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Devi in form of 10 sakthies are called MAHA VIDYAS or the ten great knowledge of

mathajee which embody the perfect manifestations of the shakti tattva.


The first and foremost of the Dasa Mahavidya is “kali” and manifests

TIME,CREATION & DESTRUCTION IN TIME AND SPACE,She is the very Air we breathe,she

is the power of action,she is beauty for a devotee and demoness for an ignorant

at the same time.


She is dark blue in color (not black) like lord Krishna standing on the body of

Siva with her long red protruding tongue with a smiling face in the background

of samsan,with 4 arms, wearing a garland of human skulls and having a skirt of

human arms. out of the 4 arms she carries a sword in one and a freshly cut human

head dripping with blood and the rest of the two arms she poses with the PASA

AND ABHAYA mudra. The human skull represents that all born will die and the

single cut head represents the SHE is there if your EGO is cut. the kali aspect

represents the Dynamic energy of life while the Shiva is the inactive and static

aspect of the Brahman. her shakti is the activating force of the ever expanding

and infinite Cosmos, and the four arms represent the two beneficent and the two

destructive aspect and also the duality of creation .she is ever waiting to

bless her devotees as represented in the two mudras.




· It is amazing how any being associates himself to “TIME” in all his

AVIDHYA activities and the existence, like, birth, death, celebration, sadness,

hope, anxiety, love hate, likes and dislikes etc. while time itself is ETERNAL.

Our Maharishies have defined time in terms of the chatur yugas which is one

kalpa and how one kalpa relates to brahma’s time and the life of Brhama itself

is limited to 100 years. When you contemplate on it is amazing and unthinkable.


· Kali is time literally and is the foremost power governing the world in

eternity itself. Time changes everything except the change itself. Time is

perpetual, unborn, uncreated, undying and conceals the manifestation in the



· Kali the time is an in destroyable force and a mega womb that makes

matter to be born, grow, take a form, develop, ripe and finally die to be reborn

with infinite repetition of the process. However some created beings come to

realize HER and for them the time merges to eternity like kali herself.


· Kali philosophy teaches us that if we are unattached to the attachment

in time, we gain the Master of time itself and can devour death. and merge to

kali consciousness.


· Kali is both creation and destruction. She represents destruction in

the limitation of body to an ignorant and that gets destroyed . If you destroy

the EGO, attachment to materials, objects etc etc ,she would help you to cross

the ocean of sorrow and ignorance. She is the cause of all wars, earth quakes,

floods and other disasters.


· Kali is our own life force or the very breath or the prana shakti. time

is prana or the very breath. She is the secret power behind the organized bundle

of the body, mind, intellect and the vital energy systems of the body. Blood is

the life force and in her symbol she is associated with blood. She is the death

to an unrealized soul to be born and hence she is birth and death. so death is

not an end but a very beginning and only a stair case to the eternal.


· Kali is the life that exists in death and death exists in life. Kali is

also the love that exists at the heart of life which is the immortal life that

exists and endures both in life and death.


· Kali is the power of action in life existing as the Kriya Sakthi. She

also is known as the MOTION in time.


· Kali is not only a beauty but also a terror and can be grasped with

reference to a form. The beauty is only a reflection of the kali consciousness

itself and not concerning the realm of form. When a beautiful living thing dies

it is the form which dies but not the beauty itself.




· The kali mantra contains the beeja KRIM, HUM,HREEM and the seer is MAHA

KALA SIVA himself as the great lord of time. she can be meditated by silently

observing the life giving breath SOHAM HAMSA SOHAM which is the sound of breath

itself which creates an awareness. She relates to the very breath and she is

mobile, subtle, transformative like the element AIR. The life force or the prana

belongs to her and not tous and when this stops death occurs. The entire human

activity is due to the prana sakthi and is referred to in the Upanishads as

JYESTRA AND SRESHTA. The upasana through the breath is called the SAMVAKGA



· Kalidasa the Maha kavi has written about 12 types of upasana.


· Kali is reckoned in the heart ,the Anahata Chakra WHICH IS THE SEAT OF

THE Air the vital energy.


· The great seers of the spiritual capital of the WORLD ( INDIA )

meditate even to day in the Smasan (cemetery) in the mid of night among the

burning corpses on the very DEATH to contact the great energy of Kali and

identify the individual self masked with MAYA with that of THE SUPREME “KALI”




A sincere devotee gets the courage of mind, power of speech like the maha kavi

Kalidasa, extra sensory perception, unlimited wealth with a healthy body, sastra

gyna and jeevan mukthi.


NO discussion on Kali is complete with out understanding the experiences of RKP

the greatest saint of all times in the immediate past and combined avatar of

RAMA and Krishna as revealed to Swamy Vivekanand .


At Calcutta Dakshineswar KALI temple, the great Master got the answer as if the

stone image was answering and conversing with him in a living form to all the

anguished demands of the master. I would request that every Devi upasaka should

try to visit this temple in his lifetime to get the grace of MAHA KALI. Indeed

we are fortunate to relate to time of RKP as he released the tremendous force of

the Kali UPASANA in modern times.. Kali is not merely a symbolic form but has a

real form responding to the Mantra and represent a principle of existence. She

is very pleasing and beautiful to a devotee but fearful ,destructive, terrible

to an ignorant as her name implies.




