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Suffering, Pain and happiness: response to kodees query

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The original questions posted by Kodees are logical and valid. This is



1) To perform an act, one should have the necessary qualifications. If

one does not, wrong results may arise. For instance, to drive a car you

have to meet so many pre-requisites. Anybody can not walk into a car

drive it on the road. The results could be diasterous. The same thing

is true for all fields. I can not perform a brain surgery, the patient

will die. But a qualified neuro surgeon like you can. That is true to

spiritual things also.


2) Wrong effects may come from pronunciation, pauses, etc. For

instance, "aakaala mRtyu haraNam" and "aakaala mRtyu karaNaM" has

direct opposite meanings. Some tamil people may mispronounce haraNam

as karaNam. Or consider a pause {hang him not -- let him go) or (hang

him -- not let him go). I remember in a tamil class meeting, I

addressed the judge as (niingaL aRivil --- aadavan : that is you are

Sun in this field of knowledge) the same if you say (niigaL

aRivilladavan - you are a fool). They sound pretty close. So it is with

terms like vidya and avidya, sa aatmaa tattvamasi and sa aatmaa




3) One cannot, however, relate cause and effect on a time scale. God's

time scale has a dramatical range. SHE can look nano seconds and terra

years without blinking HER eye. There is a proverb in Tamil which says

"arasan anRu kolvaan deyvam ninRu kollum" -- that is king will punish

immediately, but God will wait". One cannot say when SHE will give the

karma phala -- next second or after 10 births. So one cannot directly

relate cause and effect.


4) To an extent jyotisha can help. And to an extent it can alleviate

the bad effects -- but may not remove it completely. Consider this

example: When someone has a viral fever, it has it to typically runs

its course. There is no medicine to heal it. However, taking medicines

like tylenol may control the degree of the fever and stop it from

reaching dangerous levels like 105 or 106 deg F. It will make the

three or four days one suffers from viral fever bearable. So it is with

proper remedial puuja-s/prayers and parihaara-s etc. Of course, like

with medicine, the correct medicine and dosage, the correct approachi

is important. Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something



5. Best approach is to view karma phala with a saaxi bhaava. It is

easier said than done.


6. There are simpler and direct ways to worship God than use

sahasranaama etc. One can directly talk to HER. even if we are

incapable listening to HER answer, SHE for sure listens to what we say.


And one can contemplate on sharaNagati and its consequences. Simply

affirming "O God, you are my mother, my father and my eternal friend"

should be enough. Rest is all details and SHE knows. We do not know

what is good for us and what is bad for us. SHE knows. Hence to ask

something is asking for trouble. That is what nisargadatta maharaj says

in the book "I am that": "God will give you what you need. You ask for

trouble by asking HER give me this and give me that." (quote from

memory not verbatim).






, "Pria Iyer" <pria7@h...> wrote:

> This whole doubt in your head that you are suffering because you

started praying is so irrational.


> Think about it logically. When you did not pray and had good times

did you wonder why.


> Then again when you did not pray and had bad times did you find out



> We go through life trying to affix blame onto something else...why is

that. Why can we not take life as it is with its good and bad and be

unruffled by it.


> Define suffering for a start. Define pain and define happiness. You

say your life is miserable, define misery. Are all these not relative



> To one person being in a plastered limb for 6 weeks due to fracture

can be suffering, to another who is facing death from illness and has

only 12 months to live this may seem so trivial and what he is

undergoing may seem suffering.


> Similarly whilst to person A acquiring a Mercedes may bring him

immense happiness, whilst person B may find happiness in a simple meal

of rice and daal.


> Stop transferring blame in life to anything, grow up take

responsibilities for your own action and learn to deal with destiny

with fortitude. Use faith to guide you.



> kodees <kodees> wrote: Hello everyone,


> I happened to listen the 'Lalitha sahasranamam' by Bombay Sisters 8

> years ago. Without knowing any significance about its recital, I

> started to learn it and recite for atleast 5 days a week initially.


> Later I came to know that, reciting it everyday, we get all blessings

> from the mother. After that, for the past three years, I have made it

> a compulsory practise that, every day immediately after my shower I

> light the lamp, and recite the sahasranamam, with some fruit or

> payasam as offering.


> But unfortunately, I started to face so many problems for the past

> two years, and my life is so miserable now. But till today I strongly

> belive, the Mother won't let me down, and I continue the recital.


> Is it true that, she gives all kinds of sufferings to her devotees to

> test their courage, before blessing them? Or Is there any formality,

> that I'm not doing, while reciting the sahasranama?


> - Vela







ambaaL daasan




sharaNAgata raxakI nivEyani sadA ninnu nammiti mInAxI


http://www.ambaa.org/ http://www.advaita-vedanta.org




Mother's Day is May 12th!


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