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I am watching keenly various discussion regarding recitation of LS and


Thereupon.like happiness suffering etc. It is essential to consider

analyse,think and act

Whenever u take any work or job. When we believe that there is a bliss in


LS having faith on their words why not follow it verbatim since it is not said

by an

Ordinary man.no body prevents u to worship Mother, it is only for our good and

Development great saints have prescribed certain methods to follow. When they

Said the guru is essential y not follow it y we should take it casually.See the

happenings in USA, Israel,Palestine and Kashmir..If the weapons produced r

Kept secret and prohibition imposed for their.use, How a child at school kill


Child by shooting. Will u not impose licence?. LS is not like other sahasranama

Even Great Sankaracharya was not destined to write commentaries on it.

Since it is only a grahastha Bhaskaracharya have to do it.We say child Mother


I would like to say a few example.suppose an infant about 8months old male

Child is fondled by a woman and the child removes her top and tries to suck milk

from her

In a place full of ladies and Gents, nobody would take ill of it and they only


Laugh and say the child is hungry . suppose any elderly man do this act, will


Keep quiet .they would only beat him. Do we have such innocence. like


Parmahamsa. Who can challenge his innocence.Men like him can recite LS without

Any Guru. Even they have taken initiation and did upasana. We have to take

Complete situation when this LS has been revealed. Vihnu sahasranama for

establishing Dharma where as here LS is at the destruction of Life juice itself

by a great demon Bhandasura. It is not merely names of lalitha but full of

manthra sastra and tantra. She is akilandakoti brahmanda nayaki. On whose power

the whole

Universe is sustained.

Then I would also take it in this way. When without knowing its implications


LS, y a thought of thinking it as a cause for suffering which is also Mother’s

Action.arise in the devotees mind? I feel it is because the Bhaktha has to be

guided properly therefore

He arises this question to this website. Because of Her compassion to elevate


Child from past karmas She gives these suffering more intensively to reduce the

Period of suffering.She is Mother and cannot tolerate Her bhaktha to suffer;

To hasten his salvation she produced these thoughts in his mind so that he

Would catch a guru quickly for which She would gladly help him.

(to be continued)


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Dear Sir,


Even though I do not have much understanding on this, after

reading some of the recent posts, I am posting some of my

*personal feelings/thoughts* on this. I respectfully disagree

with what you have written. This is a long post, so I thank

you for indulging me (if u decide to read it :-)


Our mind has a great tendency to rationalize and many times

our ego will greatly mislead us, at least it has done so in

my case.


For two years, since I joined this list, I started thinking of

myself as a great devotee of HER. I would also look at my

friends and say to myself "what fools these people are, always

talking about a job, a career, family etc. with no regard to

any higher ideal in life." I also did this with my parents

and relatives ! I soon started thinking "I am someone special.

Even to think about HER requires HER grace, therefore i am

special to HER. Why, I am better than most people." Then some

small problem would confront me, and would change my outlook.


For example, something as simple as a train coming and blocking

the road for 45 mins (which is very common over here) would

be enough to do it !!! In that instant of depair, I would

blame and violently curse God that in spite of all my love

and devotion to HER, all kinds of obstacles were being placed

in my life and that if this is what happens, then i don't want

any part of it. As another example, I used to read the Gospel

of Ramakrishna and then sit in front of HER picture and cry

for hours "YOU are my only support. Who else can I turn to ?"

(some things you have almost quoted verbatim in your post) In

the back of my mind, I would be thinking, "at 8pm on TNT they

are showing Predator", at 7:55 pm I would say (almost like

I was Shyama Shastry pleading in his compositions) "I love YOU

very much, please come and out of YOUR boundless grace, save

me quickly" and then I would run out to watch TV. Whenever it

was convenient for me, I would pray and proclaim that I love

only YOU, nothing else matters, but when it was not, I would

totally forget and sometimes deliberately try to avoid HER. In

this way, I kept fooling myself. This was/is the extent of my

"love" for HER. I am mentioning all this because even though

in my case the danger in this line of thinking is very grossly

apparent, in other cases, *it might be more subtle*.


I too never did my sandhyavandanam (SV). Like Ravi mentioned

somewhere, I would chant the lalitA pa~ncharatnam, aShTottaram

etc. everday, but never do my SV. The thought that I am very

special to HER was always in my mind though. Now I have started

realizing that love is not an unregulated flow of emotions.

It is born of out of knowledge and correct thinking, and in

order to get to this stage, some disciplining of the mind

is required. I think you have misunderstood the purport of

Shri Krishnamurthy's email. Maybe he can correct me if I have

understood him wrong. I think he was implying what I have

said, that we are all not like Ramakrishna Paramahansa. He

loved HER and talked to HER like his own Mother. Maybe one

in a million is as spiritually advanced as him (Shri Ramana

Maharishi was another such person), and maybe these rules,

scriptural injunctions etc. do not apply to them, at least

in the sense we are familiar with. They have gone beyond these.

For the rest of us, these rules are important, otherwise our

ego will lead us astray, yet all the while we will be thinking

that we are doing things out of love for HER.


I recall a post on another list where Paramacharyal's words

were recalled "We sometimes say we trust our mind/heart and

accord to it a higher status. But in the matter of dharma,

mind comes last. After all mind, manasaakshi in tamizh, is

only saakshi or witness and not the judge. When all other

avenues have been exhausted, then we can say 'ok you mind,

you have been witness to everything, i am quite lost.. what

do u think I should do', not before that".


The above is my personal opinion only. Even in 1000 lifetimes,

i cannot hope to achieve the devotion that most people on this

list have, so i don't have the moral authority to say much.

I shared my thoughts because i thought there was a pitfall in

the line of reasoning that your post espoused. I will be

thankful if the flaws in my thinking are corrected. These days

I am quite content to do my sandhyavandanam and nothing else.

Even this is a great struggle for me, 95% of the days my mind

tries to think of some excuse to not do it. As regards posting

to the list, I do so only in the hope that service done to

other real devotees will stand me in good stead in my future

births :-) If Ravi's requirements to be a member of this

list are taken seriously, I would REALLY be the first person

to have to leave. That is where matters stand with me. In two

years, if there is anything I have realized, it is the

hopelessness of my case and the limited avail of my own efforts.





> AND in case a person does not have a Guru- why not address

> Ambaal Herself thus- 'O MOther, You are my everything . You

> are my GUru, and God and Self.

> I am repeating these names out of Love for You . I am

> repeating these names in order to gain Pure LOve for You.

> Please guide me. Mother , Whom else can I turn to? O MOther

> - i want to come closer to You. If you feel that my

> chanting these names are wrong , please correct me. If you

> feel that I need a Guru to initiate me, please guide to one

> who will teach me about You'...

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