Guest guest Posted January 28, 2003 Report Share Posted January 28, 2003 Sub : Importance of “ GURU “ for reciting the ‘ Lalitha Sahasranama ‘ I have seen this query frequently appearing in our group and decided to Comprehensively deal with the query. · First of all the Sanatana dharma exists and would continue to exist from and for time immemorial because of the system of “Guru-Sishya paramampara” and not because of the availability of Media including the internet. ( I say this because today we have all our scriptures available in all media including the print for study) · Just because we have these information readily available through the media, we do not get an automatic right to express an opinion based on an independent reading & understanding, as it may not be well conceived by the learner with out the help of a guru. Any opinion expressed as a result of such learning, through powerful arguments or with convincing abilities would only mislead the recipient of the information as Disinformation and has a negative value to the extent of expression of an Ego. · we have No right or authority to post or represent what it pleases us on specially the matters concerning our Holy scriptures. I would like to over emphasize that it is very important to learn, understand from a GURU and always echo the views of Guru and Jagad Gurus who are the super specialists in this meta physical area and this has been our system of learning eternally when pen and pencil did not exist. · In the age of Disinformation the biggest disadvantage of the net is the “ LACK OF AUTHORITY “. · However I am happy to note the Crediblity of this AMBAAL- group when you see the postings of some of learned members (on matters like whether Women can recite VEDAS ) which conforms to the voice of the Jagad Gurus. The traditional view of the Jagad gurus can be linked to their Guru and continues backwards. They express only what they have learnt from their Gurus and the root goes back to be traced to the Maha Rishies and the VEDAS. The advantage of such a system is that the Eternal TRUTH of Vedas gained through the years of the Tapasya of Maha Rishies continue to ever exist without any distortion. · The writer of this mail (I would not prefer to call me as I for fear of ego ) has gained the knowledge to post this mail by VOICING the lectures on the subject by his Pujya Guru “ Dr. GODA VENKATESWARA SASTRIGAL” M.Sc Phd CAIIB - Sahitya - Mimasa - Nyaya - Vedanta siromani - Advaita siddhi ratnakara- Vidya varidhi . who has taught the various HOMA procedures. IMPORTANCE OF A GURU FOR AN UPASANA · Atma Gyana is obtained through a very difficult procees of learning through a Guru, the Vedas, Vedantas,Upanishads,Gita, Vyasa Sutras and all the bashyas of these. As an ordinary householder in this materialistic ‘ kali Yuga ‘ it is almost impossible to adopt to this tough route. · Therefore the Vedas have ordained the upasana marga or the Bhakti marga specially suited for this Kali yuga. Through the upasana the mind gets the Ekagra Chittam and with the blessings of the Guru, the grace of Devi is obtained and in this Janma itself, the TRUTH of the Vedanta gets unfolded and the aspirant gets the MUKTHI. · Even if one does not get the Gyana in this life nothing much is lost, for these people,get into “SRI PURAM” after leaving this mortal coil. There with the help of the Sanagathi Munies ATMA TATWA is taught and the Jeevan gets Mukti with no further births. This is the MAIN OBJECTIVE OF UPASANA. · For those souls who do not follow this path, the Vedas have also ordained the Karma marga like the nithya karmas like sandya vandanam,Japam,homams,puja,agnihotram,chaturmasyam,dartam, vaajpeeyam,aswamedham etc etc. which is done for only to iswara preethi (NISH KAMYA) when the mind gets cleared of the Maya blockage and the clarity leads to Mumukshatwam. · Our ancestors have mostly followed the upasana marga even though they were well read in Vedas as they found this path easier to follow. As the times changed due to lack of proper understanding of the upasana , this path became weak and in such times with the grace of Devi the Adi sankara was born as a reincarnation to re structure, to remove the misconceptions and codifying the upasana marga as prescribed by the Vedas. Adi Sankara re-established the SHANMADA STAPANAM for the upasana purposes which are known as Ghanapathyeem,Kowmaram,Sowram,Saivam,Vaishnavam and SAKTAM. ( Upasana of Ganapathy,Subramani or Karthick,Sun,Siva,Vishnu or Devi ) · For each of the upasana the sutras,bhashyas,puranas,pujas