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shrI lalitA aShTottara shatanAmAvaliH

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, seshagir@e... wrote:

> Next in the naamaavaLiH is


> AUM sharaccAMpeyapuShpaabhanaasikaayai namo namaH




Salutations to HER whose nose resembles the Champaka flower(

during Sharad Ritu)


The next naamaa is


AUM lasatkaa.nchanataaTa.nkayugalaayai namo namaH


Champaka: In Telugu--Sampangi(I think)

Corrections r welcome.

Seems like we forgot this series and many more.



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> AUM lasatkaa.nchanataaTa.nkayugalaayai namo namaH



lasat - lustrous

kaanchana - golden

taaTanka - ear adornment

yugaLa - pair


Salutations to HER, who wears a lustrous pair of ear adornments.




1) Refer to the name taaTanka-yugaLi-bhuta-tapan-oDupa-maNDala

tapana is Sun and uDupa is moon. HER taaTanak-s are sun and moon

according to LS.


2) Whether Sun and Moon or golden ones, why are they lustrous? shruti

says in front of HER sun shines not, nor does moon and stars -- na

tatra suuryo bhaati na chandra taarakam. Which means, they have no

shine on their own but they merely reflect HER light. They shine

because of HER.


3) saundarya lahari combines the name given in #1 with the next name

in LS and creates absolutely fascinating imagery.



catushcakraM manye tava mukhamidaM manmatharatham.h .

yamaaruhya druhyatyavaniratham arkenducaraNaM

mahaaviiro maaraH pramathapataye sajjitavate .. 59..


Briefly, HER cheeks are like mirrors, which reflect HER taaTanka-s.

Thus creating an appearance of four chakra-s or wheels. HER

amazingly beautiful face appears like a chariot with these four

wheels on which manmathA rides. What an imagery!! Poetic spendour of

this verse reminds us of the verse 16 of saundaryalaharii. When

formless manmaTha rides on such a chariot how can Lord withstand. The

incident of Lord burning down manmatha and ambaaL captivating HIM is

great source for poetic devotion. Compare verses 17 (thuNai rati pati

jayamaanatu apajayamaagum mun parttavar tam atishayamaagavanRO vaama

bhaagattai vaviyatE) and verse 87 (vizhiyaal matanai azhikkum

talaivar azhiyaa viratattai aNDamellaam pazhikkumpaDi oru bhaagam

koNDu aaLum paraparaiyE) of abhiraami antaadi.


When I first understood the saundaryalaharii verse, it left me in

wonder and speechless state for hours. Poetry can take you to a state

where normal words cannot.




4) There is another verse in saundaryalaharii which speaks of HER

taaTanka mahimaa.


sudhaamapyaasvaadya pratibhayajaraamR^ityuhariNiiM

vipadyante vishve vidhishatamakhaadyaa diviShadaH .

karaaLaM yatkShveLa.n kabalitavataH kaalakalanaa

na shambhostanmuula.n tava janani taaTaN^kamahimaa .. 28..


corrections/comments are welcome.



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> > Next in the naamaavaLiH is

> >

> > AUM sharaccAMpeyapuShpaabhanaasikaayai namo namaH


> shrIH


> Salutations to HER whose nose resembles the Champaka flower(

> during Sharad Ritu)


> The next naamaa is


> AUM lasatkaa.nchanataaTa.nkayugalaayai namo namaH


Salutations to HER whose is shining(or whose head shines) with a

pair of golden earrings.


Threre is something wrong in the translation as I could not

understand completely. Please correct.



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> The next naamaa is

> AUM lasatkaa.nchanataaTa.nkayugalaayai namo namaH

> Salutations to HER whose is shining(or whose head shines) with a

> pair of golden earrings.

> There is something wrong in the translation as I could not

> understand completely. Please correct.


Dear Satish, I think you missed Ravi's post. Please see





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  • 2 weeks later...
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> > The next naamaa is

> > AUM lasatkaa.nchanataaTa.nkayugalaayai namo namaH

> > Salutations to HER whose is shining(or whose head shines) with a

> > pair of golden earrings.

> > There is something wrong in the translation as I could not

> > understand completely. Please correct.


> Dear Satish, I think you missed Ravi's post. Please see

> /message/3383


The next nAmA is


AUM maNidarpaNasa.nkaashakapolaayai namo namaH


Salutations to HER whose cheeks shine like mirrors made of gems.(?)


