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REPLY -- Pancha MakArAs:

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Sub : Pancha Makara






Aa all the words start with M , the items used in Devi puja is called the

pancha makaras.


The practice of using these materials / aspects differs based on the sadhak

being either a Dakshinachara or a Vamachara.

As per “ AGAMA SARA “ , the philosophical meaning is explained below.

· Madhya -- it is taken literally as liquor by Vamacharis, where as it

is the Amruta or the ambrosia generated when the Kundalini raises from the

Molladara Chakra to Sahasrara.


· Mamsa -- is taken as meat by vamachara , where as it represents the

tongue and the power of speech with the help of which the mantras are recited.






· Masthya—is taken as fish by vamacharais, but it represents the

nadi—pingala and ida on the spinal column and the continuous motion of the

nadies as the ever moving fish.


· Mudra --- is the awakening of the knowledge in pericarp of the 1000

petaled sahasrara.






· Mythuna—the union of Shakti from the Kundalini to the Siva in Sahasrara

which culminates in the supreme bliss (jivatma paramatma union) and that status

of the sadhak is called the Nirvikalpa samadhi .






Symbolically in the Avarana Puja for a Dakshinacharin—Madhya is the Vishesargya,

Mamsa—is the ginger represents the flesh of the body and the recitation of the

mantra with the tongue represents Masthya and due to the costant contemplation

results in the mudra and mythuna as aforesaid.






The “KULARNAVA TANTRA” teaches practice of the rituals performed by a vamacharin

and the sadhak go by the literal meaning as specified in the tantra. This tantra

prescribes the necessary qualification of a disciple like the possession of a

good character which must not be lewd, given over to drink, gluttony and woman.


Such sadhak who is a rarity in kaliuga , is called a VIRA would make the

ritualistic use as prescribed by the Sakta Tantra. All tantras counsels on

dharma and morality and so While what will appear to most to be impure and

repulsive substances because of ones karmic vasaanas, the worshipper because of

his evolved mind does not see the impurity in them but regard them as the

manifestation of AMBAAL.


The sadhak is taught that there is nothing impure in itself, in natural function

though they be made by misuse or through abuse results in the instruments of

impurity, the impurity consists not in the act PER SE but in the way and in the

intention with which it is done. The act done with the right intention are

definitely an instrument of worship.


Though I am DAKSHINACHARIN, I find several sadhaks of my type refusing to

discuss or avoid discussion on the subject totally. I have tried to explain in

the right perspective, as no TANTRA CAN BE FALSE OR WRONG. Unjust condemnation

out of ignorance or unqualified commendation of such practice indeed harm such

practice bringing disrepute to a holy scripture.


It must be cautioned that such sadanas are very difficult path not applicable

for the majority in this yuga and taking such sadhanas is like walking on the

edge of a SWORD.










"Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya" <srinath_atreya wrote:

|| Jai Gurudeva Dutta ||



Dear Ambaa devotees


Any one of you kindly enlighten me on the subtle (Vedanta) or

otherwise meaning/purpose of the "Pancha MakArAs" viz Matsya, Meena,

Mudra, Madya & MAnini.







sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagathu "






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Dear Ganapathyji,



Let me just clear one thing; Vamachara simply

means the left hand path or more accurately the left current. This simply

means is that you take shakthi's perspective or path to awakening the

Kundalini. (Trust me I learnt this the hard way). Asuri Siddhanta simply

means that you offer things or do rituals that has a high risk involved and

is very accelerative. Deities don't tend to like this since this ritual

instead of pleasing the deity forces or imposes certain things.


Only a few goddesses tolerate this out of them Maha Pishachini or

Chinnamasta mother is the most tolerant; that path was usually taken by the

asuras thus it is known as the asuri siddhanta and many although shiva

worshippers they were, were in fact great Masters of Vamachara.


The occult compodium that is attributed to Dattatreya known as the Maha

Indra Jaala or Mahendrajala (net of the senses) is first to be said to be

taught to Lanka Naresha (Ravana).


I know there are many contexts of Vamachara and the most widely accepted one

is this blood and gory worship however the orthodox version would be as I

stated since this definition predates the worship of the Goddess Ugra Tara

who is a Kshetreya convention so that the Divine mother Tara help them in



Tell me can a mother ever be blood thirsty? I normal or average sadhaka who

invokes Devi as mother would see her as being asexual, immaculate, perfect

in all ways and most of all loving. The Asuri siddhanta says something

totally different. Kali Maa and Mother Chinna are invoked mostly in the

Asuri genre that is since they are the most forgiving.


Let me add one more thing; there are five security measures Lord Shiva took

before he gave out the Tantras (it is through him all Tantric vidya came out

no other form but Shiva) Firstly it is encrypted esp Kali Tantra since Kali

tantra can make a person into a maha Avatar; its grotty to keep simpletons

away from it since they are most prone to making Mistakes. God is loving and

He doesn't want his children to suffer that is the reason and the second is

that it does not get misused.

We know the rest like kilanam, utdipika, aprana, vinashika, adiksha, abhoga

and a few others.

The Pancha makaras are like so instead you could offer betel nut, ghee lamp

with kumkum, banana, coconut and via these offerings mother Kali allows your

Kundalini to rise up your Anahata.


The mantra for this is very simple:


OM xxxx shreem kleem hreem xxxx mam xxxx devyeyee kuru kuru swaha

Those three bijas I cannot reveal since if not done properly it can cause

harm to the sadhaka; it can lead to nirvakalpa samadhi where the prana can

also break the medulla area and escape.




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