Prasad Balasubramanian <besprasad wrote:All,


Can someone explain the significance of kAli Devi ?

As well, if you could throw some pointers on the respective

websites, it'd be very helpful.







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Dera vijayaji,


Another wonderful presentation.


VIJAYAJI, i am a tamil smarta iyer and in my family we worship all

the gods/goddesses. but, somehow in our family altar, we never had a

picture of 'Kali' ma. and i always wondered about that. but my

bengali friends always had pictures of both kali ma and durga mata in

their altars.


to be perfectly honest, i was was very scared to look at 'kali' ma's

picture. i used to be froightened by it. Specially the dishevelled

hair. The human skull in her hand. The portruding blood-smerared

tongue. HER standing on the corpse of shiva and the long sword in her

hand. and her Blackness. only later on i came to know her blue-

blackness represented her infiniteness- like the sky and the ocean.


but all this changed three years ago when i met an enlightened

tantrrk guru on the net. he was a great kali bhakta from the shri

ramakrishna lineage. he attained samadhi. but he still lives in me

through his teachings.


when i told him i was afrid of kali and i am more fascinated by the

sowmya rupa of sree ;aita parameshweri, he was amused. for the first

time, i heard a full and beautiful explanation of 'kali taatwa' one

by one he explained me to beautifully kali's iconography just like

you have done. He assured me " look at kali's abhaya mudra " it

sends a powerful message. whoever takes refuge in her lotus feet has

nothing to fear." then i asked him about the all devouring blood

smeared protruding tongue- then he explained me that - how she drank

up the dropsof blood of demon raktabija and everytime she would

drink a drop of raktabija , another would appear and in the process

her tongue got longer and longer till there were no raktabijas.... He

further explained - the drops of blood represents the lustful desires

in man and kali destroys Lust. this motivated me to read the devi

mahatmiyam.... believe me, till then i never read that text. bhahgwat

guiita and adi shankara's books were my only companions.


He also told me people are very attached to their egos (my house, my

family, my car, my ..... my .... etc) and the first thing kali ma

does is to take away one's 'ego' and he told me the greatest fear one

has is the fear of losing one's ego. Kali's sword accomplishes just

that. well, he shared many things with me some of which are very

confedential and blessed me with a bija mantra- it was from that

point on i got interested in tantra .... devi , dasha mahavidyas, sri

vidya eutc... my focus shifted to devi in all her full glory!


i asked him one question . i said i am also a krishna devotee as my

husband's kuladevata is balaji and do you know what he said ? he told

me " that which is kali is also krishna and that which is krishna is

also kali."


later on i found the same thing mentioned in tantraraja sara and in

the gospel of sri ramakrishna. i was amazed.


it is interesting you should mention about muka kavi kalidasa. there

is an interesting story where Kalidasa decides to cut out his tongue

as his wife humiliates him for his lack of knowledge and Devi herself

appears before him and blesses him with infinite knowledge and he

became a poetic genius.... we are all familiar with shyamala dandakam

and all his great works.... kumarasambhavam etc... .


vijayaji, one request... i have a group called kali... may i please

post your wonderful article there with your kind permission.


also, is there any technical difference between Maha kali and kali of

dasha mahavidyas? not that it matters to me personally.... we must

learn to look beyond names and forms, gurudeva always said.


i am also a member of the vedanta society and i love their

involvement in humanitarian work . somehow, i have not visited the

dakshineshwer temple in calcutta - in my next visit to india, if kali

wills i will go there!


jai gurudeva!

jai mahakali!












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So, can we have the photo of Kali Devi in our house ?

If someone has a good photo, please send it across.

I'll compile all my Qs and post soon.






On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 15:06:02

adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

>Dera vijayaji,


>Another wonderful presentation.


>VIJAYAJI, i am a tamil smarta iyer and in my family we worship all

>the gods/goddesses. but, somehow in our family altar, we never had a

>picture of 'Kali' ma. and i always wondered about that. but my

>bengali friends always had pictures of both kali ma and durga mata in

>their altars.


>to be perfectly honest, i was was very scared to look at 'kali' ma's

>picture. i used to be froightened by it. Specially the dishevelled

>hair. The human skull in her hand. The portruding blood-smerared

>tongue. HER standing on the corpse of shiva and the long sword in her

>hand. and her Blackness. only later on i came to know her blue-

>blackness represented her infiniteness- like the sky and the oce



>AUM shrImAtre namaH

>AUM namaH shivAya

>AUM namaH shivAbhyAm

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In the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramakrishna when visiting a

bhaktas house and sees different pictures of the Mother hanging on

the wall he says (if i am not making a mistake) that it is not good

to have a wrathful form of the Devi at home unless one worships it

daily. I am not sure if all forms of Kali are wrathful, i have heard

that it has to do with which hands, right or left, she holds the

sword and the severed head, and with which the boon giving and abhaya


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