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Bhaskararayar -- part one

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Sub : Mahaan Pujya Sri BHASURANANDANATHA alias Pujya Sri BHASKARARAYA ( PBR )








I was planning to post an article on this Mahaan about a month back and somehow

missed it until the devotee of this group asked about the details of the life

history of this Mahaan and it occurs to me as if it is divine reminder on the



No upasana is complete without knowing the legendary genius's life .He is

regarded by Sri Vidya upasakas as Adi Sankara for Sri Vidya in short.




The life history of PBR was not much known earlier and only sketchy details were

available with very few instances of his life here and there. Mahaan Pujya Sri

"SIR" Chidhanandanathar did an extensive research on all his works uncovering

minute details, correlating information -- the end result is an authoritative

information available to us on PBR to day.




This article would be posted in two parts.




The first part would cover the life history and contributions to SRI VIDYA and

varied sastras.




The second part would deal with the divine stories and miracles associated with





F I R S T P A R T :




PBR was born to Sri Gabhiraraya and Smt Konambika -- A Brahmin maharastrian

family and their family tree can be traced to several Maha Vidwaans in Veda

Sastras. PBR belongs to the Vishwamita Gotra and born at BAGHA -- as per Sir it

is the present Hyderabad and as per others it is in Maharastra near Sangli or

Beet. His precise date or year of birth could not be found out except that he

has been known to have lived for 95 years.




His era is estimated to be between 1690 A.D to 1785 AD . Though his Sishya

umanandanatha has written a Kavya on PBR, no date or year is mentioned and based

on the year of this kavya as one of the evidence his life period has been





At the time of birth he has been described as having a bright face like a rising

sun and as an infant he was initiated to VAKDEVATHA MANTRA by his father. His

extraordinary learning skills were evident even as a boy when he could master

the toughest grandhas and sastras to the surprise of everyone known to him.




Gamhiraraya later goes to a pilgrimage with his family to KASI ( Benaras ), when

he performs the upanayana to PBR.His father thereafter arranges for Veda

Adyayana in a village -- Lokapalli, the Guru being Sri Narashima Yajwa.




Later he gets the Sri Vidya Purnabhisheka from a great Gujarathi Devi Upasaka --

known as Pujya Sri PRAKASHANANDA ( alis SHIVA DUTTA SHUKLA ) and gets the

Deeksha nama as Bhasurunandanatha.




Due to his extraordinary abilities and Bhakti gets the Manthra Siddhi very

quickly and with the permission of his guru procceds to Bharat Yatra for

dissemination of knowledge and mantra sastras. Where ever he goes , he also

acquires the knowledge from leading personalities of that time like Sri Gangadra

Vajpaye -- the knowledge on gowda tharka sastras. Even at that time PBR realises

the nearly disappearing status of Atharvaveda (like the Maha Perivaal) and

decides to learn and master this atharva Veda.Later on he had many sishyas for

atarva veda also.




After the period of learning and pracharam PBR marries one Aanandi and gives

Deeksha to her with the nama Puja Smt Padmathi Amma. Just like the Adi Sankara

won over Mandala Mishra, PBR wins over a noted vidwaan in vallabha sampradaya

from Gujarat and on his way back wins over another scholar Madhava yeti .

Pleased with this this the yeti gives his puvasrama daughter to PBR in marriage.


He later on takes his two wives to Kasi and lives there for quite a number of

years doing Yagnas like samaya and spends his time initiating devotees to Sri

Vidya and teaching. Here at Kasi he performs various miracles and comes into

contact with many jeevan Mukthas like Swamy Kumkumananda.




PBR'S divine abilities were well known to many kings at that time and he

accepts the invitation from various kings belonging to the Chatrapathi Shivaji

lineage. In response to the request of a king he comes and lives on the banks of

river Krishna and does the SURYOPASANA ( worship of the Sun ) to convert a born



( napumsakan ) Sri Ramachandra Jadav to a male and succeeds in doing. Lord

Surya himself appears before him and PBR writes a grantha in praise of Sun

worship ---- " DRUSHA BASKARAM "




In the later part of his life, on the invitation of he King Of Tanjore belonging

to the Bhosale Vamsa , PBR accepts an entire village as a gift from the king

because of the only reason that his Tarka Sastra Guru Sri Gangadhara Vajpey was

living in Tiruvalangadu - near kumakonam on the other bank that is south bank of

Kaveri river .




Here he is said to have brought for daily worship a MUSLIM WOMAN from Andhra

through his yogic powers and WORSHIP HER AS DEVI and send her back after puja.




