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4 navarAtri-s

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, L Vaidyanathan <vyagrapurielvi> wrote:


> Come on, now let me ask you a question. Sri Raja

> Mathangi Navarathri is approaching. Members, please

> come forward and give some special info/news about it.

> Sri Meenakshi is Raja Mathangi, Raja Shyamala, Suka

> Shyama; She is the Minister (Prime) in the Sundhari

> Rajya, while Dandini (Varaahi - Akilandeswari,

> Tiruvaikkovil)is Defence Minister. Likewise, in Sri

> Sundhari's cabinet Annapoorna is Food Minister, Baala

> - Education portfolio?.


> Regards,

> L Vaidyanathan



- The four navarAtri-s are respectively in the months chaitra, aashhaaDha,

aashvina, and mAgha. They start on shukla paxa prathama thithi and end in

navami. The dates are fixed based on the chandramAna calendar. And it is

better to remember it that way.


- The chaitra and aashivina navarAtri-s are famous and also known by the

their season, that is, vasanta and shArada navarAtri-s (after vasanta and

sharad R^itavaH). And these two navarAtri-s are important according devii



- devii bhavagavatam which talks about these four navarAtri-s do not make

any specific link to vArAhi, mAtangi, etc. The procedure it outlines is same

for all.


- AFAIK, (some) shrIvidyopAsaka-s associate


vasanta navarAtri with rAja mAtangI

AshhADha navarAtri with vArAhI

shArAda navarAtri with lalitA


I dont know what they associate with mAgha navarAtri, going by logic, it

should be ashvArUDHa.


- The last navarAtri of this year (chitrabhAnu, not 2003) is the mAgha

navarAtri. This month starts on Feb 2, 2003 by western calendar. This

navarAtri is sometimes wrongly referred to as Maha navaratrI. That is

basically the confusion in correctly transliterating the name of the month.

mAgha mAsa is the chandramaana month in which moon is in magha naxatra

during puurNima.



- First navarAtri of next year (subhAnu) is on April 2, 2003 when the

chaitra mAsa begins. These dates you have to verify with your local



- Personally, I do not distinguish these navarAtri-s based as some

shriividyopasaka-s do. To me they are all the same.


yo.ahamasmiiti vA sohamasmiiti vA yo.asau so.ahamasmiiti vA

yA bhAvyate saishhA shhoDashii shriividyA pa~nchadashAksharii

shriimahAtripurasundarii bAlAMbiketi bagaleti vA mAta.ngiiti

svayaMvarakalyANiiti bhuvaneshvariiti chAmuNDeti chaNDeti

vArAhiiti tiraskariNiiti rAjamAta.ngiiti vA shukashyAmaleti vA

laghushyaamaleti vA ashvArUDheti vA pratya.ngirA dhuumAvatii

sAvitrii gAyatrii sarasvatii brahmAnandakaleti || 8||



-As far as observance, if you are as ignorant as I am, it is better to keep

it simple and focus more bhakti and sharaNagati. To do something elaborate,

your certainly have to many qualifications and guidance.


My 2c.



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