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Many many thanks for ur postings. i had these slokas

scatterred here and there without knowing the source.

i was serching this internally.I am simply thrilled to

hear. How kind and compassionate Divine Mother is She

gave me this treasure from you Whether u believe it or

not similar is the experience with the nama of


from LS.If u would have been here i would have simply

hugged u.I pray God to give u more events like this.

Her Divine play is simply inexplicable. some how it

has become my regular habit to visit this site.Mr.Ravi

has put some mesmerism in this website. May Mother

bless our association.

At the feet of Divine Mother

s.krishnamoorthy--- Sridhar - Seshagiri

<seshagir wrote: > Namaste,


> Yesterday, while looking for something in the

> college library,

> I stumbled across the text and translation of the

> mAhAtmya khaNDam

> of the tripurA rahasyam, a publication of the

> GuruMandal Granthamala

> Series (# 28). I mentioned this to my friend, who

> remarked that

> this was a wierd coincidence, because today is Datta

> Jayanti,

> and suggested that I attempt to transliterate it,

> because it is

> not available online. I politely declined, since the

> book is

> over 800 pages in length (of course, a good portion

> of that is

> the hindi translation) and I know how painfully slow

> I have been

> with prior texts !!


> I will however attempt to post maybe one or 2

> portions from the

> text. Today I am posting the

> saubhAgyAShTottarashatanAmastotram,

> recited by Dattatreya to Parashurama. It is

> mentioned in the

> text itself that this is a very secretive and potent

> text, and

> that is mandatory for shrIvidyopAsakA-s (verse 30,

> line 1). The

> rishi for this stotram is Lord Shiva, it is in

> Anushtup meter

> and the deity is shrIlalitAmbikA .


> In our group, there are some very knowledgable

> people in these

> matters like Shri Ganesh Prasad, Shri

> Krishnamoorthy, Smt. Vijaya

> Ganapathy, Shri Harshananda, Shri Kalikaputra and

> Shri Satish

> Arigela. They might know more about the text and

> wish to say more

> about it, and the appropriateness of posting it

> here. I can

> translate the text (into english) with the help of

> the hindi

> translation and will do so if someone wishes.


> Regards,

> Sridhar.




> .. saubhAgyAShTottarashatanAmastotram ..


> (dattAtrayeNa

> saubhAgyAShTottarashatanAmastotropadeshavarNanam)


> nishamyaitajjAmadagnyo mAhAtmya.n sarvato.adhikam .

> stotrasya bhUyaH paprachchha dattAtreya.n gurUttamam

> .. 1 ..


> bhagavan tvanmukhAmbhojanirgamadvAksudhArasam .

> pibataH shrotamukhato vardhate.anukShaNa.n tR^iShA

> .. 2 ..


> aShTottarashata.n nAmnA.n shrIdevyA yatprasAdataH .

> kAmaH samprAptavAn loke saubhAgya.n sarvamohanam ..

> 3 ..


> saubhAgyavidyAvarNAnAmuddhAro yatra sa.nsthitaH .

> tatsamAchakShva bhagavan kR^ipayA mayi sevake .. 4

> ..


> nishamyaiva.n bhArgavokti.n dattAtreyo dayAnidhiH .

> provAcha bhArgava.n rAma.n madhurA.akSharapUrvakam

> .. 5 ..


> shR^iNu bhArgava ! yat pR^iShTa.n nAmnAmaShTottara.n

> shatam .

> shrIvidyAvarNaratnAnA.n nidhAnamivasa.nsthitam .. 6

> ..


> shrIdevyA bahudhA santi nAmAni shR^iNu bhArgava .

> sahasrashatasa.nkhyAni purANeShvAgameShu cha .. 7 ..


> teShu sAratama.n

> hyetatsaubhAgyA.aShTottarA.a.atmakam .

> yaduvAcha shivaH pUrva.n bhavAnyai bahudhA.arthitaH

> .. 8 ..


> saubhAgyA.aShTottarashatanAmastotrasya bhArgava .

> RRiShiruktaH shivashchhando.anuShTup

> shrIlalitA.ambikA .. 9 ..


> devatA vinyasetkUTatrayeNA.a.avartya sarvataH .

> dhyAtvA sampUjya manasA stotrametadudIrayet .. 10 ..


> .. tripurAmbikAyainamaH ..


> kAmeshvarI kAmashaktiH kAmasaubhAgyadAyinI.

