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jeevan muktha Mahaan chidaanandanaatha & sri vidya

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The great mahaan attained kaivalya in the year sept,1957 on sashti during Sarada

navaratri on the maha vajreshwari thithi nitya day.


Precisely At that time the Kanchi Maha perival who was, doing the Chandra

Moulieswara puja suddenly stopped the puja for a minute,and continued to do the

puja. This unusual BREAK caused anxiety among the devotees who had organized

the puja materials on that day ,as they thought that something was defective

with the puja materials brought . (this incident happened at the madras

Sanskrit college.)


After the puja Maha Perival went to explain the reason for the stoppage of the

puja and said at that precise moment he had witnessed a rare vision of a grand

reception being given in MANIDWEEPA to a great Sri Vidya upasaka whom he knows.




For the benefit of this AMBAA-L group who are not aware of this mahaan, I would

like to give more information.




In the holy land of India it is said that during every decade , there would be

atleast a single Jivan muktha born to re establish the faith of the sanatana

dharma and to


re confirm the truth of the Vedas and other holy scriptures.


True to this saying this Mahaan was born to re establish the supremacy of Devi

upasana ,at a time when Sri vidya upasana was shunned particularly in south

India by the the Vedic scholars, as some upasakas were using non-vaidic

materials and doing non vaidic practices.




The Mahaan was born to sri Narasaya and Smt Kamakshi on the first of Nov 1882 in

the tamil year chitra banu and his birth star was moola ,as that of ambaal. The

parents named this divine child as "SUBRAMANIAN". He came to madras in the year

1905 and was working as a teacher for his living , in the corporation MODEL

SCHOOL and retired in 1937. He learnt art also which later helped him to draw

his guru's picture.




As per the wishes of his mother in the year 1911 , he took his mother to witness

the Maha kumbamela at the holy city of Allahabad. At that time in the triveni

sangam he met several sadhus,munies, avadhootas, yogies, spiritual giants from

various sanyasi orders.


He was particularly attracted to a avadhoota hailing from Trinelveli -- the

MAHAAN pujya sri sri Guhanandanathar and pleaded before him to liberate him from

the samsara sagara. The trikala darshi Guru knew the purpose of his birth and

directed him to come after 2 days. With the Grace of the Guru in the year 1911

on an amavasya day- Monday-in the month of makara in the tamil year sadarana

varsham,in the holy place of Allahabad guru gave him the Poorna maha shodashi

diksha along with the initiation of Mahavakyas and Hamsa mantra with the

Deeksha nama as "CHIDDANANDA NATHA".he further instructed him to do the upasana

utmost confidentially for 12 years, which he did even with out the knowledge of

his wife.


He was at the holy feet of guru only for 27 days learning the sampradaya karmas

of Srividya,guru parampara,the divine secrets of the srividya,the finer aspects

of advaita and Vedanta sastras and the Subramanya tatava. When the guru prepared

to move from that place, he could not reconcile to the separation . the guru

blessed him that he would soon gain the Atma Sakshatkara.and consoling him said

that he can witness the guru's sthoola sarira in Muruga vighraha during the

vibhuti abhisheka ,in the great temple of Lord Subramanya at TIRUTHANI, on the

Thai Amavasya (month of makara). This event happens to this day when the

abhiskam is done by the sishyas of Sir on this particular day.


Thereafter the spiritual progress of the mahaan was on the fast track and he

came into contact with great people like rajanga swamygal,vallimali swamigal.

The truth of the vedantas were getting clearer to him through these divine

contacts. Though he was a gruastha , Sir was living a saint's life working very

hard for the spirtual upliftment of the ordinary souls.


He initiated the SriVidya Upasana to several thousands of devotees who flocked

him like the bees in the honey comb. For the deserving devotees he gave the

peetathikara (Right to initiate other people) . he initiated the women also, who

were discouraged at that time to take to sri vidya upasana. He was known as "

SIR " with respect and love from sishyas as he was a teacher. Among his shisyas

were many very great Vedic scholars and sastries.




For several decades for some reasons Sri vidya Navavarana Puja was not being

done at the "Kaamakshi Temple " at Kanchipuram. As per the divine directions

from Maha Perival of Kanchi, this puja commenced after a long break to be done

by SIR. Even to day the sri vidya navavarana puja is continued to be done by

Sir's sishyas.




