s and asura-s who did

enormous amount tapa-s/yaj~na-s on different devata-s such as, brahma

and shiva. True they did get a lot of powers -- but in vain. Most of

them, at the drop of a hat would turn around curse or fall prey to

lust when a celestial nymh does a little dance. Which implies that

their kama and krodha were still intact. This happened to even great



>From what I know -- surrender to God and guru is the most efficient

path. This opens up one to grace of God and knowledge. It is through

reasoning and understanding -- then one overcomes lust etc. Darkness

of ignorance is driven away only when light of knowledge comes. For

instance - when one knows/realizes that one is not the body then lust

for another body drops. Knowing and true understanding results from

constant contemplation on these -- which is nidhidhyAsana.



Man's greatest gift is ability to reason -- this is necessary even to

understand and do sharaNagati to God/Guru.


My 2c and last post on this topic.


In any case -- I wish you good luck for your efforts and admire

your devotion to shiva dampati.
















AUM shrImAtre namaH

AUM namaH shivAya

AUM namaH shivAbhyAm


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On shiva ratri do shiva pooja and a week before read and start following the

instructions from all the shaiva upanishads. How to apply bhasma and what

rudraksha to wear.


Take a sankalpa 11 days before shiva ratri and start sleeping on the floor,

cannot eat carrots, garlic, meat, onion,alcohol. Live in celebacy for that

period. On shiva ratri do a maha shiva pooja, then take a sankalpa to do the

amount of rudra you would like. The next posting to this will be titled "rudra

Path" in that i will give all the info needed.







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