PBR left his mortal coils at a ripe age of 95 at Bhaskararayapuram and reached

SRIPURAM. He had several disciples from all parts of India as a result of

extensive tour and many were from royal families. He was DEVI INCARNATE

proficient in all Vidyas.,Vedas,agamas,sastras and vedantas




PBR's works were mainly in Sanskrit and highly extolled for their scholastic

research ,excellence, vastness and depth ,richness of intellectual acumen with

spiritual experience as a result of Sri Vidya Sadhana yielding transcendental

revelation on the Scriptures for the generations to come.




It is said that PBR had the distinction of giving the commentary on LS which

Adi Sankara wanted to do but could not do as Sankara was prevented by Devi

herself and ended up in a commentary on the Vishnu Sahasranama. PBR"S Bhasyam

on LS known as SOUBHAGYA BHASKARAM is the only authoritative and widely

accepted commentary on LS and is considered a master piece. In this work itself

he has given cross reference to 169 Grandhas which reveals his ocean of





The exact place where he lived has been now identified at Bhaskararajapuram --

at Tiruvalankadu near Kumbakonam -- Tamil Nadu and the VISWA SRIVIDYA PARISHAD

is planning to acquire the land to build a memorial for him.






Let us get to know some his main works:






S U B J E C T Name of the work.






Vedanta …… Chanda Bhaskaram, Neelachala Chapetika




Mimamsa ………….. Vada Kowthuhalam, Paattachandrodayam




Viyakarana ………………. Rasiranjani




Niyaaya …………………. Niyaya Mandanam




Chandas ………………..




Chando bhaskaram,Chandas kowsthubam,Vruttha





kaavyam …………. …. Chandrashaala,Mathuramlam,Baskara Subhasitham




Vaaideekam …………… Vaaideka kosham




Smruthi …………………. SmruthiTatwam,SahasraBojanaKandika,


EkadashiNirnaym, Pradoshanirnayam, DrushaBhaskaram,KundaBaskaram.





Sthotra …………………….. Shivasthvam , Devisthvam , Shivadandakam,

Viyakyana on Shiva Ashtora nama stotra




Manthra sastram ……. Kathyotham ( Bhasyam on Ganapathysahasrama)


Sowbhagya Baskaram (

Bhasyam on LS )


Sri Suuktha Bhasyam


Sri ratnalokam


Gupthavathi ( Bhasyam on Devi

Mahatmeeyam )


Saptha Sloki


Mala Mantro daram ( relared to

Katga Mala )


Sethu Bandanam ( Bhasyam on vamakeswara Tantra )


Sri ratnaa lokam ( Parasurama

kalpa Sutra

bhasyam )


Thriproupanisad Bhasyam


Varivasya Rahasyam


Kowlo-upanishad Bhasyam ]


Nada navaratna mala



Tripura sundari Bahya

Varivasya rahasyam ( Bahya Puja Vidhi


Chandralaamba Mahatmyadika


Bhavonopanishad Bhasyam

and Pryoga








Anke Koti Namaskarams to the Lotus Feet of Sir












Ganpathy = = = Vijaya










sudarshan balasubramanian <sudarshanbalasubramanian wrote:

Sri Rama Jayam


Namaskarams to all,


I have heard a lot about Mahaan Sri Bhaskararayar, but do not know anything

about his life and preachings. I have also heard about a place called

Bhaskararajapuram near Thanjavur where he lived and the Ambaal that he was

worshipping is kept here and also supposedly this place is like Kashi for Sri

Vidya Upasakas. Can somebody please provide details about this Great person and

also this place Bhaskararajapuram, as to where is it located and how can we

reach it?


Thank you


With regards


Sudarshan Iyer


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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagathu "






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There are several ways to reach Bhaskararajapuram. via train - you can get

down at kuttalam, before mayavaram and then take a taxi to

Bhaskararajapuram. Or from Mayavaram any bus going thro thirukkOdikAval will

go via Bhaskararajapuram. If you dont mind walking, you can take a bus to

thiruvAlangADu. Walk down to the river bed and go across the river to


In thiruvAlangADu there is a beautiful Siva temple which has now been

discovered to be very old (the details I believe were published in

Ramakrishna Vijayam a few months back). The swami there is vaTAraNyeshwara

and ambaal is vaNDaarkuzhali. The kurukkal there can give more details about

the temple. His son is the kurukkal at Bhaskararajapuram.

We tried to see the vigrahas Bhaskararaya worshipped. There was nobody who

could give proper details about its whereabouts.




> Can somebody please provide details about this Great person and also this

place Bhaskararajapuram, as to where is > it located and how can we reach


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