> kAmarUpA kAmakalA kAminI kamalA.a.asanA .. 11 ..


> kamalA kalpanAhInA kamanIyA kalAvatI .

> kamalAbhAratIsevyA kalpitA.asheShasa.nsR^itiH .. 12

> ..


> anuttarA.anaghA.anantA adbhutarUpA analodbhavA .

> atilokacharitrA.atisundaryatishubhapradA .. 13 ..


> aghahantryativistArA archanatuShTA amitaprabhA .

> ekarUpA ekavIrA ekanAthA ekAntArchanapriyA .. 14 ..


> ekaikabhAvatuShTaikarasaikAntajanapriyA .

> edhamAnaprabhAva edhadbhaktapAtakanAshinI .. 15 ..


> elAmodamukhaino.adrishakrAyudhasamasthitiH .

> IhAshUnyopsiteshAdisevyeshAnavarAN^ganA .. 16 ..


> IshvarA.a.aj~nApikekArabhAvyA IpsitaphalapradA .

> IshAnotiharekShedaruNAkShIshvareshvarI .. 17 ..


> lalitA lalanArUpA layahInA lasattanuH .

> layasarvA layakShoNiH layakarNI layAtmikA .. 18 ..


> laghimA laghumadhyA.a.aDhyA lalamAnA laghudrutA .

> hayA.a.arUDhA hatA.amitrA harakAntA haristutA .. 19

> ..


> hayagrIvEShTadA hAlApriyA harShasamuddhatA .

> harShaNA hallakAbhAN^gI hastyantaishvaryadAyinI ..

> 20 ..


> halahastA.architapadA havirdAnaprasAdinI .

> rAmarAmA.architA rAj~nI ramyA ravamayI ratiH .. 21

> ..


> rakShiNI ramaNI rAkA ramaNImaNDalapriyA .

> rakShitA.akhilalokeshA rakShogaNaniShUdinI .. 22 ..


> ambAntakAriNyambhojapriyA.antakabhayaN^karI .

> amburUpA ambujakarA ambujajAtavarapradA .. 23 ..


> antaHpujApriyA.antaHsvarUpiNyantarvachomayI .

> antakA.arAtivAmAN^kasthitA antaHsukhasvarUpiNI .. 24

> ..


> sarvaj~nA sarvagA sArA samA samasukhA satI .

> santatiH santatA somA sarvA sAN^khyA sanAtanI .. 25

> ..


> .. phalashrutiH ..


> etatte kathita.n rAma nAmnAmaShTottara.n shatam .

> atigopyamida.n nAmnAH sarvataH sAramuddhR^itam .. 26

> ..


> etasya sadR^isha.n stotra.n triShu lokeShu durlabham

> .

> aprAkashamyabhaktAnA.n purato devatAdviShAm .. 27 ..


> etat sadAshivo nitya.n paThantyanye harAdayaH .

> etatprabhAvaTkandarpastrailokya.n jayati kShaNAt ..

> 28 ..


> saubhAgyA.aShTottarashatanAmastotra.n manoharam .

> yastrisandhya.n paThennitya.n na tasya bhuvi

> durlabham .. 29 ..


> shrIvidyopAsanavatAmetadAvashyaka.n matam .

> sakR^idetatprapaThatA.n nA.anyatkarma vilupyate ..

> 30 ..


> apaThitvA stotramida.n nitya.n naimittika.n kR^itam

> .

> vyarthIbhavati nagnena kR^ita.n karma yathA tathA ..

> 31 ..


> sahasranAmapAthAdAvashaktastvetadIrayet .

> sahasranAmapAThasya phala.n shataguNa.n bhavet .. 32

> ..


> sahasradhA paThitvA tu vIkShaNAnnAshayedripUn .

> karavIraraktapuShpairhutvA lokAn vasha.n nayet .. 33

> ..


> stambheyat shvetakusumairnIlairuchchATayedripUn .

> marichairvidviSheNAya lavaN^gairvyAdhinAshane .. 34

> ..


> suvAsinIrbrAhmaNAn vA bhojayedyastu nAmAbhiH .

> yashcha puShpaiH phalairvApi pUjayet pratinAmabhiH

> .. 35 ..


> chakrarAje.athavA.anyatra sa vasechchhrIpure chiram

> .

> yaH sadA vartayannAste nAmA.aShTashatamuttamam .. 36

> ..


> tasya shrIlalitA rAj~nI prasannA vA~nchhitapradA ..


=== message truncated ===



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