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shrI chakra -- Internal and External

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There was a question from a devotee some time back about the relationship

between the nine Avaranas of Physical Srichakra and the Srichakra in the human

body and the querist also wanted to know about Thithi nityas and the

significance in our life. The devotee was also mentioning about HATHA YOGA which

identifies only seven charkas in the body.


At the outset I would like to express my total ignorance on this difficult hatha

yoga path and I cannot reply why only seven charkas are mentioned. I call this

path very difficult as per Kaanchi Maha Perival's commentary on the hatha Yoga

which goes as --- when there is a straight path with proper milestone and route

to your destination , why do you chose a path which involves swimming in the

deep waters with fast currents and cross the forest encountering the wild just

to reach the destination quickly. He has put it beautifully for the new

aspirants of hatha yoga.




External Srichakra :




As per agama sastras pujas are of 3 types -- para, apara, parapara.




Para puja implies surrender of all our activities to the supreme-- that itself

is a puja,




apara puja which is external requires a diety ( a photo or an icon or Srichakra)

with all the needed puja materials ,allows one to do puja with relevant

mantras.There is no need for any initiation of any beeja mantras.




But for the parapara puja one requires initiation to the mantra, guru's grace

and peetathikaram as in Sri Vidya Navavarana puja (NP). NP is a puja to an

external Srichakram and also an atma puja as it is Advaitic in nature. The

devotee who at the beginning of the puja with the dwaitic nature cultivates an

advaitic bhava through the mantras to finally return to dwaitic nature and

retains the DEVI in his/her heart. It is a truth, that when the sadhak does this

puja regularly, he would continue to have the advaitic bhava permanently only to

finally merge with Devi. That is the purpose of external srichakra and (NP)puja




Internal Srichakra :




Similarly the body itself is a SRI CHAKRA and mediating on the chakra

continuously, the devotee can attain the final liberation. But such a

contemplation is very difficult and possible to only highly spiritually evolved

souls.( as it is purely advaitic in nature) Therefore both nava varana puja and

the srichakra puja of the inside the body is same.




The authority for this confirmation comes from the meaning of Bhavonopanishad in

Atharva veda.


Which is based on KATHI VIDYA. Any devotee who with unshakeable faith meditates


REALISATION. The deities mentioned in this Upanishads are same as the one in

Navavarana Puja.


Therefore the number of charkas in the SriChakra is same whether it is external

or internal.




As Sri Ramana has confirmed (pl see my earlier mail)--in response to a question

posed by a devotee--- that different deities reside in the different charkas and

they "CAN BE SEEN IF DESIRED ". This holds good for an external srichakra or an

internal srichakra. For most of us are not able to see the deities at the time

of Srividya Navavarana puja because of our nature being -- less sathvic --

higher rajasic -- may be to a very little degree thamasic also. All devi

devotees definitely must have some degree of Sathvic nature, as otherwise you

would not be a chosen one for meditating on her. It is also a confirmed fact

that Devi Upasana comes to you only when you have few births left and you have

every opportunity to exhaust your births in this birth itself provided you

observe the sastras.




Internal Srichakra ;




Let us briefly look into the meanings of some of the shlokas of the Upanishad

which talks of the Srichakra inside the body. (Pl note -- I do not have an

expert knowledge but only a working knowledge -- limited to recitation and

limited understanding of the meaning) Pl consult a LEARNED GURU for an expert's

meaning on this subject.




B h a v a n o p a n I s h a d -- Internal Srichakra




Meditate on the ATMA JYOTHI that is the root cause of all light & brightness

in and around the COSMOS and this is Guru and is the reason for the whole cause.

The body has nine exit points, body is the Guru rupam and it contains the


Varaahi represents Father and Kurukulla Devi the mother. Both being the athi

devatas for the chemistry and the flesh of the body.

The four purusharthas Dharmartha , kama Moksha are the four seas around you.

The flesh, blood, the bones, the neves hairs etc are the nav ratnas.

The six seasons are the six tastes of the tongue which one experiences such

as the sweetness,sourness,bitterness etc.

The Knowledge is the Visheshargyam. The Indryias when controlled is the

Havish in agni.

The " KNOWN --- THE KNOWLEDGE -- THE PERSON WHO KNOWS -- such a bhavana is


The different emotions of the body like the

fear,anger,courage,likes,dislikes,astonishment etc are the shaktis devatas like

the ANIMA etc.

The other feelings like the KAMAM, LOBAM, MADAM, MATHSARYAM etc are the

matruka shakti which are eight from BRAHMI.

The nine ADARAS are the six-from muladara to Sahasrara and above this is

akula sahasrara below the kula sahasrara and the indra yoni constitute together

the mudra shakthi.

The five elements around you which are the air, fire,water,earth,space and

the ear, eyes,skin.speech,the limbs etc which total 15 -- plus the mind adds 16

-- are the 16 shakties from the KAMAKARSHINI.

The bodily activities done with the help of the five karmendrya and the three

activities like sacrifice, upekshai and kirakanam are the 8 shakties -- ananga

Kusuma Devi etc.

The 14 nadies like the eda,pingala,yasovathi,alambusa etc are the shakties


The ten agni kala from SARVAGNA in the 10 triangles are responsible for the

activities like breathing,digestion etc.

The satva,rajas,thamas happiness,sadness etc are the 8 sakties VASINI etc.

