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In Sanskrit mIna means fish and axi means eye. Hence, the name mInAxI

can denote


a) SHE whose eyes are shaped like fish

b) SHE whose eyes in (some sense) are similar to those of fish.


I will elaborate on (b) in the subsequent paragraphs. In Tamil, She

has a synonymous name called aN^kayaRkaNNi. Literally it is am + kayal

+ kaNNi, which is, am = azhagiya; kayal = fish; and kaN = eye. kaNNi

means "one whose eyes are".


Further, SHE is known by synonymous names mInanEtrI, mInalochanI,

mInalochanA, etc.


This name has atleast few different interpretations.


a) Comparison for beauty -- eyes shaped like fish


It is typical to compare the shapes of the eyes of beautiful women to

that of fish. Especially in TN, where names like "kayalvizhi",

"mInvizhi" etc are even used today.


Coming back to ambaa, sahasranAma says "vaktra laxmI parIvAha chalan

mInAbha lochanaa". In saundaryalahari, there is verse which says tanotu

xemam tava vadana saundaryalahari. saundaryam and other auspicious

qualities flow like a river from HER face, and HER eyes are like

beautiful fishes that swim in that pravAham.



b) Comparison for function -- protecting HER children


Traditionally it is believed that fishes hatch their eggs (we will

visit this later as well) by intently looking at them with love and

they nurture them with that love. Since ambaa protects and nurtures

HER children with boundless love intently looking at them (bhuvana

sAxinI) without blinking. SHE is called mInAxI. It is known that

brahman/aatman is witness to all. SHE is that witness.



c) Comparison by attribute -- Creation and destruction


It is known that fishes do not blink their eyes. ambaaL also like that

does not blink HER eyes. This is because, when SHE opens HER eyes the

universe is created and when SHE closes it is destroyed.


There is name in sahasranAma which says unmeshha nimishhotpanna vipanna

bhuvanaavaLi. By opening and closing HER eyes, SHE creates a series of

universes. There is verse in saundarylahari which echoes this name

starting with nimishhonmeshhabhyaam praLayamudayam ...; in

advaita-vedAnta there is something called dR^ishhTi sR^ishhTi vaadam

this I think only holds good for ambaaL only.


d) Comparison based on dIxa


There are different ways a student can be initiated. Typically, the

common ones are by touch, by look, and by thought. Think about this:

Hen hatches its eggs by sitting on it, with physical contact, providing

the eggs warmth and love. On the other hand, fishes hatch their eggs by

looking at them intently with love. And tortoises/turtules lay their

eggs in shore and go back to sea -- but only think about them with love

and hatch.


So a diixa can be (based on the need of the disciple) by any means.

Here by this name, ambaaL in madhurai imparts jnAna to HER devotees by

HER looks. In shivAnandalaharI there is an explicit prayer to Lord

asking for sAxushi diixa (tvat pAdambujam archayaami verse -- viixaam

me disha saaxushhim sa karuNaam ...)



e) Comparison by attribute -- wetness of compassion


As the eyes of the fish is always wet with water, ambaaL's eyes are

always wet with compassion.


Among all rasa-s, that which is predominant in ambaaL is karuNa.

Because of that SHE is called in sahasranAma as karuNarasasAgara. And

eye is the organ which reveals karuNa quickly. trishati says that HER

side glances are dripping with compassion -- kaTaxasyantikaruNa. It is

by this karuNa, that flows from HER eyes, SHE protects HER children



f) axi and aaxi -- SHE constantly rules with HER eye signals


This may be a stretch. But still I will write this. aaxi is to rule

(tamil aaTchi), king rules the land where the command of his eyes goes

(is accepted). There are references in sahasranAma and saundaryalahari

that brahma-vishhNu-rudra and iishavara run this universes, reading the

commands from HER eye glances. Since SHE does this without any

interruption (or blinking) SHE is called mInAxi


Sometimes I wonder, whether paNDya-s adopted fish in there flag based

on one or more of the above -- celebrating with pride that mInAxI is





My 2c. Since the quotes from memory -- there will be some typos.









ambaaL daasan




sharaNAgata raxakI nivEyani sadA ninnu nammiti mInAxI


http://www.ambaa.org/ http://www.advaita-vedanta.org




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