He founded a samithi which was known as SRI BRHAMA VIDYA VIMARSINI SABHA and the

vaidic sastries and the other great learned persons regularly met to discuss and

research the knowledge available to the humanity on Sri Vidya.


As a result of this research several invaluable scriptures came to light for the

guidance of future sadhaks. In the year 1955 he started a journal known as "SRI

Vidya " to dissipate the knowledge.




In the year 1920 on may 20th at 3 am in the early morning, he had a very

personal dharshan of the MAHAAN SESHDRI Swamigal at TIRUVANNAMALI who reflected

the spiritual progress of Sir and directed him to protect and propagate the

secret knowledge of Sri Vidya. He used to frequently visit Bagawan Ramana and

discuss with him the subtle aspects of the vedanata and the Upanishads.




Sir had also installed Sri Chakra or Mahameru in various adhishtanas of sidda

purusha and mahaans.












this book explains the procedures for doing the sri vidya navavarana puja. This

has been compiled from various tantra sastras and to day it is an authoritative

manual based on which several publications have come out. In all the Sankara

Mutts this krama is being followed.






this book explains at each stage the adyatma philosophy of Srividya Navavarana

Puja and Sir Through his own personal experience explains clearly, how this puja

helps the aspirant to bring the advaitic experience into practice. this book was

published both in English and tamil.






this book is based on the Vedas and Guru gita and explains the importance of

guru, beejakshra mantras in the guru paduka mantras and its importance to a







Deals with the scripture "lalitha stavaratnam" based on the work of DURVASA

MAHA RISHI " and contains rare secret interpretations of the scripture.






tamil translation of the work of Bhaskara raya's Bhasyam.






deals with the duties of a daily routine of an upasaka concerning

karmas,japas.dhyana and parayanas.




Sri lalithopakyaana vimarsham ;


Book based on the Brahmanda puranam.




AJAPA KALPAM : a guide to Ajapa Japam.






Tamil translation of the work of ADI SANKARA.










Tamil translation of the work of ADI Sankara on the subject.






Explains the secrets of Tatvas on the subject as explained by his guru.






this scripture which was from Kashmir in Sanskrit was translated in tamil which

explains the subtle aspects and secrets of Sri Vidya upasana based on " HATHI

VIDYA ". At the time of the release of this book Maha Perival of Kanchi

conferred him the prestigious title "ABHINAVA BHASKARA" and simultaneously from

the SRINGERI PEETAM came the award as "NAVA BHASKARA ".




SRI VIDYA GITA : this book was based on TRI PURA RAHASYAM




KAMALBIKA MAHATMEEYAM : explains the meaning of Devi Saptha Sathi from a

different dimension on the Kamalambika Devi at Tiruvaroor with cross references

to Navavarana Kirthana composed by SRI Muthuswamy dikshatar.






The other countless publications were,Kamalalaya kshetra tatvam,sri

panchanatha kshetra tatva.chidambara rahasya tatva,mooka panchasathi's arya

sthaka meaning,many many poems in Tamil and Sanskrit etc etc .He had given

lectures based on the Baskara raya's Bhasyam on the Lalitha sahasranama.




SIR's BHAKTI to Devi is unparallel when one learns from his life that he even

sold his house to finance his publications on SRI VIDYA for the benefit of









I thank Sri HARSHA RAMURTHY for asking the question on SIR which has enabled me

to concentrate on the life history of this Mahaan at least for sometime while

writing this mail.






Ravi <miinalochanii wrote:

--- Harsha Ramamurthy <harsha.ramamurthy wrote:


> Mon, 3 Feb 2003 20:17:18 +0530

> "Harsha Ramamurthy" <harsha.ramamurthy



> Sir,

> I am a Shishya of Brahmashri Chidanandanatha (Subrahmanya Iyer) of

> Guhanandamandali. Will you please do a great favor to me by letting

> me

> know the exact date (at least the year) in which this great person

> attained Ambal's feet.




> Thanks and warm regards,



> Harsha Ramamurthy.


> Bangalore

> 080-6646954

> 98452 01869



> >





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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagathu "






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My namaskaram-s to shrii Vijaya-Ganapathy dampati:


Thank you for this wonderful post. Can you tell us where one can buy

the books you have listed.


Thanks again for your kind help.





, ganapathy vijaya <srividya101>







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