and rules have been well defined. After adi Sankara many mahans have also described this marga and notably for the Sakta or Shakti upasana pujya Sri Bhaskararaya can be mentioned. He has written and interpreted many of the devi scriptures for the benefit of ordinary souls. · While all the upasana marga is “same” the DEVI UPASANA stands out as the best as per the Gita Bhasya (14th chapter) ‘” SAKTHI SAKTHIMATH HORA PETHA” · Coming to Devi upasana let us focus on what our scriptures say. RIG VEDA : Sathvaara EEM piprathikshemayanthaha (Lot can be said about the meaning of EEM-KAMA KALA BEEJAM) Devi Suktam also is found in this Veda. YAJUR VEDA : Emanukam - the mantra which starts with this discusses the description of SRI CHAKRA and charkas in our body, kundalini Shakti etc. There are several Suktas like Durga and Sree suktas ATHARVA VEDA : Contains many Upanishads like Tripronishad,Devi Upanishad,Tripuradapini Upanishad, Bhawanopanishad,Bahvrucha Upanishad which deals with devi upasana. In TANTRAS : Deals with the dialogues between the Lord parameshwara and Devi and forms the pramanas. There are 64 Tantras out of which the most popular and important one is the “ TANTRA RAJA TANTRAM” which all upasakas should look into. In SUTRAS : For Sri vidya Adara sutras have been done by Parusurama which is known as parusurama kalpa sutras containing 10 kanda. While the second kanda deals with ganapathy upasana all the balance 9 Kandas deal with Devi upasana in a comprehensive manner. In PURANAS : The importance of Devi Upasana has been clearly described by Veda Vyasa Bhagwan. The scriptures are Devi Bhagawatam,Brahmanda Purana,Skanda purana,Markandeya purana, Padma purana to mention a few. The most important “DEVI SAPTHA SATHI” is from Markandaya purana and the “LALITHA SAHASRNAMA” is from Brahmanda purana. DEVI STOTRAS : As an additional bonus to the upasana we have many potent stotras like the Soundarya Lahari,Subhagothaya Stuti, Sakti mahimna stotra,Durga chandra kala stotram,Mooka panchadasi,Tripura Sundari manasika stotram,Uma sahasram and many many more. In Tamil we have the Abhirami Andhadhi and Tirumoolar Tirumarai . WHY A PUJYA GURU IS NEEDED FOR LEARNING --LALITHA SAHASRANAMA and LINK OF LS WITH UPASANA MARGA 1. For Devi upasana L.S has been prescribed as a Nithya Karma and forms part of one of the most important scripture for the upasakas daily routine . IT IS NOT LIKE OTHER STOTRAS. 2. L.S is an essence of veda for the Saguna Upasana of the Parabrahamam.LS is the only sahasranama out of hundreds of sahasranama composed on the instructions and blessings of Lalitha Parameswari HERSELF by the VASINI VAK DEVATHAS who constantly do the Devi upasana.these eight Vak devatas are amba’s Vakboothies pasyanti,madyamai,vaikari . 3. In sloka (44) of the purva baga of LS ,there is a clear instruction to do the “Panchadashi” japa and puja to Sri Chakram PRIOR TO recitation of LS for Devi’s preethy. Also refer to sloka 5 and 6 of pala sruti for a cross reference. 4. In sloka 81,82,83 of pala sruti LS is prohibited to be rectied by persons not having SRI VIDYA mantram . (Elders says at least one should possess Bala or Navkshari.) 5. just the Parayana of LS is not enough, though beneficial . In order to comprehend the full meaning of LS GURU is brief it contains : · Mantras Of Advaitic in naure - ameya,aja,atma vidya ekakini,antharmuka samardhya etc · Mantras connected with Sri vidya - akula,adisakthi,srividya,shodsakshari vidya,sri chakra raja nilaya etc · To understand the different branches of Sri Vidya like SAMAYA,KOWLA,MISRA Marga upasana.- samayachara tatpara ,kuleshwari, etc. · To understand the YOGA sastra (kundalini Shakti ) through mantras such as - yogini,mooladaryka nilaya,yogya etc · Mantras connected with Bhakti Upasana sastras - like Bakhti gamya ,Bhakti Priya etc · Mantras connected with Karma kanda like -yagnya rupa,swaha,sishta pujitha etc · Mantras concerning the essence of the entire sastras like para,moola prakrithi parapara, etc · What the Vedas identify as Brahman is described in terms of the energy as brahma shakti,atma sakthi,chitsakthi etc. 6. The 1000 namas of LS is equivalent 1000 secret mantras and there is no repeat ion in terms of words or meaning. There are several secret aspects of LS which are prohibited to be published even in the most detailed book, but to be learnt on one to one basis directly from the Guru. 7. The importance of Guru is evident when we analyse the conversation IN L.S between the Lord HAYAGRIVA and the great sage AGASTYA before revealing this secret LS to the latter in the Brahmanda Purana. 