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Please answer this for me

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I asked this question earlier in the group, but did not get a answer.

I was told to do puja to with 'lemon deepam' between 10:30 am -12:pm

on Fridays to parashakthi, I would like to know if anybody know the

significance of the time and how many weeks the puja needs to be done.

Is the Daneshwari Puja that is being discussed in the group the same.


I see that there are lot of learned people in this group, I would

appreciate if you could answer this question for me.





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dear ganesh prasad,


you write


" I have come across a minor work in tantra shastra

called "Gowri Rahasya", which speaks of lemon

representing Gowri. The practices of adorning deities

with lemons in Tamilnadu might be attributed to this

fact. However I am yet to see any logic in doing so."


well, dear heart, i am a tamilian and i have seen in amman temples ,

durga mata being adorned with 'garland of lemons' and i always

wondered about that... so, onee day i took courage and asked the

priest and he told me 'durga mata is ugra devi' and Since lemon has a

cooling effect we adoen durgai amman with a garland of 'lemons' to

appease her. well, i accepted that explanation and never questioned

the priest..


on another note, in my temple i have also seen lord hanuman's idol

smeared with 'butter' all over!


so the point is, in devotional worship , there is no such thing

as 'logic' - all forms of worship are acceptab;e ! devotion is more a

matter of heart than of mind!


this is my humble opinion...


om sree durgayaii namaha

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<adi_shakthi16> wrote

> you write


> " I have come across a minor work in tantra shastra

> called "Gowri Rahasya", which speaks of lemon

> representing Gowri. The practices of adorning deities

> with lemons in Tamilnadu might be attributed to this

> fact. However I am yet to see any logic in doing so."


> well, dear heart, i am a tamilian and i have seen in amman

temples ,

> durga mata being adorned with 'garland of lemons' and i always

> wondered about that... so, onee day i took courage and asked the

> priest and he told me 'durga mata is ugra devi' and Since lemon

has a

> cooling effect we adoen durgai amman with a garland of 'lemons'


> appease her. so the point is, in devotional worship , there is no

such thing

> as 'logic' - all forms of worship are acceptab;e ! devotion is

more a

> matter of heart than of mind!


If people want they can offer water melons or Brinjals(Eggplant)

or anything which they are fond of. No problem with that. Problem is

with the blind belief that doing so will get rid of such and such

doshas or holding a belief that, it will cool Her down or something

like that without any proof.


As for Durga being ugra, saptasati says "...shAnti rUpeNa

sa.nsthitA". If she is ugra She is also shanta murti and so doesnt

require any lemons.


Regarding logic: There are certain methods of worship as given in

Shastras and there is no need to alter them, or make interpolations

into them by innovations(like lemon mala).


I feel that it is better to spend time chanting Lalita Ashtottara

or Bala Tripura Sundari Ashtottara rather than spending time on

pujas which have no shastric base.

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> Hi all:

> I do not think this lemon thing or dhaneshwari pooja to be


> There are umpteen grandhas giving various rituals. Some one may

>prescribe one of these not so common practice to an individual who

>will get resuly and tjhat person will propagate it as a panaesia

>for everything, and in the present when where every one is beset

>with problems it spreads like wildfire in the age of TV internet

>and phone.



That sounds like mass hysteria which I think should not be the

basis for any worship.


> I have read in some text long ago of making use of inside outside

>turned alves of lemon and using it as a lamp.

> In our belief system not only shaastra aadhara counts but also




As for books to be referred:The standard texts will be Shruti,

Smriti, Purana, Tantra and allied manuals and sub manuals


Anything outside these have no basis in Hinduism.


Not everyone can give upadesha. It requires special

qualifications as enumerated in the shastras.



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dear satishregala,


a member commented on why ambal is adorned with lemon garkands and i

have seen the durga amman in sri siva vishnu temple in lanham, md,

being adorened with lemon garlands! so are we going to question the

priest why he is resorting to such a practice? after all , the

priests are supposed to know what they are doing! are they not?


i am not the one who is advocating we should do lemon deepa puja ; a

member asked that question, if we can provide the answer , it is

fine... if not we can say, we do not know if there is a scriptural

recommendation of such a practice! '


i am familiar with durga saptashati and Devi is full of all gunad -

tamo, rajas and sattwa - in fact, she is beyond gunas! GUNATITA! she

is sowmya rupa as well as ugra rupa!