The five thanmatras of the body like Sparsham,rasam,etc are the puspa bhanas

of devi, the mind is the sugarcane bow of devi ,the desire is the pasam of

devi,dvesham is the angusham of devi.

Avyaktam,mahat,ahankaram are the devatas in the central triangle which is










I would like to draw the attention of my earlier mail where I had written about

what Bagawaan sri Ramana said on Sri Chakra which is worth mentioning here.




· On 19th April 1937, an orthodox gentleman asked about Sri chakra




For which Sri ramana replied,It has deep significance and used for worship and

concentration of mind. The mind, which always wanders outside, is checked and

turned within. Its habit is to dwell in names and forms for all objects external

possess names and forms. Such names and forms are made and symbolic mental

conceptions in order to divert the mind from external to internal and make it

dwell within itself. The idols, mantras and yantras are all meant to give food

to the mind in its introvert state, so that it may later become capable of being

concentrated for reaching the superb state of SELF automatically.








· The 15 thithi nithyas (sukla Paksha) starting from Kameswari,

Bhagamalini, Nityaklinna, Berunda,



Nithya,Neelpadaka,Vijaya,Sarvamangala,Jwalamalini,chitra are the thithi nityas

for each of the thithi or phase of the moon in case of Sukla Pakshya starting

from prathama (after amavasya) to pournamasi .


· And the 15 thithi nityas in the Reverse Order stating from Chitra and

ending with Kameswari are the thithi nithyas for the Krishna pakshya stating

from prathama ( after pournami) to amavasya So it is incorrect to say that there

are no nithya Devies for the waning moon.


· Each of these nithyas have the yantra,mantra and rupa and the exact

place for these devies are all around the central triangle of srichakra.




The Maha Nithya Is the Lalitha Devi in the Bindu.




Significance of thithinitya in our lives:




There was an interesting and inspiring real episode which appeared in the Tamil

spiritual magazine - aanmeegam or Bhakti ( kumudam publication) before 9 to 12

months and some of our members might have also read this episode which goes

briefly as --




A young lady about 22 yrs old goes missing in Chennai (madras) and the parents

look for her frantically tapping all their possible sources such police,

friends,relatives etc . An agonising week passes, when somebody advises to

contact a very pious Devi Upasaka for help. They meet him as a last hope and the

upasaka immediately on hearing lights a lamp before Devi and consoles the

parents that they would soon hear at least some news about their daughter .




The Devi upasaka looks into the thithi on that particular day and starts

pleading with the thithi nitya Devi continuously with the beeja mantra of the

thithinitya devi




The parents on that day get a lead from one of the close friend of their

daughter, that she has eloped with an Indian settled in Singapore in search of

better life and that day they were both to fly to singapore.


On hearing this immediately they rush to the Air port only to find that flight

had just took off before 10 minutes. Grief stricken while they were examining

on the other options, there was a sudden announcement in the airport that stated

that the specific flight had developed a technical snag and was returning to the

air port.


Immediately they approached the police and the police apprehended the person on

arrival, the investigation further revealed that this person was involved in

immoral traffic of girls from India and arrested him.


The parents after taking custody of the girl , straightaway went to the upaskas

house only to find that he was still in mediation. When he saw the girl , the

upasaka was overwhelmed with joy and told them that she was saved by none other

than the Thithi nitya devi on that day.




While I do not know the veracity of this published information in a respectable

spiritual journal, such instances are possible and can be true.




When the entire Cosmos is so perfectly engineered by her and which does not

require even a maintenance, is it difficult for her to cause a technical snag on

a man made machine !!!!!!!!!!




You may make your own conclusions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.




Jai Chitra Nithya Devi (To night is pournima thithi -- She being Chitra nithya





Pournima puja would be done to night by all the upasakas and Maha perival of

kaanchi used to do lalitha sahasranama archana gazing at the moon as She is

Chandra mandala madhyasthaay namaha






Ganapathy = = = Vijaya






"Shrinivas A. Gadkari" <sgadkari2001 wrote:Namaste,


I was wondering if list members could provide insight on

the following questions or provide pointers to material



1. What is the exact correspondence between the nine AvaraNa-s

of shrI chakra and chakra-s in the human body, mulAhdAra, etc. ?


(There are nine chakra-s in the shrI chakra and haTha yoga

identifies seven in our body: mulAdhAra, svAdhiSThAna, maNipura,

anAhat, vishuddhi, AjnA, sahasrahAra. Also there is some confusion

between svAdhSThAna and maNipura due to conflicting descriptions

in haTha yoga and saundarya laharI.)


2. lalitA and the 15 nitya devI are associated with the

phases of waxing moon. What about the phases of waning

moon ? One would expect shrI vidyA to take both these

into account. Can some one shed some light on this and

if possible on the significance of these in our life.




Best regards

Shrinivas Gadkari






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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagathu "






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Namaste Ganapathy-Vijaya,


Thanks for the detailed response. And thanks also for the

useful information that you have posted in your other messages.


Best regards

Shrinivas Gadkari

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Dear sree vijaya,


thank you so much for this informative post . i


In tantra, the human body is referred to as ' kalpavriksha' -the

wish fulfilling tree. i believe there is a 'kalpavriksha' mantra as



could you kindly elaborate on this, please.


om shri matre namaha!

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