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Selections from IshvaragItA - 3

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... shrIH ..

... shrIchandramaulIshvarAya namaH ..

... shrIkAraNaparachidrUpAyai namaH ..


shAsvataishcharyavibhava.n dharmAdhara.n durAsadam.h .

mahendropendranamita.n maharShigaNavanditam.h .. 15 ..


AdhAra.n sarvashaktInA.n mahAyogeshvareshvaram.h .

yoginA.n parama.n brahma yoginA.n yogavanditam.h .. 16 ..


kShaNena jagato yoni.n nArAyaNamanAmayam.h .

IshvareNaikatApannamapashyan.h brahmavAdinaH .. 17 ..



The Brahmavadin sages saw the Lord, who is the abode

of eternal powers, a repository of Dharma, difficult

to approach, to whom Mahendra and Upendra bow down

and who is lauded by the great sages, the very base

of all powers, the Lord of supreme Yogins, Supreme

Self to the Yogins, extolled by them and enshrined

in their hearts, enveloped by the Maya of Yoga,

creator of the universe, Narayana, free of ills

and one with God. (*)


dR^iShTvA tadaishvara.n rUpa.n rudranArAyaNAtmakam.h .

kR^itArtha.n menire santaH svAtmAna.n brahmavAdinaH .. 18 ..


The Brahmavadins, thus having seen the Divine Form in

which both Rudra and Narayana became one, felt that their

end had been well-attained.


sanAtkumAraH sanako bhR^igushcha

sanAtanashchaiva sanandanashcha .

rudro.aN^girA vAmadevo.atha shukro

maharShiratriH kapilo marIchiH .. 19 ..


dR^iShTvA.atha rudra.n jagadIshitAra.n

ta.n padmanAbhAshritavAmabhAgam.h .

dhyAtvA hR^idistha.n praNipatya mUrdhnA

baddhvA~njali.n sveShu shiraHsu bhUyaH .. 20 ..


OMkAramucchArya vilokya deva\-

mantaHsharIre nihita.n guhAyAm.h .

samastuvan.h brahmamayairvachobhi\-

rAnandapUrNAyatamAnasAste .. 21..


Then the sages Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Bhrgu, Sanatana,

Sanandana, Rudra, Angiras, Vamadeva, Sukra, Atri,

Kaplia and Marici, seeing Lord Rudra who controls

the universe, with His left half as Padmanabha,

meditated on Him in their hearts and touching the

earth with their foreheads and having folded hands

on their heads, pronounced "OM" and seeing God in

their inner selves, became filled with joy and began

to extol Him in Vedic hymns.




(*) Due to time restaints, i can no longer spend any

time on the translation. I am taking the easy way out

and just copying and pasting from the text. If anyone

wants to take up the task of translation, they are

very welcome.

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