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Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya


December 17, 2002 7:31 AM





Dear Shrividyopasakas


Kindly enlighten me on the meaning of " KADAMBARI PRIYA " as

mentioned in the Lalitha Sahasranamam




AUM shrImAtre namaH

AUM namaH shivAya

AUM namaH shivAbhyAm


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"Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya" <srinath_atreya wrote:

Dear Shrividyopasakas


Kindly enlighten me on the meaning of " KADAMBARI PRIYA " as

mentioned in the Lalitha Sahasranamam



Dear Devotees




Sub : Khadambaripriya




1. In Srividya Navavarana Puja , certain followers of devotees known as


“ VAMACHARAS“ use the five (pancha Makaras) elements or Tattva namely

Wine,Meat,Fish,Parched Cereal and Maithuna. ( Madya,Mamsa,Matsya,Mudra and



– In this regard “khadambaripriya Means “She who is very fond of good Wine.”

–for Vamachara upasakas Wine is taken as Her prasadam.




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How ever certain restrictions apply which I would discuss at the end before





2. in Durga Sapthasathi DEVI drinks wine in order to bring RAJO GUNA to

her and kill HER Own child who has asuric and negative tendencies and save the

world, so that Her Avyaga Karuna (love without Agenda ) or pure love does not

prevent Her from taking such action .


3. I would like to take you through to similar other Namavalis as the one

above for cross reference: certain other namavali like Madu preetha – Through

wine or honey she is satisfied – Madhu mathi – she is with honey or wine

–Maththa – She who is intoxicated either due to the wine or Math also means SELF

–As She is The Supreme self of SIVA—Varuni Madu vivhala – Varuni is a the wine

extracted from DATES and She who is intoxicated with Varuni Wine (this is only

one of the meaning)


4. Kowlamarga tatpara sevita, SavyabasavyaMargasta, Dakshina

Dakshinaradya,Samayachara Tatpara are some of the namavali where the practice of

Aradhana using wine can be cross referred.








Dear Devotees,


· I would like to sound a word of caution .It is to be remembered that

while nothing is wrong in this type of Sadhana which yield quick results,it can

be practiced only by a Sadhaka having an extreme control over senses and is to

be remembered that only under the authority of a competent Guru who alone could

say whether a disciple is competent or not for this ritual. It is not open to

any one to enter upon it and do as he pleased. Unfortunately this noble

principle has got a bad name due excesses indulgence leading to abuse bringing

dis repute to Sri Vidya Upasana.. In life it is a mistake to altogether neglect

the pragmatical aspect of the theory.


· The sadhakas have been divided into three classes—PASU, VIRA, and

DIVYA. And for each the tantras prescribes a suitable sadana ,Tamasik,Rajasik

and Satwik accordingly. The panchatatwa ritual in its full literal sense is not

for pasu and the Divya but for the VIRA who has conquered his senses. Thus the

vira sadhana of the saktha tantra makes ritual use of what will appear to most

to be impure and repulsive. This is done to accustom the worshipper not to see

impurity in them but to regard them as all else, as manifestation of divinity.

He is taught that there is nothing impure in itself in natural function though

they are made, by misuse or abuse, the instruments of impurity here again

impurity consists not in the act per se but in the way and in the intention with

which it is done. So to a vira who does with the right intention as an

instrument of worship and overcomes TAMAS BY SATVA. The whole of life in all

its rightful particulars with out any single exception may be an act of worship

if man but makes it so.of course if a man regards any function as impure his

mental disposition is such that he cannot worship therewith. To do so would

distract and perturb him. He is thus according to the theory of this practice

led to divinise his functions and by their constant association with the thought

of Brahman his mind is it is said purified and led away from cardinal desires to

become one with Devi.





very rare exception and therefore any sadhaka trying it without sense control

is compared to the danger of walking on the edge of a sword or embracing a

ferocious lion .




Ganapathy --- Vijaya









AUM shrImAtre namaH

AUM namaH shivAya

AUM namaH shivAbhyAm


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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagathu "






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First of all, I request the members to follow some standard transliteration

scheme. You can pick what you want, but as long as you try to be consistent,

it will be easy to read. I would suggest using ITRANS www.aczone.com/itrans/

(see footnote). It will easier to correct if we make a mistake within a



The word kAdambarI has more than one meaning.


a) kAdambarI = sarasvatI


ambaaL is fond of sarasvatI


b) kAdambari = honey collected from kadamba flowers


ambaaL is fond of this honey.


c) kAdambari = is liquid drink made from rain water collected in kadamba

trees which are mixed with the honey of kadamba flowers.


ambaaL is fond of this drink


d) kAdambari = wine made from the honey of kadamba flowers


ambaaL is fond of this drink. I would put this as the least preferred

meaning. Not withstanding the fact that there is nothing wrong for a devatA

to drink wine. This is because the rules govern the divine beings and humans

are not same.



e) kadamba = mixture, variety


One can stretch this word and say kAdambari is that which is derived from

this kadamba. Thus denoting this universe of variety. ambAL being the

sustainer and supporter of this variegated universe. She is called kAdambarI









Vowels (dependent and independent):


a aa / A i ii / I u uu / U

RRi / R^i RRI / R^I LLi / L^i LLI / L^I

e ai o au aM aH




k kh g gh ~N

ch Ch j jh ~n

T Th D Dh N

t th d dh n

p ph b bh m

y r l v / w

sh Sh s h L

x / kSh GY / j~n / dny shr

R (for marathi half-RA)

L / ld (marathi LLA)

Y (bengali)


Consonants with a nukta (dot) under them (mainly for Urdu devanagari):


k with a dot: q

kh with a dot: K

g with a dot: G

j with a dot: z / J

p with a dot: f

D with a dot: .D

Dh with a dot: .Dh




Anusvara: .n / M / .m (dot on top of previous consonant/vowel)

Avagraha: .a (`S' like symbol basically to replace a after o)

Ardhachandra: .c (for vowel sound as in english words `cat' or `talk')

Chandra-Bindu: .N (chandra-bindu on top of previous letter)

Halant: .h (to get half-form of the consonant - no vowel - virama)

Visarga: H (visarga - looks like a colon character)

Om: OM, AUM (Om symbol)





Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya


Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:31 AM





Dear Shrividyopasakas


Kindly enlighten me on the meaning of " KADAMBARI PRIYA " as

mentioned in the Lalitha Sahasranamam




AUM shrImAtre namaH

AUM namaH shivAya

AUM namaH shivAbhyAm


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