Guest guest Posted April 11, 2003 Report Share Posted April 11, 2003 o Sub : LALITHA SAHASRANAMA AND THE WORD " KULA " Kula is the power of Brahman and Akula is called the Brahman. He who knows the Atma to be essentially Kula and Akula is called kulina. (Kularnava Tantra.) This word Kula has been used in different contexts with different meanings in LS -- kuleswari- Kulamruthaika rasika - kulasanketha Palini -- Kulangana -- Kulandasta-- Kulayogini-- Akula--Kulakundalaya -- Kulsrupini -- Kuloothirna. Let us look at the meanings of these holy manthras. AKULA : Kula also means parents, family etc and Ambal is beyond all these and hence she is Akula and she is beyond birth. Akula is also a place on the top of the Sushumna Nadi in Sahasrara. The opposite of kulachara is known as Akulachara, which is commonly known as Samyachara. KULA YOGINI ; She is also known as Kula yogini connected with Kula worship. The other meaning is that She can be directly perceived through the Hatha yoga and other types of yogas which involves the six charkas from Mooladhara to Sahasrara.( the cinjugation of the akula and kula ). It also refers to contemplation of Sri Lalitha devi in Sri Chakra -- prayers connected with the ways and procedures of Kulachara. She who blesses a jiva to be born in a good family for a yoga. Kulasankethapaalini She, who guards the secrets of Kula. The kula is also the shakthi, which sleeps in a secret place in the body (kundalini). All matters, science and secrets in the tantras that deal with Kundalini -- like why it sleeps and it should be aroused and once aroused what sidhies one gets and what happens when the kundalini travels towards sahasraras --which are explained not directly but ambiguously in a doubtful manner, solely to protect the secrets of the science and technology that deals with the raising of kundalini ,so that only the eligible in the Kula gets this knowledge. She chooses this eligibility. In devi Upasana there are three types of secrets -- relating to Chakra, relating to Manthras, relating to Pujas. Kulangana ; She is also known as Kulangana. She, who is as a Kula Woman. She, who guards the secrets and commendation of the good family like a Chaste Woman. Just like a chaste woman who is normally not apparently visible but at the same close to her known persons, Ambaal veils herself in the screen of Avidhya -- The Maya. The Srividya upasana is a highly confidential one. This should not be revealed to anyone undeserving or the unworthy. She can be known only through Deekshas done as prescribed for knowing Her and Hence She is Kulangana.( Kularnavam and kulpa sutras ). Kowlini : The aspect of the united form of Shiva And Shakthi is Kowlini. Kula means shakthi and Akula is shiva and the unity is Kowlini. The ONE TRUTH, which looks DUALISTIC, and the relationship between the two, which has to be perceived, is the Knowledge of Kowla. The Srichakra that has Shiva Chakras and the Shakthi charkas independently and in also united in the intersection is also known as kowlini. The Kula shakthi is always the Dynamic one and the shiva shakthi is the static one. If the static shakti has to be united with the dynamic one . only the dynamic one has to reach the static one and the matters connected with this is Kowlam. One of the Vaakdevi aspect of Sri Lalitha is also known as Kowlini. In the external worship of Srichakra the three aspects of worship -- the upasaka - Devi - Devotional worship is also known as Kowlam and therefore Kowlini. Kulanthastha : She, who is in Kula. She who is as trichotomy in Mathru (an instument), Mana ( intellect), and Meya ( the thing which is measured.) She is who can be known through the Kula tantras. In all good families, two things would be well known - one the family and the family tree and She who is as Shakthi in SUCH families found in every house,street,village or nations. The Shushmna Nadi is also known as Kula and she sleeps here in every person as Kundalini. Kulamruthaikarasika : The amruth or the nector which flows through out the body when the kundalini reaches sahasrara is known as KULAMRUTHAM . In that state all the dualities liquidates and you are the supreme bliss and in that state one remains with the body only 21 days without any body consciousness. (When paramahamsa was in that state, his Guru fed him compulsorily to bring him back to the body consciousness, solely for the benefit of mankind, but for this Guru the humanity would have missed a great Sri Vidya sadhak and an incarnation of Devi) our temporary happiness of the senses is also but to a only fraction of a million of the kulamrutham, where as the Yogi gets the full benfit of it as the ultimate Happiness or the eternal bliss. This state is the Nirvikalpa Samaadhi. Kulootheerna : We saw the different meanings of Kula and here the kula means that the She cannot be perceived through the instruments of the integrated Indriyaas. That is to say -- She can be realised only through bhakthi,Bhawana and Knowledge. Kulaeshwari : She who is the Eshwari for the Kula. And pl refer to the meaning of kulanthastha also. Kulakundaalaya : She who resides in the Kulakundala - that is the place where the kundalini resides. Also cross refer to Sondarya Lahari 10th Shloka -- Avaabya swom Bhumim…….. in this context. Kowla marga tatpara sevitha : She, who is worshipped in the traditions of Kowla -- the traditions of Kula upasana. Which includes sacrifices also. The Srividya upasana has three margas which are the Samaya Marga- Kowla Marga-- Mishra Marga. The vaideeka marga has been followed by the Suka,Vashishta,Sanka,Sananda and the Santhkumara all Brahma Rishies.This is known as Samyachara. The Mishra marga has been dealt in the eight tantras chandrakala, jyothsnaavathi, kalanidhi, kularnava, kuleshwari, bhuvaneshwari, Barhaspadya and durvasa tantras. These tantras also deal with Kowla marga. These marga also contains the procedures and practices of the VAMACHARA.which is also equally accepted by Devi ( pl see meaning in LS samayachara tatpara and Savyapa Savya Margastha ). The kowla Marga is supported by the 64 tantras. The main purpose is to bring any type of person down trodden spiritually, only if the person has grace of Devi, to higher spiritual planes with the use of Avaidic substances -- the Pancha makaras. I think we have dealt enough on these pancha makaras and vamachara on the earlier mails. The purpose of these substances is to also slowly de addict the person from these lower substances through control and put him to a higher spiritual orbit. Kula Rupinee : She, who is as kula. The several multiple meanings as aforesaid. JAI KULA RUPINEE Ganapathy === Vijaya Ganapathy --- Vijaya " Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari " " Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath " Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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