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shrI lalitA aShTottara shatanAmAvaliH-20

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> 19. giriishabaddhamaa.ngalyama.ngalaayai namo namaH |


> Obeisance be to the mahApatIvrata, (Devi) who is (adorned)

> with the maa.ngalya tied by girISha i.e Shiva/Parameshvara.

> ma.ngalA is a name of Durga, and can also mean a faithful>

> wife

> As in LS kAmeshabaddhamA.ngalyasUtrashobhitaka.ndharA>

> meaning-"Adorned with the marriage thread tied by kAmesha>

> (Shiva) around Her neck".


20. padmapaashaa.nkushalasatkaraabjaayai namo namaH


padma paasha a.nkusha lasat kara-abjaa


Salutations be to Her whose shining lotus hands are


adorned with padma(Lotus), paasha(rope), and




Can someone write about this form of Lalita Parameshvari?


Is there a different form of Lalita with the above


mentioned ayudhaas?



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, "sadaashiva <sadaashiva>"

<sadaashiva> wrote:


> 20. padmapaashaa.nkushalasatkaraabjaayai namo namaH


> padma paasha a.nkusha lasat kara-abjaa


> Salutations be to Her whose shining lotus hands are


> adorned with padma(Lotus), paasha(rope), and


> a.nkusha(goad).


I was thinking about this name for a while after you wrote it.

Following may be wrong, I think another interesting way to think

about this naama. paasha is the rope of bondage. sahasranaama says

raaga svaruupa paashaaDhya.


If you read in saundaryalaahari, ambaa (in a peotic sense) puts only

the Lord in bondage. But SHE liberates all others. HER eyes, delude

the lord to world and it creation, but frees all others.


a) padmaa paasha, HER paasha which binds to HER lotus like feet. And

HER ankusha (goad), directs or goad the wandering mind of the

devotee to HER feet.


b) padma means chakra, referring to chakra-s. Depending on one

degree of spiritual elevation, one is bound to a certain chakra,

such as muulaadhaara, and so on. In kundalini yoga, one tries to go

above this level. But typically, it one's puurva karma that bind

one's level of development to a particualar chakra.

As "karmaphalapradaa" SHE binds the devotee to particular padma or



Hence, one can take the word "padma" as a qualifier of paasha. Not

independently qualifying a particular hand. Typically, the other two

hands hold flower arrows and sugarcane bow.


My 2c. As I mentioned above, I may be wrong. If so, advance




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