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To all the immortal Children of Divine Mother


Namaskarams. The purpose of this mail is to share the information which I have

on MATHAJEE “ BHAVANI” also known as “SARIKA”. By Devi’s grace I happened to see

the bashyam on BHAVANI SAHASRA NAMA about a decade back in Bangalore published

by Sri Ramakrisna Ashram Srinagar Kashmir and after reading the book I started

reciting the stutih when ever convenient with unparallel spiritual benefits. I

would urge all the dovotees of Mother who would like to know more about Bhavani

to refer to this book as it contains English translation and Commentary by

renowned scholar Brahma Shree Jankinath Kaul.Sri Ramakrishna Ashram has

painstakingly compiled after researching it from various manuscripts,

publications and consultations with various great Sakta Sadhakas of Kashmir and

is considered error free.


Adi Sankara extols Bhavani’s grace through slokams like the Bhavani Bujangam,


Inclusion of a slokam in Soundarya Lahari (Bhavanit twam daase) and references

to Her in Lalitha Prathas smaranam and in many other slokams. We know Lalitha

Maha Tripura Sundari is Bhavani as referred to in two places in the Diyana

Slokam of Lalitha Sahasranama and her name occurs in another place as a namavali



In Kashmir this stutih is as very sacred and popular like the Laitha Sahasranama

in South India. The source of the Bhavani Sahasranama is from the time

immemorial “RUDRA YAMALA TANTRA” which is amongst the eight numerically equal

groups of the 64 non dualistic tantras. Lord Siva the beloved of devotees

revealed theses name-mantras of Rahasya Sastra to his chief disciple

Nandikeshwara,even though not given this secret even to his dear son Skanda.


In the Kashmir the Sakta school holds Advaita as the ultimate reality with

Divine Motherhood predominating. She is supreme reality, supreme love. supreme

beauty and the Para sakti and caitanya sakti both formless and yet SHE has a



The eulogy to Bhavani comprises a thousand names which depict the very nature,

characteristic and causation of the primordial mover. The power of consciousness

is not a separate entity from Siva the supreme consciousness and is beyond the

power of thinking and speech. It is through attributes the concentration on the

Absolute is developed, though innumerable and difficult to express everything.

However the Sahasranamas through which the divine qualities of mother goddess

are esoterically revealed to the intelligent and graced aspirant of intense

devotion, love and faith of BHAVANI. This is practical text ,the discerning man

knows that whatever he senses is the power and glory of MOTHER and has to become

conscious of the primordial power evolving itself into the glorious varieties of

the sentient and insentient abounding in nature. among the 1000 names of Bhavani

some are the names of birds,animals,plants ,rivers and many more things which

are not just adjectives or pronouns but shows the universal character of Mother.

Therefore each name uttered by the devotee is a MANTRA itself which would secure

the the dharmarta kama mooksha,the REALISATION OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.


May I urge all devotees of Divine Mother who are not aware of this rare and

secretive scripture to get hold of a copy from any of the Ramakrishna Ashram and

read , recite the mantras for spiritual progress and peace.




Ganapathy and Vijaya (Muscat)












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