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Hamsa mantra rupini-

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dear devotees,


every breath that we take is because of devi. the inhalation and

exhalation. that is why she is called Prana shakti.


Devi Lalita is described as hamsa-gatiH : The simplest meaning

is "She whose gait (gatih) is lovely and majestic like the hamsa,

which is the carrier-bird of Creator brahmA. But there are several

esoteric meanings. The passage of life-giving air in and out of the

human body is called 'hamsa'.


hakAreNa bahir-yAti sakAreNa punar-viSet /


It goes out by the (vocalisation of) 'ha' and comes in by (that

of) 'sa'.


This hamsa- mantra therefore is the constant routine of human life,

inspite of its involuntariness. It is called ajapA-mantra - where

ajapA stands for that which is not being recited. She, the Mother

Goddess, is of this form.


Also hamsa denotes the indiviual soul who gets a body appropriate to

the merits and demerits acquired by it in its eternal journey. gati

is the ultimate destination, of these souls. She is the One who is

the ultimate Destination of all souls.


brahmvid-Apnoti param (taittirIyopanishad; 2 - 1) meaning, the One

who knows brahman, reaches the Supreme. 'From where he never returns'

says the scripture in another place - 'yad-gatvA na nivartante'.


Also hamsa denotes a renunciate who has had the Enlightenment of the

absolute and therefore has no attachment to any particular place or

individual. So such renuciates roam from place to place. Such are

those who know Her as She is. So She is the One who is known by such



(hamsa-mantrArtha-rUpiNI : She personifies in Herself the

significance and meaning of the mantra 'hamsa'. The 'ha' syllable

connotes the word 'tat' (= 'That')of the upanishads. The 'sa'

syllable connotes the word 'tvam' ('You'). 'That ' is not amenable to

direct perception. 'You' is direct experience. The mantra 'hamsa'

contains within itself the conglomerate identity of both obtained by

what is called the definition which discards and does not discard --

jahad-ajahal-lakshaNa .


source v.krishnamurthy's SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY!


SO, DEVOTEES, in my opinion we all are shaktas.


om shree hamsa mantra rupinayaii namaha !

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