Compare Lalita Sahasranama saying


"padmarAga shilAdarsa paribhAvi kapolabhUH".


meaning "HER cheeks eclipse the brightness of the ruby,padmarAgA"


LS meaning from R.A Shastry's translation of BhaskaraRaya Swamin's

Saubhagya Bhaskara.




> Regards,

> Sridhar.

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  • 6 months later...



The next nama is


"taambUlapUritasmeravadanaayai namo namaH"


Salutations be to HER whose countenance bears a smile and is also


filled with( the fragrance) of Betel nut.


The translation above is a bit crude.May be somebody can provide a


better one. Also compare with(Thx to Ravi for this idea of


comparing with LS)


"karpUra vITikA moda samAkarShaddigantarA" of LS


The fragrance from the betel leaves She chews, attracts the




Eng. translation of LS from R A Shastry's translation


Thx to Shridhar for reminding about this series..



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, "satisharigela" <satisharigela> wrote:

> shrIH


> The next nama is


> "taambUlapUritasmeravadanaayai namo namaH"


> Salutations be to HER whose countenance bears a smile and is also


> filled with( the fragrance) of Betel nut.





Salutations be to Her whose face abounds with (the fragrance) of


Betel nut.





> The translation above is a bit crude.May be somebody can provide



> better one. Also compare with(Thx to Ravi for this idea of


> comparing with LS)


> "karpUra vITikA moda samAkarShaddigantarA" of LS


> The fragrance from the betel leaves She chews, attracts the


> quarters.


> Eng. translation of LS from R A Shastry's translation


> Thx to Shridhar for reminding about this series..


> regards

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My sincere thanks to Satish for continuing this series.


> "taambUlapUritasmeravadanaayai namo namaH"

> comparing with LS)

> "karpUra vITikA moda samAkarShaddigantarA" of LS


If you are comparing to LS, maybe tAmbUlapUritamukhi is

more direct. This also occurs in the mUkAmbikA

aShTottara shatanAmAvaliH that Shri Harsha sent


OM tAmbUlashobhitavarasmitAsyAyai namo namaH


and in Anandalahari as "mukhe te tAmbUlaM".


smeravadane occurs variously in shrImUkapa~nchashatI,

navaratnamAlikA salutes as smerachArumukhamaNDalAm

and bhramarAmbAShTakam as chArusmeramukhAm.




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The next nama is


supakvadaaDimiibiijaradanaayai namo namaH


Salutations to Her whose teeth resemble the seeds of a well-

ripened pomegranate.


I hope members will add more..



, "ambaal2001" <seshagir@e...> wrote:


> > "taambUlapUritasmeravadanaayai namo namaH"

> > comparing with LS)

> > "karpUra vITikA moda samAkarShaddigantarA" of LS


> If you are comparing to LS, maybe tAmbUlapUritamukhi is

> more direct. This also occurs in the mUkAmbikA

> aShTottara shatanAmAvaliH that Shri Harsha sent


> OM tAmbUlashobhitavarasmitAsyAyai namo namaH


> and in Anandalahari as "mukhe te tAmbUlaM".


> smeravadane occurs variously in shrImUkapa~nchashatI,

> navaratnamAlikA salutes as smerachArumukhamaNDalAm

> and bhramarAmbAShTakam as chArusmeramukhAm.


> Regards,

> Sridhar.

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> shrIH


> The next nama is


> supakvadaaDimiibiijaradanaayai namo namaH


> Salutations to Her whose teeth resemble the seeds of a well-

> ripened pomegranate.


The next nama is


kaMbupUgasamachChaayaka.ndharaayai namo namaH


Salutations be to Her, whose neck is of the complexion of a


conch shell with its three lines. This is considered an


auspicious mark.


See kambukanThI of Trishati.



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satisharigela wrote,

>supakvadaaDimiibiijaradanaayai namo namaH


>Salutations to Her whose teeth resemble the seeds of a well-

ripened pomegranate.


>I hope members will add more..




It is very interesting to comparatively study the padadi kesha varNanam

found in both sahasranama and aShTottarashata nAmAvali.


Sahasranama salutes her sparkling teeth in the 25th naamaavali.


OM shuddha vidyan^kuraakaara dvija paN^kti dvayojjvalaayai namaH

I salute her, whose radiant teeth are like the buds of pure knowledge.


