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A verse from abhiraami antaadi

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verse udikkinRa chenkathir from abhiraami antaadi (no standard

transliteration scheme followed but close to ITRANS).



udikkinRa chenkathir



udikkinRa = rising

chemmai = red hued

kathir = rays


Like a rising sun (1)



uchchi tilakam



a) uchchi = high

tilakam = adornment


The high adornment(2)


b) tilakam = red colored sinduuram


Red hued like sinduura (3)


uNarvuDaiyor madikkinRa maaNikam



uNarvu = meyjnAna =feeling, consciousness. This is technical word in

philosophical language of Tamil which means knowledge of self

realization. This is not a dry (book) knowledge, but knowledge based on

direct experience.


uNarvuDaiyor = jnAni-s


madikkinRa = respecting


maaNikkam = jewel, ruby (again red hued)


The red hued jewel adored by jnAni-s (4)



maathuLam podu



maathuLam = pomegranate flower


pOdhu = bud


Like the bud of pomegranate flower (red hued) {5)



malark kamalai tutikkinRa min koDi



malar = flower


kamalai = laxmi


tutikinRa = worshipping/adoring


min = minnal = lightning


koDi = creeper


Lighting creeper (6) worshipped by laxmii (who is seated on a lotus)



men kaDi kumkuma tOyam



men = menmaiyaana, melliya = soft


kaDi = fragrance


kumkuma = red vermillion powder


tOyam = paste



soft and fragrant like kumkuma (red hued) (8)


enna vidhinra mEni



enna = thus


vidhikinRa = described (by scriptures)**


mEni = body



the form thus described by scriptures





abhirAmi = the beautiful one


that abhiraami


en vizhut tuNaiyE



en = my


vizhu = vizhumiya = supreme/excellent


thuNai = support



my supreme support(9)





Brilliant and red hued Like a rising sun,

Adorning the high upanishads (or red like sinduura),

respected and worshipped by those who know Self,

Like a pomegranate bud,

Lightning-creeper (like) worshipped by mahaalaxmii

Soft, fragrant and red-hued like vermillion paste

That abhiramii, thus described by scriptures

is my supreme support



** some quotes from scriptures, mostly I will stick to lalita

sahasranaama (following is quite limited due to lack of knowledge and

memory -- additions are welcome.


1) udyad bhaanu sahasraabha (LS)

udyad bhaanu sahasra kODi sadRshaam (miinaxi pancha ratnam),

baalarkakoTyujjvale (miinaaxi stotram)


2)shruti siimanta sinduuri (LS)


upanishad speak of the high (brahman) and SHE is the HIGHEST adorning

the upanishads (which is like head of veda-s).


3) ucchi tilakam is literally siimanta sinduuri. Typically married

women (even in these days) put only siinduuram or kumkuma at siimanta,

even though they may put all kinds of color stickers on their

forehead. SHE is compared to siindura in color and in importance (with

respect to its position)



4) jnAna gamya (LS)


SHE is known only by jnAna. Only those who know HER can adore HER

perfectly. In trishati while commenting on kamaniiya, shankara says SHE

is endearing to jnAni-s because SHE is bliss.



5)daaDimi kusuma prabhaa (LS)


6) vidyullataa vighrahe (miinaxi stotram), taTillataa samaruchiH (LS)


7) sachaamara ramaa vaaNi savya daxina sevitaa

kaTaxa kinkarii bhuuta kamalaa koTi sevitaa (LS)


8) sinduuraaruNa vighraha (dhyaana shloka)


9) SHE is sarvAdhara. SHE supports all, at all times and all places as

brahman, but SHE is niraadhaara and has no support. -- hence vizhumiya

thuNai. SHE is very compassionate (many references are there) and SHE

supports those who seeks refuge in HER.






ambaaL daasan




sharaNAgata raxakI nivEyani sadA ninnu nammiti mInAxI


http://www.ambaa.org/ http://www.advaita-vedanta.org




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