8. As per the Pala sruti as LS is a source for the BHOGA AND MOKSHA . LS is also a parihara for the sins committed due to prarabda,sanchita or Agaami karma. Therefore you need a GURU. This scripture has not only to be recited but recited contemplating the meaning repeatedly for the ATMA SAKSHATKARAM. Lastly I would request the devotees not to get discouraged by this mail if one has not found a “ GURU “, but pl keep on praying to HER continuously with a pure heart and SHE would show you the GURU. I vouch for such an experience as I have gone through this two decades back. JAI MATHAJEE GANAPATHY --- VIJAYALAKSHMI Ganapathy --- Vijaya " Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari " " Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagathu " Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 28, 2003 Report Share Posted January 28, 2003 Respected sree Vijayalakshmi , Thanks once again for this detailed discussion on the fascinating subject of 'Guru.' Yes, We need a 'teacher' or a 'guru' in every walk of life. this is even more so in the field of spirituality. As our beloved SHRI SHRI shankara bhagavadapada says in Guru Ashtakam, "Of what avail is the ripe scholarship in spiritual lore! Oh what gain is the consummation of poetry and prose of a keen intellect, if the mind does not follow the lotus Feet of the Guru?" and in Vivekachudamani, shri shankara says there are three objects that are very difficult to obtain... "Durlabham Trayamevaitat Daiva-nugraha-hetukam; Manushyatvam Mumukshutvam Mahapurushsamsrayae." Only through the Grace of God can man obtain them. "To be born as a human being is a boon. Having got this precious gift of human birth from God, the next hurdle is to have the urge and aspiration for liberation, and blessed is he who has secured these two factors of being born a human being, and who has the thirst to know the truth. If after knowing that, you do not know the way, your joy is incomplete. Therefore if you get the shelter of a MahaPurusha, one who has known what has to be attained, and one who is enlightened enough to show you the way, you can count yourself thrice blessed. This unique blessing is enjoyed by only a few who have to remember it, lest they waste not the precious opportunity of human birth." in vishwasara tantra also, there is a couplet which says... "Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Mahesvara: Gurusakshat ParaBrahma Tasmai Srigurave namaha:" "The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is the Lord Siva. Verily the Guru is Supreme Brahman. Salutation to the Guru." -. You are absolutely right in stating the importance and necessity of Guru and this is a very timely reminder especially in these days of INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY. aCCORDING TO THE Kularnava Tantra, there is no difference between devata, mantra and guru. "Devata in truth is the same as mantra; mantra in truth is the same as the guru. The fruit of the worship of the devata, mantra and guru is the same." VIJAYAJI , THE LAST SENTENCE IN YOUR POST IN VERY ENCOURAGING ! yes, members , those of you who do not have a guru, please do not despair! till the time the real 'guru' appears in human form, pray to sree Llita devi with sincerity and devotion for SHE HERSELF IS 'DKASHINAMURTHI' rupini AND WHEN YOU ARE READY, THE GURU WILL APPEAR... meanwhile, we can earn from all the upagurus in this great group.... as lord dattatreya says, he learned from 23 upaguus in real life from the bee to a snake! om sree matre namaha! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 28, 2003 Report Share Posted January 28, 2003 oops! sorry for the typo! should state 24 upagurus and not 23! (lord dattatreya learned from 24 upagurus) sorry! hari om! -- In , "adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16>" <adi_shakthi16> wrote: > > VIJAYAJI , THE LAST SENTENCE IN YOUR POST IN VERY ENCOURAGING ! yes, > members , those of you who do not have a guru, please do not despair! > > till the time the real 'guru' appears in human form, pray to sree > Llita devi with sincerity and devotion for SHE HERSELF > IS 'DKASHINAMURTHI' rupini AND WHEN YOU ARE READY, THE GURU WILL > APPEAR... meanwhile, we can earn from all the upagurus in this great > group.... as lord dattatreya says, he learned from 23 upaguus in real > life from the bee to a snake! > > om sree matre namaha! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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