Bhaskararaya explains the term ‘shuddhavidhya’ in a number of ways. The

primary explanation deals with the perfect identity of the seeker and the

seen. Shuddha - pure, meaning negation of ignorance. Vidhya is the sixteen

syllabled Mantra that ascertains this perfect identity. The 16 syllable

Mantra (shodashi) springs from the mUlAdhArA of the divine mother and

undergoes metamorphosis from para to vaikhari through pashyanti and

madhyama. In the madhyama state they are seemingly in the form a sprouting

plant with two joined leaves and in vaikhari the two leaves are separated

but joined in the root (ankura). Bhaskararaya points that this ankura state

of the sprouting plant resembles the tooth of the divine mother. There are

sixteen two fold syllables constituting the thirty-two teeth of Lalita.


This namavali can be appreciated more from the subtle (suxma) form

represented as vaakbhava, kaamaraaja and shakti kUThaani.


aShTotarashata seems to incline more towards a pictures description by the



OM supakvadaaDimiibiijaradanaayai namo namaH


Her teeth resemble a daaDimi biija – pomegranate seeds, which are su-pakva

–well ripened.


The white teeth in the taambuula filled mouth of the divine mother sparkle

like the pomegranate seeds that are radiant white surrounded by the reddish



Sahasranaama compares her effulgence to a pomegranate flower.


OM daaDimii-kusuma-prabhaayai namaH


An interesting observation is that, this namavai occurs right after

taambuula-puurita-mukhii. The vaakdevataaH starting from vashini who coined

the 1000 names could have been inspired to compare her effulgence to that of

a pomegranate flower after they looked at the reddish mouth filled with




A beautiful nama occurs in the 108 names of Sri Radha Devi that equates her

teeth to the seeds of a ripe pomegranate that attracts the Krishna parrot

who dispels darkness. (pakva daaDimabiijaabha dhantakR^istaghabhicchukaa).



In shaptashati after the naaraayaNi stuti Devi says,


bhakshayantyAshcha tAnugrAn.h vaiprachitAn.h mahAsurAn.h .

raktA dantA bhaviShyanti dADimIkusumopamAH .. 11.44..


'When I shall devour the fierce and great demons that descend from Vipracit,

my teeth would shine red like a pomegranate flower’


This form of Devi is celebrated as ‘rakta dantikaa’.



In the third chapter where the potency of different devas manifests as

different parts of Devi, Her teeth manifested from Prajapati’s potency.


tasyaastu dantaaH sambhuutaaH praajaapatyena tejasaa. 2.17


There are many places where Devi crushes the demons with her teeth.


udagrashcha raNe devyA shilAvR^ikshAdibhirhataH .

dantamuShTitalaishchaiva karAlashcha nipAtitaH .. 3.17..


She grounded karaala most frightfully with her teeth.


tathaiva yodhaM turagai rathaM sArathinA saha .

nikshipya vaktre dashanaishcharvayatyatibhairavam.h ..7. 11..


She crushed the cavalry with the horses, and chariots with its charioteer in

her mouth and dreadfully grounded them with her teeth.


tairmukttAni cha shastrANi mahAstrANi tathAsuraiH .

mukhena jagrAha ruShA dashanairmathitAnyapi .. 7.13..


She caught with her mouth the weapons and the great arms shot by those

asuras and crunched them up with her teeth in fury.


asinA nihatAH kechitkechitkhaTvAN^gatADitAH .

jagmurvinAshamasurA dantAgrAbhihatAstathA .. 7.15..


Some were killed with her sword, some were beaten with her skull-topped

staff, and others met their death being ground in the edge of her teeth.


It is interesting to note how a philosophical interpretation in sahasranama,

a shR^ingara filled aShTottarashata salutation to the viira rasa filled

usages in Shaptashati, is all possible with just the teeth of paradevataa.


She is rasa ShevadhiH, The repository of all rasas.



OM supakvadaaDimiibiijaradanaayai namo namaH




I found the following picture when I searched for ‘pomegranate flower’ in








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> The next nama is


> kaMbupUgasamachChaayaka.ndharaayai namo namaH


> Salutations be to Her, whose neck is of the complexion of



> conch shell with its three lines. This is considered an


> auspicious mark.


> See kambukanThI of Trishati.


The next nama is



sthuulamuktaaphalodaarasuhaaraayai namo namaH |


I broke this up as "sthUla muktA-phala udAra su-hArA"


Salulations to Her who is adorned with a nice garland


made of huge pearls.


I dont know if above translation is accurate. Can somebody


check this?


Notice a similar sentiment expressed in Trishati in the nama


lambimuktAlatAnchitA. For a gist of Shankaracharya's commentary


refer this post by Shridhar:




Please feel free to add more or to make corrections




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