BUT my point is there are all kinds of rituals, practices, methods of

worship but in the ultimate analysis it is 'bhavana ' that counts !-


exactly! without " bhavana" (emotion ) how can one approach the



and is that not why our divine mother is called Bhavani? (one whio is

full of bhavana)


sree lalita sahasaranama describes "'bhavani" as



BavaanaI Baavanaagamyaa BavaarNyakuzairka |

Bad`iP`ayaa Bad`maUit- Ba@t... ||

Bai@t...`ayaa Bai@t... Bai@t... Bayaapha |

SaaMBavaI SaardaraQyaa Savaa-NaI Sava-daiyanaI ||



The purpose of Bhavani (divine mother worship) is to take you to the

ULTIMATE REALITY and when you achieve Brahman, bhaya (fear) goes

away. Till then you have to take refuge in Bhavani - that which has

to be touched by Bhavana. (bhakti) All upasana is based on bhavana


but unfortunately most Sadhakas are only bothered by details. If we

don't have bhava then an idol will be just an idol. If we have bhava,

shakti will manifest there. So bhava has to be invoked.






om sree matrayaii namaha!

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The tradition of lighting lamps with container made of fruit (pazha

viLakku) and flour (maa viLakku) has been going on for many

generations in Tamil Nadu. I specifically know of this practice in

Vaidheeshvaran Kovil (Thanjavur), which is our family temple. This

my grand mother taught to my mother and in turn my mother shower it

to my wife. Typically, before undertaking any new venture or at some

specific events, they visit the temple and do this. This, to my

knowledgde, has been going on for many generations.


I would not say this as littering, even if it is, it is

biodegradable earth friendly stuff. Nothing toxic. We should be

concerned far more about dumping carbon monoxide into the air we

breath and other non-degradeable plastics.


In matters such as these, it is better to ask the elders in the

family and do what is in vogue. Other option is to contact their

kula guru or great accharya-s and do what they suggest. Whenever I

wrote to kAnchi maTha asking for clarification on certain things, I

always got a quick and prompt answer.






, Ganesh Prasad <bjganeshprasad>



> Hariom,


> I have till now not come upon any shastra aadhara or

> pramana for such puja. Infact I have noticed this

> thing to be a growing phenomenon wherein many devotees

> mainly women, light these lemon lamps in temples

> spoiling the flooring and littering the premises

> therein.

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, "satisharigela <satisharigela>"

<satisharigela> wrote:


> I feel that it is better to spend time chanting Lalita


> or Bala Tripura Sundari Ashtottara rather than spending time on

> pujas which have no shastric base.


Even this not required or must, as if one does not understand

Sanskrit, he or she will not understand what these names mean; and

teachings that underly behind these names. I agree with you that

starting or undertaking any new puuja (without a shaastri basis) is

of not much use. I would say that even with any kaamya karma

approved by shaastra-s.



The key is sharaNagati to God and guru. One has to just understand

and realize one's utter dependence on God. Right from the air we

breath, water we drink, food we eat, or anything for that matter, we

are utterly utterly dependent on HER power. I typically try to

remember this whenever I eat something. Now I trying to remember

this even while drinking a cup of water. Finally, it should become

practice when one takes every gasp of air.


Understanding this will also lead to (atleast at intelectual level

to start with) understanding of "yastu sarvaaNi bhuutani aatmanii

eva anupashyate ..." and lead to samatva bhava. SHE is indweller of

all and each jiiva goes through this topsy turvy curve of life

according to praarabdha. So there is nothing great about some one or

lowly about another (Words of sangam poet kaniyan puunkuNranaar -

periyorai viyaththalum ilame chiriyorai igazthalum ilame; and

thiithum nanRum piRar thara vaaraa, sumaarizes the above well).


One has to do what is obligatoy and otherwise contemplate on God,

one;s dependence on God and the act/consequences of sharaNagati to

God. Personally, I see no better path to God than sharaNagati. In

fact, it is same as nidhidhyAsana of vedAnta maarga.


My 2c.



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namaskaram ravi,


i really liked your responses...


You are absolutely right, in Mariamman kovils , i have seen the

practice of 'maa vilakku' puja . in fact, in the olden days when

there was an epidemic of small pox it was quite customary to perform

such 'MAA VILAKKU' PUJA - to thank Devi after one has recovered from

that affliction...

i have also seen , the images of people who walk on coals, and

carry pots of milk atop their heads that are associated with

mariamman worship.


i have seen myu grandmother performing maa vilakku to other devis



there is a sloka which says devi is 'nimbhu priya' - one who is fond

of lemons!


but, really , worship is a personal thing... i personally like

antharamukhi sadhana !


but it is total 'surrender' or 'sharangati' that matters! i like this

post on sharanagati very much!


om ksipra-prasasinyai namaha!



it is so easy to please devi! all she needs is ananya-bhakti!


om sree matrayaii namaha!

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dear devotees,


this is what i found while surfing on the net...


Vishesham. Offerings of 'lemon garlands' and 'lemon lamps' are

considered very auspicious for Sri Vaishnavi Durga.


Click here to see the location of the sanctum. ...


http://www.thiruman.com/durga.htm search within this site



please let me know what do you think?


om sree matrayaii namaha!

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